
Tsubaki's POV.

Contrary to what I might believe, Toji-san is not a complete asshole. He asked me if I wanted to tag along with him. He is a lot more experienced on living alone after all, but my dumbass said no.

Thanks to that I am living on a cheap apartment. And doing part time in the local back alley clinic. The pay is decent, the owner gives me more ever since I took care of some difficult clients the other day. The bad thing is that now I am running away from some martial freak that wants to fight me because reasons.

"Tsubaki-chan! My love! Fight me so I can win your love!"

You all might be wondering how I got into this mess. Well... to summarize. MY SHITTY LUCK!!!

I was minding my own business, walking back from my job to my shitty apartment. And there it was, a motherfucking curse hunting a nursing home. I was about to walk away, but then I hear the screaming of some woman. My dumbass though that she was in trouble, but turns out she was just weird out by some pervert that wanted to marry her because he was about to die.

I beat said pervert black and blue of course. The nurse was happy, but a bit concern. She was sure that the guy had been messing with them. Ever since he stared pestering her, they have been constantly victims of accidents. The most recent have been the constant changes of temperature. The building gets hot whenever the pervert comes. It is the middle of September, the rooms should be cold. She then stared to ramble on how even the freezer was malfunctioning, something about the ice melting when the door was closed.

I might not be a Sorceress, but I know when someone has been possess by a curse. And this dude reeks of curse.

I got the guy to wake up from his nap with a little help from my technique. He was startle when he saw me, but regain his wits at the sight of my chest. I give him a well deserved smack for the trouble and stared to question him.

"Do you know that you are cursed?"

Ok, may be I was too direct, but in all honesty I am not keen on working for free.

"I knew it! The shape of your soul is different from other humans. I thought it was weird at first, but know it makes sense!"

So, he was not looking at my boobs. Cool at least he is not a scumbag.

"So, that means that you can see the big ass curse on your back?" "What! I can only see a red ball of fire? It honestly feels creepy"

This dude can see souls? Do curses have souls? WTF?

"Wait! You are telling me that you can only see a ball of fire for the abomination of ash and sulfur that I see?" "Ahhh! So that's were the weird smell comes from. I thought that I was too caught up in training that forgot to shower properly, hahaha"

"You fucking idiot is a miracle that you are even alive. A normal person would have died or at least been in a coma. Do you have nightmares?" He looked weird out at my question. What's with this guy and his weird constitution!

"Well since you didn't answer, I assume you don't?"

"No! I... never had a dream. I mean, I do sleep, but that's it. I am not even sure what a dream is?"

Interesting, he might be influenced and protected by his own technique. I wonder what would happen if I exorcize the curse? It disappeared after I knock the idiot, so there is a possibility that that thing is a shikigami. I have never seen one that doesn't try to kill me at fist sight before, but from my previous life. I remenber Megumi had one that was originally a curse, and something about a ritual?

"Well you are in luck my dear acquaintance... " "Sanzo, Kure Sanzo. My family runs a dojo, but I don't use swords like them. I use savate, the art of" " I will stop you there before you make me regret even doing this"

I take a curse dagger from under my skirt and slice the curse in half. I watch in fascination as the curse explodes and dissappear. That's knew, normally they just fade to dust.

"Wow! My shoulders feel light! You're the best... ugh... what's your name?"

"Huh, my name is Stubaki. No last name" the dude looks at me with pity, but I shrug it off and walk to my apartment.

"I hope that we see each other soon, Stubaki-chan"

The idiot shout after me, but I only give him a thumbs up as acknowledgment. It's not like I will see him again.