An old woman wearing a long night gown shows up from God knows where and just hits us with a question. What do we do…? WE RUN.

While running our way to wherever we're going we happen to see a hole. We ran towards it and guess what we saw? A man dress as a far— you know what I'm done being sarcastic about whatever I see in this barn. I already seen a lot, this just doesn't surprise me anymore. ON THE OTHER HAND Gabe just keeps on screaming as we were trying to find a way to get out of this huge place. BUT thanks to Gabe's agonizing screams that has damaged my eardrums someone found us, but this time it's someone that I least expect.

"Hey! What are you boys doing?!"

Oh sh*t we're toast.

Keanne. She's the twin sister of Kian, another family friend from my mom's childhood. In short they give us free checkups— NOT THE POINT

KEANNE: I'm not going to ask twice kids. I'm aware that you parents told you not to come near the Daxo—


I just nod, but even though I took the fault for dragging him here all the way I glared at him. Also I glared at her. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't question her too, right?

CORPSE: I don't see why they need a doctor for dead bodies here.

KEANNE: And what do you mean by that, kid?

Gabe smiles at her and apologizes, he then grabs my arm which I refuse to come with. Gabe stared at me dead knowing that this woman has the persona of a man from WWE that doesn't know defeat. It doesn't matter if you're a child or not SHE IS READY TO ROAST YOU and DRAG YOU TO YOUR PARENTS. And of course I'm aware of how she's staring at me right now. Btw it's like making eye contact with Lucifer himself.

CORPSE: I mean why are you here?

KEANNE: That's none of your business go—

"That's enough."

The three of us paused when we heard someone from behind coming. When we turned it was Casper. Keanne suddenly went from WWE ring master to I'M SNOW WHITE HA HA HA HAAA~~ *high pitch noises*

CASPER: Who gave you permission to come inside?

CORPSE: The gate has a hole.

Gabe kicks me in the foot, but HEY honesty is the best policy dude. Casper smiles and the atmosphere suddenly changes. His eyes looks dead inside, he walks to us closer and I could feel like there's something weird going on. He looks at something or probably Keanne behind us and looks back.

KEANNE: Go home.

GABE: Sure y- yes ma'am, come on Corpse.

He pulls my arm and again I refuse but I gave in anyways, I got what I wanted. Keanne walked us out and the old lady from earlier watched us from the front door of the barn. I didn't like the vibe she was giving earlier, she was just quiet.

Well after that Gabe and I walked home. When we arrived at sea street we walked faster till we were running. We didn't even notice we went to the wrong route. It wasn't long till we found our way back. Lucky for us Gabe's mom isn't home yet, so we decided to hang a bit later at his place.

We race upstairs and played video games like the usual, like nothing happened. Then right after we finished playing, he suddenly went downstairs and closed all the windows upstairs. He locked his room and I got a little bit of discomfort while I sat on his bed.

GABE: Ok… please tell me I wasn't the only one who saw that b*t*h standing at Sea street.

CORPSE: You mean when you ran away with Rum?

He grabs something from his pocket and threw it on my face, it was another note. SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WITH PROBLEMATIC PEOPLE AND GIVING HINTS WITH NOTES?!

GABE: It's from Violet.

Never mind.

CORPSE: Do you mean you saw someone earlier?

GABE: What of course not.

He smiles at me, and I nod. He picks up the pillow beside me and hits me with it.

GABE: How can you be so clueless? YES EARLIER DUHH!! Dude we didn't even went there in days since Christmas. And you know sometimes I don't even know if you're smart or it's just your memory being wack. YOUR SARCASM SUCK BRO!!

I get his point, but I don't believe in ghosts. Surely he's going to that path, right?

GABE: Dude I'm pretty sure it's a real person, she was— wait hold up can you at least explain why we went to the Daxon barn, got kicked out and you still being here??

I'm surprised with the tone he's using to speak to me. The last time I saw him having a low key breakdown was probably at 5th grade. I smiled at him and just enjoyed the last ten seconds of him being quiet as fudge.

GABE: Corpse Sykky Veron Asher what the f*ck.

He sat on the chair in front of me and sits in a very straight position. You know when it's time for you to talk to the guidance councillor about life and you have to be in your best behaviour? And that's the kind of position he's doing. Well since he's in his ridiculous best behaviour why not give him what he asked for?

CORPSE: I'm going back to the Asher's



He just stared at me confused. He lay down on the bed and pats me on the back. This is a sudden decision I made while we were on our way to the barn earlier. I hope this won't suck. Gabe's mom arrives and told us she'll drive me home after eating dinner with them, I agreed of course. Rule number ten people NEVER REJECT FREE FOOD.

On our way back to my house Gabe suddenly taps me none stop on the shoulder till I got annoyed and hits his hand.


GABE: Dude its Violet!

I lean forward to the window and we passed by Violet, she was talking to someone.

VERONICA: Hey buddy we're here.

GABE: Give us a sec.

VERONICA: Oh, do you boys have a crush on that girl next door?

We glared at her.

VERONICA: Ok! One minute.

We tried our best not to be noticed but Violet seems to have spotted us. I sighed and went out. I waved bye to them, and right just after I turned around Satan himself was standing in front of me. Fire was bursting out of its eyes— to make it short it's mom with a huge shoe ready to hit my ass with it. I don't know why but the person from above sent me a gift, which is my dad.

HARRY: Welcome home s—

JES: Get inside.

My eyes widen and smiled at dad, that's the signal. HELP. When we got inside I noticed the house was quiet, too quiet.

JES: This is the last time I'm tolerating this behaviour of yours! Do you have any idea what time it is?!

HARRY: 10:40—


Ah shoot I'm dead.


HARRY: Wait what, is that true Corpse?

I plan on keeping quiet till she cools down, but I think it's not going to work. Guess I have to bring out my trump card.

CORPSE: Did you guys know about my real parents?

Mom stopped talking and shuts. They both looked at each other and they seem to act weirder than before. I usually ask them that every time I couldn't think of an excuse, and usually they just force me to tell the truth but they just shuts.

JES: Make sure you clean yourself before going to bed.

HARRY: You should go do homework first, I heard you guys have numer… numyer… nu—

CORPSE: Numeracy, oh and after 6th grade I'm planning on going to ASHER PATCH ACADEMY.

Their eyes widen. Asher Patch Academy was owned by my great, great, great something grandparents. No one from the Asher family actually went there except for Valerie. Rum dreams on going there, but unfortunately he didn't pass the entrance exam. Yep, he still has to. The passing grade is 96 and above but he only got 95. His dreams of surpassing the smartest Asher were crushed. Thus he ended up passing at the ROBINSONS COLLEGE and got a grade of 98, which he didn't study for— the point is I got interested, and that's extremely unexpected of me from my parents

HARRY: You want to go there?

I nodded.

Mom was stuck staring at me  and you know that smile you make when you know you f*ck*d up? That smile. Just want to let you know, because this is quite a happy moment for me.

JES: We'll talk tomorrow.