"Hey kid."

I turned to see who it was, but no one there. I froze for a bit when I realized I've heard that same voice before. I went out at the back just like how mom told me to… I used to ignore everything around me, but what the hell is going on? I took the large branch with leaves to brush off my foot prints, then suddenly I paused. I saw her again, that weird girl from school. My classmates assumed she was one of my relatives since she follows me around at school, I never really talked to her.

CORPSE: Stop calling me kid, I'm a month older than you. Go back home, you'll get in trouble if you follow me.

I can't believe this girl, I know I'm supposed to get used to her weird sudden appearance since we've been living close to each other since we were three. I kept on pushing her away but it doesn't seem to work. I gave up when we were five, not to mention we're already ten. I took her hand and pulled her behind the huge tree my grandpa refuse to cut down.

CORPSE: Seriously Violet, you should go. There's probably something serious.

VIOLET: She was here.

CORPSE: Did you tell your dad where you're going?

VIOLET: *nods*

I took the rope she was holding and tied it to our wrists. When we started walking to who knows where Violet pulled me inside an abandoned street. I glared at her, she knows I hate going here. She pointed at one of the oldest house at Sea street. It was my mom, Casper and one of the Police men. How did they get there so fast? I was about to stand up but then she pulled me back in the ground. I was going to untie me, but then she turned my head towards a woman with a red umbrella. It's not sunny nor rainy, I was starting to think she was nuts or somehow related to Violet.

CORPSE: Your mom?

VIOLET: Don't be so loud she might notice us.

My eyes widen a bit, it was my first time hearing her say something that aren't just one by one words a SENTENCE! It took me a few minutes to remember something… that woman just now, everything matches my aunts description. I kept saying her name over and over till Violet snaps me out of it. She stood up and pulled me when they left. She smiled and dangled a key in front of me. I was guessing it was the keys to that old house.

VIOLET:Do you wanna go?

CORPSE: We should go check it out at night… besides, we should ask Gabe for help. His dad won't be home by midnight, right?

VIOLET: *nods*

We both went to her house to wait till 10pm to fetch Gabe. Good thing her mom isn't sus about anything that went down earlier. Usually she asks me about how the investigation with my aunt is going and if they found anything yet. Well it does make sense that she stopped cause they closed the case. While Violet's in the bathroom I decided to go check on her mom at the kitchen. As I was walking close I could hear her, she's on a phone call. All I heard was enough. I went to get Violet and left. We took the bikes that were parked near their house and went to Gabe's place. When we got there I saw mom on their front door.

Violet saw Gabe coming down his window using a rope made out of his bed sheets.

When the lights from his bedroom lit up we mouthed "play ground" and left as fast as we could. We took different roots to get there in case someone follows us. Assuming they'll follow us, why though? When we got there all of us were panting, mostly sweaty. Gabe threw something to Violet. They both started whispering something to each other. I left them for a bit to check something out.

GABE: Hey dude!

There's no way in hell I'm believing this…

GABE: Hey… are you oka—Holy shems.

CORPSE: That… that girl.

Before we could do anything we heard a car honk. None of us looked behind to check who it was, but it was mom. Violet tugged my shirt, Gabe was starting to make excuses and I just stood there. Locked inside of an oblivion. I couldn't hear for a moment, but then when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned.

CASPER: Time to go kid.

Mom took the three of us home, our home. All of the guests are gone except for Casper, Kain ,Keanne, Rayley, and Kian. Violet and Gabe's mom is here too, I assumed they were gonna yell at us or ground us but they just looked worried. I was ready to take the blame, but then I remembered something.

CORPSE: Why was the Police here earlier?

CASPER: You shouldn't have went too far from ho—

CORPSE: Sorry, but why are you guys still here?

Mom glared at me. Jonas walked in with the umbrella that we found at the playground. He kept on swinging it in front of Casper as if he was mocking him. Both of them was shut by my mom by a single glare. I believe in women supremacy, salute. I tried my best not to laugh on serious events but watching two guys who's probably 6'1 and 5'8 tall being scolded by a 4'11 girl is just comedy to me. I almost forgot about what happened earlier.

JES: Do you any idea how worried we were, why did you ran off with Violet like that?! And you have to bring Gabe? He's sick Corpse.

CORPSE: Why are you mad at me? You're the one who told me to go out and didn't give instructions where to go. Were there reasons? None! Don't even try to use my age as an excuse of not being able to understand the situation. Mom.

Everyone just stood there, the room was quiet. Maybe I did went over the line there for a sec but c'mon it doesn't mean I'm a kid I wouldn't understand a thing. I hate it when they use my physical form instead of my mental state as a "Reason." Uncle Jonas couldn't even kill a cockroach without calling out to me.

KEANNE: Hey, that looks similar to Valerie's.

JONAS: *chuckles* I know right? Come to think of it, it's kinda cool. Where did you find this lil dude?

Kain snatched the umbrella from Jonas. His face suddenly turns pail. Violet took a peek even though I told her not to. Everyone looked at Violet and asked her what does it say. Gabe kept on pulling my shirt.

GABE: Hey pull her back.

CORPSE: Shut up, this is the only thrill I get today.

CASPER: What does it say?

VIOLET: I was here.

Mom took the umbrella and went outside, Casper followed her. All of us went to the window to take a look of what's going on, they were talking silently. It wasn't long when their phones started ringing, Violet's phone vibrated. She showed me the notification, it was just jumbled letters. Violet whispered to Gabe, he rushed outside and showed him the message. This is getting interesting… I should probably hang with mom more often.

VIOLET: Hey, it knows you.