Cleaning Service

Tsubaki's POV.

The night was getting close, the day was ending and I was stuck cleaning the guts of an idiot that didn't play fair and try to screw over the wrong person.

From time to time the clinic serves as an interrogation room. The clients are often freelancer hitmans or Yakuza, but today our client is Shinobu-sempai from the Kure clan.

Yamamoto Shinobu is one of the assassins in training under the Kure clan. The assassins employ there are often former freelancers hitman or gangsters. There is one or two slum kid that got the sympathy of a Kure member and now is an assassin in training. Shinobu-sempai is one of the last ones.

"Shinobu-sempai, were do you want the body to be delivered" "Leave it in front of the Somei HQ. I want to give those gentlemen a present, in regards for how well they treated Oyakata-sama's kindness"

She smiles and claps happily, but there is an edge to her smile that screams danger. No to mention, this girl is like Toji-san. She has a Divine Restriction that take away all her curse energy and leave her with inhuman strength and senses. Sanzo also mentioned that her soul is the same color as a regular human, but with the sturdy surface of a diamond.

I still can't get used to the way the Kure members call Takeo-san. I am probably the only one aside of his family that calls him by his name.

It is sad, but I guess that that's the price for been in the top.

By the way, Takeo-san is also an individual with Divine Restriction and the same soul shape as Shinobu-sempai. I wonder if Toji-san's looks like that as well.

I make my way to the Somei HQ with a travel bag and my best outfit. With my pink hair, amber eyes and prominent height. I look like a snobby-mixed-Japanese that had come to find her roots in an attempt to reinvent herself. The expensive coat, big ass glasses and mumbling in Spanish are a big giveaway. To summarize, I look like an idiot tourist.

My plan is to make it seem like I am lost and ask for a taxi in front of the Somei HQ, only to leave my "luggage" in front of the building. Their HQ is a office building that stands in a populated area of Kyoto. Tourists getting lost on the area is a common occurrence, and there was a fan meeting for several groups of idols in the area. There are a lot of people dressed in bright colors and extravagant hairdos.

Now that I think about it my natural hair color is pink. My progenitors had light brown hair, when I was born they freak out and covered my hair with hats and when I was one they dyed my hair brown. I am not sure if that was safe, but to hell with safety when you have to be normal.

I haven't dyed my hair since I leave the Zenin with Toji-san. My hair has grown since then and Shinobu-sempai cut it in a way that only my pink hair remains. She call it a modern look, I call it "guy's undercut".

Looks like my taxi just arrived. I make sure to make holes in the airtight travel bag, just to let the corpse breathe. That way someone is bound to open it and make a scene. Forgive me, poor soul that has to be traumatized for the next ten years.

Shinobu-sempai had fun making this guy pretty.

The ride home is pleasant. There was a time when the driver had stop to take a piss, but aside of that it was a continuous drive.

I arrived to the clinic at night and leave at twelve. In my way back I pass by a vending machine and get two hot coffees. I make my way to the nursing home close to my apartment. I have make acquaintances with the lady that Sanzo was previously asking to marry. We now have a bond of complete annoyance towards said blond idiot. To put it simple, we are companions of shitty luck.

"Yui-san, are you busy?" She turns around and rest her hands on top of the reception desk. "Yes, but I see that you have coffee with you, so no for you" Yui-san has a severe caffeine addiction and I take full advantage of it.

"So how are things between you and Sanzo, is he still bothering you?" I sigh and make my way to the other side of the desk. I groan loudly while hitting my head on clean surface. "Yui-san~ that idiot hasn't given up!" I whine to the poor nurse and start to ramble my problems. It is a common occurrence by now, so the staff just let us be.