I was sitting on my chair resting after a long week. It was around 5am when I heard knocking from down stairs. At first I assumed it was Jonas and Keanne asking to get wine from my basement again, but no one called out. I went down to check, and when I looked out the window it was Jes and Jonas. I opened the door and let them in.

JES: Sorry to bother you at this hour. Is it ok if we could chat for a bit?

JONAS: It's sort of important… It wouldn't be long.

I nodded and agreed to talk to them. As we were on my way to my study to talk I noticed a lot of folders sticking out of Jes's bag. Is it going to be about Valerie then? I opened the door to my office and offered them a seat. When I sat on my chair I figured I should ask them about our topic.

CASPER: What seems to be important that the two of you are still up at this hour? I assume it's about the missing children's case.

They nodded. Considering both our families circumstances are now difficult. After the issue has been out my family's business has gone bad and I assume that theirs are experiencing worse. Since my father is expecting me to help, I have no choice but to take part of it.

JONAS: Damn, this office is huge.

Jes coughs, she then glares at him. She looked at me straight in the eyes, it gave me chills by guessing what she's about to say.

JES: I apologize for the commotions we've caused these past few years—

CASPER: It's none of your family's fault. If there's one to blame it would be the culprit.

Jonas then interrupts Jes who's about to say something after me.

JONAS: I know this is a ridiculous question, but… do you think it's Val?

I shook my head. I don't believe she's capable of such a thing, she couldn't even kill a mouse when she was still— She did have mental issues, but none of them could lead her to doing such preposterous doings. Still who knows? It would be too naïve of me to think she couldn't change through period of time. Though… who knows?

JES: Did you get any sleep? You're spacing out.

I haven't.

CASPER: It's nothing… anyways I found some documents stating that Corpse is adopted?

Oh cra*p, too soon. They're eyes widen as I asked. Don't tell me they're hiding such an obvious thing? Corpse looks nothing like his parents. Come to think of it, he does look like one Asher. He even acts like her… though I highly doubt the two are related.

JONAS: Well, that's random.

Jes fixed her posture and gave me a concerned look on her face.

JES: Isn't that an odd thing for you to ask Mr. Daxon?

I tried not to chuckle before I explain to them what I mean. Apparently my niece was making a school activity that stated that they have to write down stuff about their friends. She wrote Corpse as one of them, which baffled me. I was spacing out too much that I went out of our topic. This is bad, this would make our conversation longer... I'm sleepy.

CASPER: It seems to be that my niece made a friend, but unfortunately she knows nothing about his family background. I think she was curious, she asked me if he was related to both you and Harry. She was too shy to word it out at first, because she thought it'll be rude to ask. Surprisingly she asked me.

Jonas suddenly stood up and claps his hand.

JONAS: It's Violet right? I KNEW IT!!

I couldn't help but chuckle, Jes's face looks so confused right now. Jonas and I high-fived while laughing at Jes's facial expression. Does she really think I wouldn't notice it either? Besides I'm not used to them talking to me formally.

JES: Come on, that's not the point guys!

Both of us stopped before she starts preaching us.

JES: Look, the point of us talking is to discuss about clearing our names. Now both of you f*ck*ng shut up before I shove something in your mouths!

She clears her throat, and Jonas seems to behave himself today. She took out two folders from her bag and opened it in front of us. It was all of the missing children's autopsy files compiled in one folder. The other one is a photograph of Valerie's corpse and items with it, as well as her autopsy. Jonas puts his hand on his mouth trying not to puke looking at Valerie's decaying body picture. So I was right.

JONAS: How the hell did you had access to getting all these?

He looked the other way trying to avoid looking at all the dead body pictures.

JES: Casper, Roshey told me you guys were planning for an appointment after Valerie's funeral. Well he also told me you told him to cancel it, cause you had to baby sit??

Jonas finally looked back. He looks shock as I was, did Jes met up with Roshey without letting Harry know?

CASPER: What about it?

Jes slides a yellow envelope in front of me. I was hesitating before opening it, and I kept staring at the stamp sealing it. I only know one person who'd use a daisy with an eye in the middle for sealing an envelope. Is he trying to mess with me?

CASPER: Is it from Roshey?

JES: He told me to hand it to you before I ask you something.

I avoided breaking the seal and ripped it on the side, it was a folded paper in it. I opened it quickly, and after reading the address made me more confused. What the hell is Roshey doing at a mental hospital? When I opened it, it was a printed picture of him standing at a yard with patients around him.

"Check the tree."

I stood and take my glasses from my desk and took a look at the tree closer. My eyes widen when I saw a man on the tree with an umbrella wearing a black dress. I had mixed thoughts about this, anything from Roshey or Jonas always makes me feel sketchy.

"My cousin works here part time. While he was touring me I asked him about the guy on the tree, he said "That guy right there likes to imitate people who come here to visit."

At first I thought it'll be hilarious to take a pic with him. So I told him to take a picture of me with him on the background. He also told me he attacks people that those who tried to talk to him. I checked the visitors name and a week ago someone visited Sam Sanders. Their name is "Vivoree Veron." Ask Jes Valerie's middle name, I think it's Veron? It just feels weird, you know? Feel free to check it out I already told my cousin to give you guys a tour."

PS. Sam Sanders is the crazy dude 

I looked at both of them.

CASPER: Why didn't he just send me a dm?

Jonas sighed and shook his head.

JONAS: He sent a letter to us before we went there. When he showed us that he said one of the patients broke his phone. Good thing he printed it earlier. I think he'll arrive around 10am later, want to come with?

I'm still skeptic about this… I mean there is a huge possibility that Valerie isn't the only one who wears black all year with an umbrella right? Perhaps it's a style we're not aware of? Well… he did mention something interesting, but what if it's just someone who happens to have the same surname with Valerie's middle name?

JONAS: Hey dude, I really think you need sleep. You space more often now. Dang, is this what it's like to be old?

I glared at him. Not going to deny I'm extremely tired from work. Unexpectedly I saw a glimpse of Violet peeking out from the door. We might have woken her up, and it looks like that I'm not the only one who noticed it.

VIOLET: I think someone is outside.

We all looked at each other, and I didn't hear anything from outside. Jonas stood up and looked outside the window to check if there's anyone.

JONAS: Uh… guys, I think we have a visitor.

Jes went out to open the door. Violet came to me, scratching her eyes seems to me like she's still sleepy. She tugs my shirt and asked me if I can tuck her in back to bed. I can't really say no to her. I told Jonas to text me who it is before they let them in. I informed him first before tucking Violet in that I'll be back later.

While we were on our way upstairs I was holding her hand to prevent her from tripping. She often do so when she's sleepy, and when we got to her I heard her murmuring something. As I was tucking her in she kept on staring at me trying to keep her eyes awake.

CASPER: Something wrong?

She took something from under the sheets, a photo. I felt uneasy when she showed it to me… It

was a photo of me and Valerie back when we were—

VIOLET: I found it on your book. I was reading pride and prejudice…

She fell asleep. I don't remember putting that there before… I kept on staring at the photo for a while. I was actually curious if she's already familiar of what Valerie looks like, since they don't print what she looks like seven years ago. After that I hurried down to the front door. I saw both of them were waiting outside with Kain. He's… back.

KAIN: Miss me bud?

I looked at him straight in the eyes.

CASPER: Go to hell.

Jonas whispered to Jes "You are soooo deaaddd~"

CASPER: What are you doing here?

KAIN: Lucky you, cause I have good news and bad news.

Jonas came to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

JONAS: We should give him a shot. Besides he came all the way from town to here.

I glared at Jonas. He took off his arm around my shoulder and whispered "I'll take that as a no." Jes looked away when I faced her. I can't believe this woman. I shall remember this betrayal for the rest of my life. She tried to smile at me, and I did return the favor… sarcastically.

KAIN: C'mon don't tell me you can't get over me punching your pretty face back in high school?

Every time he smiles at me makes me want to puke my heart out.

CASPER: Just say what you have to say, let's get this over with.

He sighed. He came close to me and stared at me in the eyes. I can smell his breath in this distance. Does he even brush his teeth? This man needs a mouth wash.

KAIN: You're no fun, you know? Ok bad news first, bad news is a friend told me you're going to be investigated because apparently someone came as witness. They stated that they saw you on their property's CCTV camera being followed by the young boy. I assume you already know who. Good news, there is now good news. You might need a lawyer, so if I were you I'd flee the country.

All three of us said the same thing, "Wow." Well I hope they regret forcing me to listen to him. Unfortunately he looks dead serious, but his suggestion was stupid. Running away would just make me more suspicious. Do I look like a curly ass mf who'd run off with a red umbrella?

JES: Did they have any evidence?

He sighed and tilted his head towards Jes.

KAIN: Well I wish they do… no offence.

I smiled at him sarcastically. He went beside me and started patting my shoulder.

KAIN: Don't worry bud, it might be fake news.

That was the fakest comfort I've ever heard.