GABE: Hey Corpse, wait up!

He put his arm around my shoulder, I feel a bit strange. I was guessing that he might ask for something. While we were walking home I could hear some people whispering stuff, their eyes were directed to me so I assumed they were talking about two days ago. Guess I have to live with it. I stopped walking when I saw Violet on the third floor, she was surrounded by a lot of guys. Gabe didn't seem to notice, he then made her the topic.

GABE: Did you heard about Violet? There's rumours that she's a witch, ridiculous right? Come to think of it why were you hanging out with her the other day?

CORPSE: Huh? We weren't… I mean yeah, it was nothing. We're not friends either, it just happened.

GABE: Dude she literally knows a lot of stuff about you, isn't that creepy to you? Plus I don't even get why she talks to you casually, she has this style… kind of like your aunt Valerie. She's being compared to her a lot. Don't you think it's weird that our moms are friends with hers? We really have to find a way for her to stop clinging to you, she's creeping me out. I'm surprised you can still cope with it.

CORPSE: HEY. I think I left my pen at the class room, I'll catch up with you later.

GABE: Dude, were you even listening? Ughhhh~ wait up!

When we got there they all left, but before they did they whispered something to her. Gabe laughed a little , he stopped when I glared at him. I was going to turn back but then I felt guilty even though I did nothing. This is taking up too much of my energy, I want to sleep. It's even making me hungry, I haven't eaten since morning

GABE: Yo, where are you going?

CORPSE: Home, I'm already hungry.

GABE: Didn't you say you were going to get your pen or did you chicken out cause Violet is--

CORPSE: Whatever.

He mumbled some things over and over till we pass Violet. I tried to ignore her, but it bothers me every time I think about what happened the other day. It's weird… I just have a theory that she might have seen that woman before. I wanted to ask her before they left, but with Gabe around it would have been hard. When I checked under my chair I couldn't find my pen. We both checked each arm chair but we couldn't find it. Gabe sighed and looked at Violet, I know what he's thinking. I just picked up my bag and right after we turned around we both screamed after Violet showed up. Violet giggled after hearing Gabe scream like a girl. She handed me my pen, I noticed her arm has bandages. She pulled her sleeves down when she saw me looking at it.

GABE: What happened to your arm?

VIOLET: I-it's nothing, bye.

She left a note on the door before she ran away. I have a feeling that today will be another tiring day. Gabe seems to be intrigued , I should hire him as my substitute sometimes. I got hit by a water bottle when I ignored the note, I took a deep breath. I was hoping he'd ignore it, I turned and glared at him.


GABE: Read it, it might be something.

CORPSE: You read it, I'm too young for stress.

GABE: Fine.

He rolled his eyes, he's the one who said I shouldn't be hanging with her. Why would I bother reading her note if he suggested I should get rid of her. Some people are confusing.

GABE: Hey dude, you might want to read this yourself.

CORPSE: I thought you said I shoul—

GABE: No wait, it's about the other day. It might be related to that creepy woman you guys saw.

"She was here."

What the… did she mean the woman with the umbrella? Ok, this is enough.

GABE: Hey, why are you—Hoy! Are you even listening to me?! Why the heck did you throw that away? That could be a clue.

CORPSE: Everyone says she's weird and might be crazy, you suggested a plan for her to stop clinging to me. It's obviously going to make me curious if I read it, so why bother? If I did or will be curious that leads to me interacting with her.

GABE: Fair point… you know what let's just forget about what I said.

CORPSE: Let's just do what you want tomorrow, I want some shanghai.

GABE: Fine.

When we got outside his mom was waiting for him at front, I left him after he asked me not to. I have no interest getting in between his mother and son feud over cleaning his room. It was hilarious watching them argue.

It was the last minute when I decided to stop by at Violet's house. I really want to ask a lot of questions, though asking if she have seen that woman before would be enough for today. When I was about to ring the door bell the door opens and Violet comes out. She has a camera on her neck and is holding a small box. She looked surprised as if she wasn't expecting me to be here, I guess she just left the note to let me know. When I looked down I saw the piece of rope I tied to the both of us the other day.

VIOLET: Y-you came.

CORPSE: Can I ask you something?

VIOLET: That lady… she was at school. Is she her?

She showed me a cut out article of my aunt, it's impossible. There's no way she'd survive… if she had then who was the body they saw? The corpse matched everything, the descriptions were too accurate not for her not to be it. There was an autopsy, their DNA matched… HOW? I thought of a theory the moment I saw that woman the other day, maybe she's an impostor? BUT why would she be? Everyone knows both her brothers businesses went bankrupt spending millions for the search… They're all starting from scratch.

VIOLET: She left this box on the library, at school. You should ask your mom about this.

She gave me the box she's holding. When I opened the box it was full of cut outs of articles about aunt Valerie and Casper. There was a picture of both of them, they looked very close. It's the first time I've seen aunt Valerie smiling on a photo.

VIOLET: Here, I figured you're still curious about the old house.

My trust issues went from 0 to 100. How did… I suddenly remembered those rumours about her being crazy and stuff, but if she is then she's probably making this all up. There was a part of me that hope it's true, though trusting someone who lingers around all day long—I felt chills. It wasn't long before I decided to go home. I regret that decision, I hate myself.

JONAS: What's up lil dude!

Great, the annoying one is still here.

JES: Where have you been?

CORPSE: I missed the last ride.

JES: We're only a walking distance, Corpse. Did you ran off somewhere again? It's been an hour since you withdrawn from school.

CORPSE: By walking distance do you mean ten streets away? I can't walk that far and fast, mom.

JONAS: I love this kid, he just roasted you. Valerie did it better but deymmm!! *laughs hysterically*

Mom glares at him, I was trying not to smirk. I was about to drop my bag and go up stairs, but then I noticed someone else… their footsteps doesn't match any of my family members. I ran up and saw a guy.

CASPER: Hey there kiddo.