
Toji-san is an idiot! He made me so sore the fist week that I thought I was going to die. In the plus side he actually got me to keep up with him and now I am getting a few hits when we fight.

He also is surprisingly smart. Despite not having real tutoring, he is able to read better than me, but his handwriting is still shit. It kind of reminds me of my previous mother, she always said that she just went to night school so it is a miracle that she even knew how to write.

Anyways, he teach me how to read and write properly. He is actually a good teacher, clear explanations and annoyingly good pronunciation.

Two years passed since then. I was 12 and Toji-san finally let me tag along in one of his missions. He was reluctant because I was weak. He bitch all the way to the sorcerer's hotel how I was way over my head and that I could not possibly kill someone.

He was right about the first thing, but I prove him wrong in the second.

The fucker that we were supposed to kill had us tailed. We were fucking bait. The contractor had other assassins blow the whole top floor of the motherfriking building. The audacity of this amateurs, Toji-san words not my, I am an amateur myself.

The target had two fox shikigamis one breath fire and the other ice. Toji-san was carrying me, because apparently spraining an ancle during an explosion is a thing.

Toji-san was mad, but I was just done. So when the target meet us by coincidence, my arms moved in their own and I just trow a fucking oister-fork to his eye. Don't ask how I have that, but I will just say that those little things can make one hell of a deadly projectile.

The target was immobilized and Toji-san waste no time and cut his head off. I took a picture with Toji-san's crappy flip phone camera for prove and memories.

We haul ass out of the fucking building and got to the meet point with the contractor. The poor man was sweating bullets, bet he expected the other assassins to show up. Joke is on him, the target took care of them for us.

The man begrudgingly give us the money, but no without giving us an incredulous look. I guess you don't see every day a duo of assassins brats kill a first class sorcerer.

From that day on, Toji-san was know as the Sorcerer Killer, and I was his little sidekick.

I am just glad I didn't become the eye pocker or worse the eye stabber.

I just became a fifteen year old and I feel like dying. My period just came and Toji-san is not having any mercy. He has only gotten more vicious as time passes. The asshole has made me his personal medic. All my practice on reverse technique has come from his and my injuries. The asshole has bring me to his missions every chance he gets. Surprisingly the elders haven't find out of our little escapees. It must be because Toji-san has no curse energy and I learned how to deactivate my. I can become invisible like Toji-san know. Did I mention that Toji-san is an asshole?

Today is the head's birthday and we are celebrating that he just announced my engagement to the next head. What a bunch of crap.


This fucking seline old trash are not going to have a pleasant death. Toji-san is probably in the shadows laughing his ass off on expenses of my shitty luck. Well fuck the Zenin, I am getting out.

The same night I am making my bag with only a couple of things mostly money and a fake ID. My mother and father are sleep. I look at the small room that I have lived for the last fifteen years one last time and I leave for good. I make a quick stop in Toji-san's room.

"Toji-san, are you asleep?" "No, but the guards are. Are you ready to get the fuck out of this hell hole"

He has a small bag, much like mine. We smirk to each other and we disappear in the night.


The next morning, the Zenin state is in chaos. The bride of the next head has eloped with the failure of the Zenin. The parents of said bride are also missing, down the draing goes the Kamado line of servitude once their own lives and not their daughter's is in the line.