Christmas vacation has ended… which means going back to hell. I guess you guys know what I mean by that. It was the usual, me and Gabe going to school together, hearing rumours, getting random questions and being stared at. It's sort of different when Violet isn't around, the teacher didn't told us why she's not in class. Mostly teachers are the ones who get the reason why someone isn't present rather than a classmate is asked to tell the teacher, unlike the other sections.

The rumours just got worse and worse until they changed the whole story. Seriously some of them are just pure ridiculous and nonsense. After an hour of suffering at English class we went out for lunch.

GABE: Hey… it's been two weeks since Violet hasn't come to school, and the third semester is almost over.

Gabe broke the silence, and when some of our English group members heard what he said they sat with us. This is a rare event going on, they usually avoid us. The group leader sat beside me, she tugs my shirt and handed me a note. I looked at her confused, she mouthed "Not now."

RIKA: Hey, is it true that your aunt is alive?

Gabe glares at her while taking a long loud sip of apple juice. It back fired when she giggled at him, the weakling blushed. And yet I thought we were friends (sarcasm btw)

CORPSE: I don't care.

Before I continued eating one of the student council came up to me and dropped a news paper on our table. All of us leaned closer to see what's written, "THE VALERIE DAXON BARN CASE HAS BEEN CLOSED." Wait it is?! We checked the lower left to see what page they emphasized it, but there wasn't. We opened the news paper and that was it, it was just that.

GABE: That was it? Then, that's a good thing right?

Bryan, the student council member showed us another newspaper. He looked around, and he looks like he's hesitating to open it. He opened up his bag and we saw tons of news papers in it.

CORPSE: What's with the—

*bell rings*

He sighed and left without a word. Everyone watched him left while WE WERE ALL SUUUFFFEERRINGGG FROMMM A CCCLIIIFTTTT HANGGERRRR!! I tried not to mind it till the last class we have.

"Ok so tomorrow we will be having our summative test before the 3rd semester finals. Be ready for random questions and surprise activities on the last page of your test papers. That's all, off you go."

Everyone rushed out, and then Gabe came to me and whispered "Hey, let's talk to Bryan. I saw something fishy on the news paper earlier." He pointed out something from my pocket and there I saw the piece of paper our leader gave me earlier. "Let's volunteer for cleaners, Brian is assigned today let's ask him after." I nod.

We waited for our classmates to leave one by one, and we tried to clean slower so that we'd have a reason to stay longer. Bryan walked up to me, too soon. We're five left, me, him, Rika, Gabe and our teacher.

"Finish it up it's almost 7pm!"

EVERYONE: Yes ma'am!

"I'll be off then, oh and Rika dear?"

RIKA: Yes ma'am?

"Make sure to lock the door ok?"

When our teacher left the four of us grouped in, Bryan took his bag and opened it. He took out every last newspaper he got and placed every 21st page in order by their dates. The three of us tried to see what he's pointing out. My eyes widen when I figured it out.

BRYAN: I guess you guys know me for being the newspaper boy in town, uh… so my dad, he's the one who prints the news also he's the chief editor—

CORPSE: Are you sure this is taken at the same day?

They all stared at me synchronized.

BRYAN: How did you—

CORPSE: Didn't your dad noticed?

I already noticed this before, but like I said I'm going to stop messing with my aunt's case. Yet I was still waiting for someone in the family to notice what I saw on the news. Ok so the photo under my aunt's news is the DAXON BARN, and at first I thought it was just an error when there was this blur thing on the huge oak tree. The other photos that we closer made it clearer, and they might not notice this at first but if you'd look closer you can see someone reading a book on top of it.

I pointed at every angle they can get a glimpse of that person, and that got me thinking. "Why was she there?" I don't even think someone is allowed in there other than the Daxons and the people investigating. The face is really blurry, but though it is I feel like I've seen someone wore the same dress before. I just can't remember who.

GABE: Dude… that figure though…

RIKA: Are you even serious right now?

GABE: Why are you he— No wait, what was written on that note you gave Corpse earlier?

BRYAN: A note… did you find something too?

When all of us looked at her I noticed her face was starting to turn red. Gabe and Bryan looked at each other and…

GABE and BRYAN: Get out.

RIKA: W-what? I-it's nothing what are you idiots talking about?!

Bryan gave me a pat on the shoulder while Gabe shook his head in front of me.

GABE: He called you and idiot, totally obvious. You should dump her right now.

Dump…? Does he mean throw away?


While they were at it Bryan took my hand to the corner, he gave me a piece of paper and asked me to leave as soon as after we talk. He also said don't worry about cleaning, and why in the world would I turn that down? But before I decided to go I told him I'll bring the news papers with me. I put everything on my bag and grabbed Gabe's arm and ran out. We stopped at the first ground's hallway, we sat there for a bit. I hate it when I run.

GABE: Did you get anything?

CORPSE: Here, read this.

I handed both the piece of paper that they gave me earlier.

GABE: Let's see…11. 01. 05 "Don't forget." 10. 31. 08 "Find him not me." Where did they get this?

I stood up and asked him to go home. We both went out after a few breathers, and since it's already pass 7:30 why not take the time to go eat out. Besides mom is going to scold at me anyways why not make her testimony to my dad a bit more valid. I mean yeah coming home late and getting scolded cause I went home pass curfew is all ready valid BUT HEY YOLO!

After passing by Sea Street I could tell someone is definitely following us, so why not take a detour? I took my phone out and started recording on my audio, u know just in case. Well this isn't intentional but the nearest facility is the…

GABE: You sure your mom wouldn't kill us if we go pass cur— Hold up this isn't the way to the coffee shop Corpse.


COPRSE: Welcome to the—


CORPSE: I'll keep my mouth shut if I were you.

GABE: Okay fine.

I tilted my head a bit to see if that someone is still following us, didn't see anyone but it's better to be cautious. We climbed over the fence and avoided some cameras. I had an idea that would probably cost me our friendship…

CORPSE: Remember when you said you wanted to go investigate—

GABE: Hold on a sec… didn't you and Bryan talked about that girl you saw on the tree? Remember when we saw cameras?

CORPSE: We can't yet.

I took out my phone and used it as a flashlight, as we were getting further and further the smell of the air changes. Guess they aren't finish cleaning up. We couldn't find anything interesting other than sleeping animals and a dead dog. Yes a dead dog.

GABE: I think we should go back dude, it stinks here. Let's just go tell someone trustworthy what we figured out.

"Aren't you boys supposed to be home?"