I've been looking all over for her since this morning. She never left without a note on the fridge. After getting a snack from the counter I went up stairs, I figured I should play till my heart's content since mom never lets me play for more than two hours.

"Corpse, are you awake son?"

I paused when I heard dad from down stairs.

CORPSE: You off to work?

HARRY: Did mom tell you where she went?

I left the food on the floor and rushed down. Rum, he who just woke up walked in the kitchen looking around. He looks pale, and it shows especially when he wears black.

RUM: Where's aunt Jes?

Aunt Rayley walked in with a bat on her hands. Looks like the two went off to somewhere. She started murmuring stuff, looks like Jonas is going to get beat when he gets home. She was also holding her phone while walking back and forth. I tried to focus my eyes on it, and it's her conversation with Jonas.

CORPSE: Is he with mom?

RAYLEY: YES, he said they're going to Marry Paths!!

RUM: The mental hospital?

I looked at dad, what the heck are they doing at a mental hospital? Dad sighed and scratched his head. He went to the fridge and handed her a cup of cold coffee. She smelled it weirdly and chugged it up. Damn. Dad laughs at Rum who made this awfully disturbed face while watching aunt Rayley.

Looking at Dad whose tie is a mess and his watch broken, it seems that he's troubled. Maybe he's just worried about mom. Maybe they went there to get Jonas confined, that'll be nice. Oh and quiet. Dad went out with aunt Rayley who he offered a ride back to their place left. I went to the fridge and toss a bottle of veggie blend juice mom made to Rum. He looks like someone who needs iron.

RUM: Thanks, btw your mom said you want to go to Asher Patch?

I guess mom spread the word. To be fair, I never wanted to go but I did promise someone I will. The only reason I reconsidered is because I found out about something. Rum is the only one who I can tell this to, since I trust him with all my guts. I would have picked Gabe, but he's not here. Plus this is family conflict.

CORPSE: Remember when Sky—

RUM: Corpse!

He interrupted me. He bangs his drink on the counter and whispered

"If someone hears you talk about Sky your toast."

Sky is aunt Vivoree's son who went missing two days after I was taken in. Aunt Vivoree was the one I saw sitting on grandpa's porch who creep me out when I first got here. She never returned… I think she moved into another state? What is with these women and running away to God knows where?!

CORPSE: Why are you whispering? Dad already

left, we're the only ones here.

Rum looked at me strangely.

RUM: I have an idea, you're thinking what I'm thinking… right?

I do not.

I ignored him till I get back up. I was going to open my door, but then I notice a shadow pass by. I looked around to see who it was, but no one there. I dropped my snacks inside my room and went out to the hallway again.

CORPSE: Hey Rum!

Rum rushed up stairs.

RUM: Dude what the f*ck?

Chills went down our spines when we saw the lights inside Valerie's room is open, it wasn't before I came down when dad called me. I couldn't move my legs even though I want to run away. I kept on thinking that maybe it was just an electrical problem, but then looking at Rum shivering makes me want to run away.

RUM: W-we should go hang with your friend till they get back.

CORPSE: Hold on a sec.

I run to mom and dad's room to get the keys to Valerie's door. We never know if it's an intruder. When I got the keys, I thought of getting dad's pocket knife and a bat with me. I slowly walked to Valerie's door to open it, but I noticed it's already open. I felt a cold breeze coming from the slightly open door. Rum ran towards me, and kept on telling me to leave it. How can I? It's not the first time a person tried breaking in to our house. What if someone actually managed to break in from Valerie's window? I gave him the bat and told him to shut up. I quickly opened the door hoping I wouldn't catch anyone red handed.

RUM: N-no one's here.

When we got in, the room is a mess. I ran towards the widely open window beside her bed. No one's there. Not even a ladder that someone could use to climb up and down. Rum called everyone, but unfortunately the only person that picked up was Dad.

RUM: Uncle Harry said we should wait outside. Come on.

An uneven floor board caught my attention. I wanted to check it out, but Rum pulled my arm and dragged me out of the room. We both sat outside, and waited for Dad to come back. I wasted too much energy this Saturday… what a bummer. I sighed, still thinking of what was under it. I wanted to look so bad.

RUM: Hey, don't even think about going back there.

I smirked.

CORPSE: You scared?

RUM: F*ck you kid.

"What are you two doing outside?"

A familiar voice appeared suddenly in the middle of our conversation. When we turned a woman in a black suit appeared. My eyes widen when I saw her holding a red umbrella. Both of us couldn't move a muscle. My eyes locked with hers, she walked closer to me and kept on staring. What the hell is going on?

She chuckled a bit, "You have your father's eyes."

My what?

RUM: Who the hell are you?

She stood straight, and tilted her head towards Rum. She glares at him, "I'm surprised you don't know me."

RUM: What—

After that she went straight inside our house. We were stuck outside processing what just happened. It wasn't long when dad arrived.

HARRY: Are you guys ok? Rum, what happened?

RUM: V-v-v—

HARRY: What? Corpse, tell me what's going on. I have to go back to work in 30mins. Hold on, where did you get my pocket knife?


Dad ran inside the house. I followed him back inside with Rum, I stopped him at the kitchen when I noticed she left the umbrella at the counter. I took the umbrella and handed it to Rum.

RUM: What am I going to do with this?

CORPSE: Just hold on to it for a sec. Go to the back, she's probably with someone. Call someone if you see someone strange, and try not to let anyone see you in case. I'll be upstairs.

He nodded and went out to the back door. I checked the tag on the umbrella, and it's a different brand from the one we found at the playground before. My grandpa ones told me Valerie only buys her umbrella from one shop. I figured she might be an impostor or a plain intruder. It seems to be quiet… hasn't dad seen her yet? Before I went upstairs I texted mom to come home with aunt Rayley's phone that I found on the counter, she must've left it earlier. I rushed upstairs and saw dad standing at the end of the hallway.

I whispered "Dad."

He mouth "Stay there."

I took a peek and she's standing next to the door, smoking. She smiled at me when our eyes meet. Dad walked towards her and took her cigar.

"Long time no see, Phota Kha."

HARRY: You should visit on another day. The kids are here.

"Why not today?"

I saw dad clenching his fist. Is he cheating or is her voice just flirtatious? Car honking…? I can hear car honking!! I ran downstairs and met with Rum outside. It was mom and Jonas—wait, Rum and I looked at each other after seeing Casper and some guy. Why were they with Casper and this guy at a mental hospital??