
"I hope that we see each other soon, Stubaki-chan"

The idiot shout after me, but I only give him a thumbs up as acknowledgment. It's not like I will see him again.

I should stop jinxing myself from know on. The friking idiot was in the clinic the next day asking, more like demanding for a doctor. The idiot's father got into a fight with some gangsters and almost lost a leg. The fuck! Who likes to play hero know days. The image of an idiot with cherry hair and the tendency to eat curse fingers comes to mind. Fuck meeeeee!

"Theo-sensei, I will handle him. Don't kill him please" I carefully slide in front of him and successfully lead him to the back of the clinic. "What the hell are you thinking. You're lucky he didn't kill you! Why didn't you get your dad in a fucking hospital, huh! Or better yet an asylum. Who goes on life picking fights with fucking gangsters!"

"Tsubaki-chan! Help me! My dad refuses to go to a hospital! He keeps saying something about hospitals been cursed or something"

Oh shit! I have a feeling I just got into something big. Well fuck it, I am already involved.

"Lead the way, I will treat your dad" "really! Thank you Tsubaki-chan, you're the best!" "Is not free idiot! I have to make a living you know!"

I ring the bell at front desk three times to let Theo-sensei know that I will be doing a residential consult.

When we reach Sanzo's house, I feel like killing him. His house is a fucking mansion, a traditional Japanese mansion. It takes all my self control to not bolt out on him. This place reminds me of the Zenin state way too much.

"Were is your Dad, I want to get this over with" "He is in the main house I will take you there" "Alright, hurry up!"

We run in the mansions halls until we reach a big room with double doors that look heavy as fuck, but Sanzo easily opens.

Inside the room there is an old man beside a laying corpse, never mind, he just sit up. "Sanzo who is this young lady? And why is she here" I answer before Sanzo can.

"I am here to get rid of the poison on your body" The guy is speechless for a moment, but easily regains his composture.

"Do you work for the jujutsu organization or are you a ronin sorceress" He gives me a close eye smile, but I am sure as fuck he is ready to murder me in the spot. His hand are going under the covers of his futon after all.

"I work alone, sir. Your son was pestering my sensei to come and look at your leg. My sensei has no curse energy" His body seems to relax, but I am not out of the water yet. This man is dangerous. I can feel no killing intent, but I have this ominous feeling, that even in the state that he is. I won't be able to win if we fight.

"Well it seems that my son find a little ronin and brought it home. Tell me girl. Do you know that you just enter an assassin's den" And there it is! My shitty luck strikes again!

Why can't I live a peaceful life. Huhhhh!

"Well, now I know and I hope that you let me heal you and don't kill me after I am done. He he he... please?"

"Hahaha. You found a funny one Son, don't let her go!" "Come here girl, heal me if you can" As I go close to him and I see his leg. I almost scream. What the bloody fuck is that! His leg is covered in black and decaying it looks like something straight from a horror movie.

"Pretty nasty right? The Sorcerer that give me this was a scumbag that was hired by the Yakuza group that I fought" "No wonder you got done in. This technique is ruthlessly devouring your flesh, in one more day you will die. Thankfully I am here. I will reverse the effects and speed up recovery with reverse technique"

The people in the room goes wide eye when I activate my technique. The black in the man's leg stars to fade and the decaying flesh repairs itself and lives spiderweb like scars as a reminder of the lethal injuries.

"Well sir, my name is Tsubaki and I work for Dr. Theo of the Albatros clinic. Send the bill to him and please give me a five start rate. Thank you!"

"Wait! It seems that we started in the wrong foot. Alow me to make it up to you. My name is Kure Takeo, you are welcome to call me by my name. Please don't hesitate to come to the Kure clan if you ever need help"

I turn back and bow to the Kure members.

"Thank you Takeo-san, I will keep that in mind. Right now, you should focus on resting"