"Hey! Meet me at the back after school, okay? Don't tell anyone!"

VIOLET: Has he been always this stupid?

I sighed and nodded. I low-key want to hit his head right now.

RUM: Why was he shouting when he doesn't want anyone to know?

I sat on the stairs at the porch, finally inner peace. Rum sat beside me and whispered to me "Isn't she the girl who follows you around?" I nod. He kept on staring at her, and it was uncomfortable even for me. I was about to tell him to knock it off, but then the newspaper boy came. Jonas snatched the newspaper that Rum bought.

RUM: Hey that's mine, I used my money.

JONAS: Buy a new one.

RUM: Rude. *rolls eyes*

He rushed inside the house. I stood up and called the newspaper boy and bought one. I scratched my head when I saw Valerie on the headline again. Can't they find something else than this? Politics perhaps… Never mind our government sucks. Before I opened the newspaper I noticed Violet hasn't left yet, she should be on the bus stop by now.

CORPSE: You should be at school.

VIOLET: It's Christmas eve.

I blinked twice before realizing it is. Why the hell was Gabe wearing his school uniform?! Rum burst out laughing when he realized the date. Violet started giggling. Rum and I looked at each other. Rum used to be her playmate before she started following me around. Guess it was a first for the both of us. I shook my head and turned it to page 24.


Why would they use ghost when she was still alive when it all hap— Hold up.

CORPSE: Hey Violet, wasn't it just two weeks when that Toby kid went missing?

Rum's eyes widen, he ran inside the house. Pretty sure he was thinking what I was thinking. This can't be real, if so then the authorities are stupid. Only someone naïve would believe this, but first I need to walk Violet home. She shouldn't be mixed up in this type of stuff, and I'm kind of surprised her mom lets her hang with us still.

CORPSE: You should go home. We still have some family stuff… sorry.

VIOLET: I don't mind. Mom isn't home anyways… can I wait out here?


We both froze when someone shouted at us. It's Gabe, glad he looks fine.

CORPSE: Welcome back.

GABE: Oh f*ck you s*h*le!!

We couldn't help but laugh, he's sweating a lot. He marched up to me and threw a piece of paper, can't this idiot hold on to his trash till he finds a bin? I rolled my eyes at him. It's another note "ONE TWO TREE." I looked at Gabe after reading it. He shuts me up by claiming it wasn't him and was kept on shouting about how cold blooded we were for not reminding him that it's Christmas vacation.

To whoever wrote this needs to go back to 1st grade, can't even spell three properly. Could be a clue but what's the point? A person, and let's say it's Valerie. Not a conclusion but an example.

Ok this girl goes missing for seven years, and at that time missing children were reported. There's a 50/50 chance of a coincidence. Yeah there's evidence that Valerie has been there and those samples matched her DNA and descriptions. There are a lot of probabilities and theories anyone could come up with. If we're going to talk about Valerie's case it may be quite difficult. First a corpse was found in a lake that also matches her DNA and descriptions, second clues or evidence are appearing that she still stands and lastly there's a possibility she's being framed.

Framing someone who's dead can't be that easy either, but if there was a fault bigger that someone has to go a lot of trouble to cover something up then that means they're that desperate.

GABE: This is getting weird dude, btw here's some advice bro. We're turning 11 and our lives already suck cause math exist, and if I were you I'll ignore it. Oh almost forgot, pretty sure that Casper guy is simping over your dead aunt. I won't hang with him long if I were you. He has a—

*rolled his one finger beside his head and is simply saying he's nuts*

*Violet nods*

CORPSE: You agree?

VIOLET: Yeah *nods*

I sighed, Gabe's right about this one. Come to think of it I haven't done my book report about "Little Women." Still. I wonder how they'll handle it. Gabe took Violet's hand and pulled her across the street to her house. Guess they're getting along just fine.


"Corpse, we'll be home late ok? Make sure to lock the door!"

"Come on Jes, we have to go!"

I sighed as I lie down on my bed. It's almost Christmas, huh? Everything feels too fast for some reason… It was very quiet all around the house, then suddenly Rum barged in my room. I closed my eyes for a bit and sighed. Mom is totally going to kill me for breaking the new lock on my door. He comes close with a garbage bag and a shovel.

CORPSE: Who did you killed?

RUM: Who do you think I am? Anyways, the dog died help me bury him.

CORPSE: Hurray another one. *cheers sarcastically*

RUM: Yeah very funny, now help me idiot it stinks.

Great, so this is how I'm going to spend my vacation. We went out to the old street where there's a short cut to the pet cemetery. Usually there's guards roaming even on holidays, but when we got there it was so quiet and deserted. We turned on our flashlights since no one would see anyways and cut a hole on the fence. It's made from thin wires, but I noticed they covered it up with wood.

CORPSE: We have to climb.

*rustling noises*

Rum grabbed my arm, and for the record he's five years older than me.

*rustling noises continues*

I took the trash bag from him and threw it over. It sounded like it dropped on a person.

"Yo, who the f*ck?!"

Rum started screaming like a lost 8yrs old girl in the mall. My ears were ringing from all the high pitch screaming, and when I pointed the light at the fence I saw Gabe.




Violet, has he even heard her scream?

The two stopped and even I froze when we heard sudden giggles and rustling noises behind Gabe. It was too dark that we couldn't make out what's behind him. When I pointed my flashlight nothings was there.

"Help me."

The two started screaming again, and Gabe started climbing over and they both ran. I couldn't move, I could just hear them calling me and telling me to run. But I was still frozen, trying to make out who's in there.

CORPSE: Hello?


I just kept on pointing my flashlight in the middle, I'm still frozen. The rustling felt like it was getting closer on my right. I think I just had a mini heart attack when I felt cold hands on both my shoulders, and—


Legs please work legs please work OIIIIIIII WORRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!

VIOLET:What are you doing here?


CORPSE: HEY! Don't sneak up on people you freak!

VIOLET: Sorry I was just passing by and *speed talking that I couldn't hear it correctly cause my brain says NAH* I was just going to bury our cat, he died when—

CORPSE: Pause.

VIOLET: W-what?

CORPSE: When did your cat died?

VIOLET: When I came home mom was crying on the back, and then she told me that our cat died. They told me there's a short cut here so I— please don't tell anyone. It feels like trespassing.

CORPSE: Actually it is.

And the two didn't come back, I can't believe they got so worked up on— wait if Violet came from my right side which is we're both outside… then who's in there? I told Violet about the dog and what happened earlier that made those two idiots run and scream like children. Avoiding the part when we heard someone say "Help me." Both of us continued to climb over to bury our pets.

When we got inside we both saw footprints. I told her to just don't mind, I assumed someone else used the short cut before us. Well what we heard still bothers me, and I'm surprised Violet isn't scared when I told her that when we arrived at the cemetery. We proceeded to looking for a spot to dig up, and we did but—