Heart Breaker

As I was making my way out of the mansion, but Sanzo somehow managed to meet me at the exit. His bangs were covering his face and his posture was rigid. I suddenly have a bad feeling.

"Tsubaki-chan, thank you for saving my father" His bangs are still covering his eyes, but I can see a light blus covering his cheeks. Oh boy.

"Please, accept my request. I know it is sudden, but I have fallen in love with you! Ever since you liverate me of that curse, I was captivated by your sincerity. You are harsh with your words and actions, but you still show kindness to others. For that I earnestly ask you to marry me before I die!"

His face is full of resolution and I can see that I am not getting out of this one without some kind of miracle. I need to think of something quick! Before this dumbass gets more attach.

"Sorry, you're not my type"

Ok, I know this is weak, but it is the first time a guy confessed to me, fuck I hate feelings. I am not lying though, the guy is not my type. Blond shoulder-length hair, white porcelain skin, a Chinese training outfit, decently tall, blue eyes, sharp nose, decent built, not for show more for agility and strength, specially the lower half. He did said that he practice Savate. If I remember correctly, during Toji-san special crash course of martial arts styles. The Savate is a type of boxing were you only use kicks, no knees like in Muay Tai. Toji-san also said that this style is fucking difficult to master, since one already has the instinct to block incoming attacks with hands instead of legs. The masters of this style are ridiculous skilled and deadly. I wonder how strong Sanzo is? Let's find out!

"You're not my type, but I am curious of how strong you are. What do you say about a friendly spar"

He looks stupefied, but regains his composture rapidly. "Fine, but you will take my confession seriously if I prove that I am strong, right!" The hell is he going on about, doesn't matter.

"Ok, I will try not to get blood in my clothes. I still have to go back to the clinic" "I am a assassin in training, I am afraid you won't have your way Tsubaki-chan" Well ain't he confident in his skills.

"Hm, I won't be the one bleeding"

We both take our stances. I take out my regular dagger from my white lab coat and he lifts up his right leg. We clash, he uses his leg to block my attack, looks like his shoes are reinforced with steel plates, interesting. Sanzo finally pushes me back with a spinning kick with his left leg. I take the chance and throw some needles at him, they contain poison, but not in lethal doses, if administrated properly. He dodged them with his very quick footwork, Toji-san was right about this type of fighter been a pain-in-the-ass. I smile fondly, I haven't had this much fun in a while. I detach the hilt of my blade and it becomes a chain whip. I swing the blade directly at him and he kicks it to the sky, bad move. Breath of Love Second Form: Anguish Inducing Love. I shower him of multiple whip slashes while keeping my mobility to a minimum.

His kicks are fast and he manages to intercept all of my slashes. He uses the fact that I haven't moved from my spot for a while and dashes forward to land a kick that makes me fly backwards. I use the force and reduce the impact by somersaulting backwards through the air, and Breath of Love Fifth Form: Wavering Attachment-Messy Nails. The somersault gives me room to throw long whip-like strikes that unfortunately for Sanzo, end up coiling the chain around his neck. He tries to wiggle his way out, but I quickly take the opportunity and bind his hands and use my curse dagger to immobilize him.

"And that's checkmate, right?" "My legs are unbind I could still kick you" "But I would cut your throat first" I push my dagger close to his neck to prove my point.

"If this was a real fight I would take my chances, I think I am faster" Little shit, he knows no humility. I am suddenly reminded of an albino dude with a God complex. I let him loose and he stares at the chain whip.