You got to be kidding me!

"What the hell are you two doing here?"

I want to go home. QUICK! I turned around and dropped the shovel and the sack of dead animals. I should have jumped when I had the chance long ago.

"Hey kid, where do you think you're going? Don't tell me you're going to leave all the work to Violet."

I stopped walking and glared at him.

CORPSE: Who said she'll be doing the work?

JONAS: Listen here you little shi—

He suddenly stopped talking, guess he's here then. I turned around and saw Casper walking towards us, what are they doing here? It's nearly midnight. IT'S NEARLY MIDNIGHT. My eyes widen when I thought about it. Violet should be home by now. I looked at her and mouth "let's go." She nodded.

CASPER: Violet, why are you here?

Guess he already knows who she is. I tilted my head and got curious of how she rushed towards him with a warm smile. I kept on staring and comparing their faces—

JONAS: Wait… is she…?

Casper ignored his question and continued their conversation a bit far away from us. I sighed and took the shovel and started digging next to a blank tombstone in front on the tree. While I was at it I started thinking about what happened earlier, we were probably just imagining things. After burying the pets I sat in front of the tomb stone, tired. I started talking to the tombstone as if it's a person, I mean there could be someone beneath but hey I'm bored. I wonder what's taking them too long.

JONAS: I'd go home if I were you. Your mom would kill you if she finds out you went out at this hour.

I ignored him and kept on talking to the tombstone.

"Damn, you're as weird as he—"

CORPSE: Valerie?

He smirked.

JONAS: I stopped with "he—" not "she." Now you better clean your ears kid. Anyways, I meant him.

He gestured with his head towards Casper. Sometimes I wonder why Jonas stops acting like a child and acts mature every time he shows up. I was going to ask him, but I thought of a different one.

CORPSE: Don't they celebrate Christmas too?

He sighed and sat beside me. He looks down… he never does. I guess it's something serious, well… come to think of it the news about Valerie is— maybe it's a marriage conflict. I should stop over thinking about everything. It's absurd of me to connect every negative emotion towards Valerie's case.

Jonas looked up at the sky as he brushed his hair, and then he smiled gently. Whatever it is he's going through is obviously making him act more like mom a bit. I find it… ok a little.

JONAS: You shouldn't be hanging with that girl, she's bad for you.

CORPSE: How so?

He gave me a pat on the shoulder then stood. He sighed a lot today, and just after he stood up. I keep count. He looked straight at the end of the street, and man he looks so grown up.

JONAS: Your mom knows you're curious about Val. You shouldn't, she's gone already. The stuff you guys read on the news? Fake. Why would they? We don't know yet. Your mom is making an effort to clean our reputations… you should just hang tight and celebrate Christmas with Rum, sorry we couldn't this year. It's— there's just a lot.

I took the shovel right after he left and passed Casper and Violet who's still having a conversation. When they finally finished Violet ran up to me with a smile. She took my hand and as we were both walking home I kept on wondering what they talked about. When a group of carolling people passed by, Violet suddenly let go of my hand and walked a bit far from me. I could hear them whispering stuff, mostly about her being weird.

As we were getting closer to home the amount of people we were passing by grew, and I could tell she feels uneasy and continues to walk with her head down. I started walking towards her and—

VIOLET: Corpse… they're staring.

CORPSE: It's ok. Just think as if I'm your big brother walking you home.

She nods, and I saw her smiled a bit. Maybe having a little sister isn't that bad, I wonder why mom and dad didn't make one.


We both let go when we saw Rum and Gabe waving firecrackers while running in our direction. Guess someone's going to lose a finger tonight, huh?

They both stopped running and stared at each other for a sec. They tilted their heads in sync and stared at us funny.


RUM: I don't remember going to the cemetery with Violet— Oh wait you guys must have crossed paths, huh?

GABE: Hey Violet, how come you guys don't celebrate Christmas? I forgot to ask your religion the other day.

They both kept on asking her tons of stuff, I want to go home already and drink a lot of coke. I'm tired, and those two idiots did nothing but left me in a freaking cemetery and had the audacity to do an interview in the middle of the road.

RUM: Hey are you okay Corpse? You're speaking to yourself again… It's creepy.

I glared at them… God I wish I can smack them with this shovel.


We were all startled when Jonas just suddenly shows up. He was splashing us with water, and with what? With a freaking water gun, and yet I thought he's acting mature now. He was scolding us from inside of Casper's car. When I looked at Violet, I saw her eyes widen. She bit her lip and told us that she had to go. Whatever the reason is must be reasonable since I'm the last person she was with, and an Asher. Casper is probably being cautious since they look like relatives, come to think of it Casper knew Valerie… I'm curious if he knows it's fake or not. He seems weird at times being the quiet adult in their group. Well it is Christmas so it's probably that.

"You okay? We're going to light the last firecracker soon."

When I turned Gabe was actually holding the firecracker near me and it was lit. The literal lit. IT was almost too late when we both realized it. We started laughing and pretty much enjoying the whole night. So yeah, I'm okay with this. No more investigation, I'm just going to enjoy the rest of the vacation.