(4 years ago)

"The itsy bitsy liar went down the porch and out, come came the kid~~"

CORPSE: Jessy, who's that?

A girl wearing a navy blue dress sitting on grandpa's porch was singing, she looked at me and smiled genuinely. I couldn't stop staring at her as I was walking to my aunt's car, when I got in she walked up to her. They looked like they were having a serious conversation, I kept observing the lady. She has long wavy black hair… she looks like grandma. I thought she was just a guest, she seems like a relative.

HARRY: Are you okay, Corpse?

CORPSE: How old are you?

I didn't make eye contact while having a conversation with this man.

HARRY: Well… I'm 22, and you?

CORPSE: I'm turning four, are you going to be my dad?

HARRY: Yep, and that's mom.

He pointed at Jessy, mom huh?

I was lost again. It wasn't long before Jessy went in the car. Harry whispered something as soon as she gets in.

"This kid is weird, are you sure he's just six?"

"What are you talking about?"

"He sounds like her… he even moves like—"


I rolled my eyes and put the volume higher… her…? We were on our way to my new home, but every time I look out in the window it feels as if I was drifting away from someone further and further. It feels heavy and empty somehow. It started raining, and I kept on staring at the raindrops falling. They were still having a conversation about me, they tried to make it not too obvious.

"What if he turns out that way?"

CORPSE: I can hear you.

"Is he even using his headphones?"


They both stopped talking till we reach our destination. It's a big house, looking at it from the outside makes me feel something eerie. When they escorted me inside, it wasn't the house. It was the people. They were all lined up to greet me, not only the people but also the pets. A lady in black got my attention. She was in the kitchen staring at me while eating ice cream. Jessy walked in that room and shut the door immediately. I was curious of who's in there, but then a man stopped me.

"Hey there, I'm Jonas. I'm your uncle, this is your grandma Venice, uncle Vast and Vost, your cousin Rum, my wife Rayley, and of course grandpa Rocky."

They have slightly weird names…

RUM: What's yours?

"Corpse Sykky Veron—" I paused as they looked at me surprisingly.


The woman from grandpa's porch interrupted. I wonder how they get here so fast, grandpa Rocky looked like he was here before us. Though, I didn't notice his car before us… did this man run? I got confused for a sec when they all froze when she arrived. Jessy came out and had the same look on her face, I wonder where the lady is.

JESSY: What are you doing here?

CORPSE: What's your name?

JONAS: Uh… hey buddy let's play in the back yard instead.

He took my hand. Without a doubt they're twins.



I can hear someone calling me from outside. It sounds like Gabe, this is the worse timing ever. I got a glimpse of my aunt's door slightly open. Casper is the only one up here, that door has been locked for years. I noticed he was putting something in his back pocket. Could it be a key? I want him to go away as soon as possible so I could check on the lock.

CASPER: It's your friend.

I didn't notice he was already standing behind me by the window. I didn't want to move yet. Gabe stopped calling out my name. I guess he saw him from the window. I heard the front door opened loudly, it was a big BANG! I looked in the window, Gabe is still standing there.

CORPSE: What's going on?


I can hear them whispering about something from down stairs. Gabe started running towards Violet's house. I glared at Casper. It definitely has to do something with Valerie.


Why is he counting?

"How is she still alive?!"

CASPER: Three.

My eyes widen, wait… that was mom. I turned around, but deep down I was hesitating. Casper is silently staring at the window. He looks so calm, and suddenly I heard someone mentioned his name. He's smiling down, and when I stood beside him at the window I saw Violet. Gabe was showing her a newspaper, our eyes met. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it's warm.

CASPER: Does she remind you of someone?

I sighed, yeah she does actually. It's too ridiculous to even think about it. I wonder if he's close with Valerie. No one is allowed to go in her room not unless someone gave him permission. It seems that they trust him, usually mom will be the one to escort me or anyone in the family just to see Valerie's door. She'd guard that person till they leave, and a part of it is because a lot of my family members tried to break in that room. Wonder what's in it. The last person in it was Valerie and no one else, not even the investigators were granted permission.

CASPER: I'll take the awkward silence as a yes.

It wasn't long before I heard mom rushing up the stairs. It seems like Mr. Silent ass knows what's going on downstairs. He winked at me, really though I wonder what the hell is with this guy.

JESSY: They found her.

Her eyes, it doesn't look like she's lying. I looked at Casper, he doesn't look surprised. Maybe he knows something's going down.

CASPER: By the way have you seen the news? It's great.

His relaxed face can be seen on the reflection of the window

JESSY: Casper please, this is serious.

CASPER: I am serious, don't you find it intriguing? Anyways I'm going home, I'm too tired for this.

I kinda like him now.

JESSY: What is wrong with you?! They found all of the bodies! Please tell me you read the news.

I looked down at the window, they're still there. I ran down as fast as I could. I kept on ignoring and anyone who tried to get my attention. Uncle Jonas blocked the door, and everyone was staring at me oddly. I notice someone standing at the kitchen. I can't focus my eyes yet, however I can still recognize their voice. It's Rum.

JONAS: No one is going out.

RAYLEY: Hey kiddo, I think it's best not to talk to your friends for a while.

"Let him." Rum interrupted.

RUM: Long time no see partner.

He smiled. Thank God he's here, I'm happy he's back. It's been two years since I last saw him. He's the only one I can talk about serious stuff in the family.


RUM: He's not the suspect here, besides he's just a kid. He shouldn't be hearing about this kind of stuff, go ahead. Be home before dark hits though.

He winks at me. Jonas steps aside and opens the door. He doesn't look like he's in a good mood. When I got out Gabe and Violet ran towards me and held out the newspaper.

"SHE'S BACK: red umbrella"

This is the corniest headline I've ever seen. I couldn't help but laugh about it, guess they wouldn't get much from this headline pffttt—

GABE: I know, right?

VIOLET: You should read it, it's on page 11.

I turned it to page 11 and tried to imitate Uncle Jonas's voice.

*clears throat*

"Blah blah, oh here we go. A dead body that belongs to Toby Manila, an eight years old boy that went missing two weeks ago was found at the famous DAXON BARN located in just five streets from the poor boys home. Once again Maria Valerie Veron Asher shocked the citizens from LEMONRY LANE, in just two weeks ago the famous Asher was reported found dead in SUMMER TIME LAKE—blah blah… All the remaining bones and corpses from the twenty missing children were found buried under the DAXON BARN entrance—"

GABE: That's crazy, who the hell will bury their victims on the f*ck**g entrance?! That's just stupid.

CORPSE: What do you think?

I looked at Violet. This time she didn't looked nervous in talking.

VIOLET: It doesn't look like she doesn't want anyone to see.

GABE: So she wants to get caught?

VIOLET: *nods*

Gabe hits her head with an empty water bottle and started teasing her stupid. I wonder what she's up to, everything just doesn't make sense. Hidden meanings are sure to be there, but for what? She has everything she wants when she was growing up, our family seems to be fine… I'm curious. Why does she keeps on running away?