
"FUCK THE ELDERS! I am getting the hell out of here" I was done with this bullshit, if I was going to become a stepping stone in the glory of some man, might as well die in the streets.

"And how are you going to survive outside, last time I checked the only thing you know is cleaning and serving the high and mighty sorceress" a tall boy with a rag of a yukata made his way to me.

"Is that blood in your yukata?"

"Don't worry 'bout it, answer my question" pff, little shit thinks that he is hot shit. Hah, he might try to put up a front, but I know better. I am the one that cleans his room. Despite my dad's constant nagging, I clean all the blood and dirt from his small room and keep a fresh basket of clean towels, bandages, big ass fist aid kit and a shit ton of disinfectant alcohol.

I don't need any past life knowledge to know this dude has it much worse than me.

I am not require to kill to earn my food, and he doesn't even get to eat with the servants. Fucking elders don't even want to acknowledge that he exists.

"Is true that I only know how to clean and Kanji is confusing, but I rather die in the streets than give them fuckers the pleasure to break me. Fuck them and their stupid traditions"

I lift both my hands to flip them off to add some flare to my bold statement. TOJI only barks a laugh at my stupidity.

"HAHAHA are you an idiot, if the other servants hear you they will accuse you of treason. Last time I check they take one of your hands for that" His face held amusement and he seems to not give a shit about personal space, since he was towering me, and fuck was this brat tall for his age. We are only two years apart, yet he was already five feet something.

"It is your tongue for verbal disrespect, your arm for stealing or hitting a superior, and your eyes if you see or hear something that you're not supposed to"

I said every word like a well rehearse verse from some prayer. I was well conditioned to answer whenever a Zenin asked, I answer and comply to whatever they order.

"Well shit, looks like I can have your tongue if I want to" a mischievous smile forms in his face and I suddenly feel the urge to punch that pretty face of his.

"I doubt it is worth the hassle, besides, you feel somewhat the same. One could say that I was doing the young master a favor by voicing his most darkest thoughts when he would get punishment if he does it himself. Wouldn't you agree Toji-sama"

My expression did not exchange much. I am sure this will amuse him, and with luck he will leave me alone and continue his shity life story.

"Are you threatening me"

His body tense and I had never felt so fucking small in my life.

Fuck! I thend to forget what kind of shity luck I have... none in the absolute!

"I wouldn't dare, that would get me kill or worse beat to a bloody canvas" "And why is the second option the worse, do you want to die that badly"

"Nah, I am good. It's just the blood would be a pain to clean off from the floors and walls. Have you ever try to clean it from paper doors, that shit never comes off"

That seems to do the trick since the young master chuckle and stared to walk away.

"You have balls, I like you. Come see me if you want to spar. I hear that your family has something like Heavenly Restriction, you're a freak of nature like me, right?"

"Is not Heavenly Restriction, members of the Kamado family inherit abnormal muscle density and double articulations, we are freaky flexible"

"Same shit, different family. Big deal, I also hear that you and my idiot cousing are engaged, because you have and rare technique and are fuckable"

I visibly cring at that, first of all we no even thirteen and he can think that far. And to add to my suffering, the fucker is like twice my age.

"Although your explanation is crude, everything is true. I am obligated to marry a man twice my age for the fucking Zenin elders"

His expression didn't change and I was ready to leave. But...

"Then get strong, stronger that those fuckers and when you do kill them. That's the only way for you to get out of here"

Those words were very morbid, but it didn't come as a surprise. He was a man that... if I remember correctly. From my past memories he was a shitty person with no pride or regard for others, not even his son, Megumi. That kid's childhood was pitiful, but no can do, I have to worry about myself before I start to melding in someone else's life.

"Toji-san I am grateful for the offer. This humble servant would be honored to be your discipline" I do a small reverence just to edge him on, at this point I just don't give a fuck.

"I only agree to a spar not training you!" "I understand, I shall call you master only when we are alone, good night master Toji"

I sprint towards my room with all my might and leave him with his denial shooting.

Ever since that meeting, my life got a lot more harder and lively. With Toji-san in my life I got introduced to curse weapons and a whole knew world of pain thanks to our daily spars.

Toji-san is an idiot! He made me so sore the fist week that I thought I was going to die. In the plus side he actually got me to keep up with him and now I am getting a few hits when we fight.