The Idiot Patient

"So how are things between you and Sanzo, is he still bothering you?" I sigh and make my way to the other side of the desk. I groan loudly while hitting my head on clean surface. "Yui-san~ that idiot hasn't given up!" I whine to the poor nurse and start to ramble my problems. It is a common occurrence by now, so the staff just let us be.

"Guess what! Now the idiot wants me to study his illness and find a cure for him. How the fuck does he think he is! I might be a decent medic, but I am not a genius. Dr. Theo and I have been stuck doing overtime ever since his father ask us to research that idiot's condition. I don't even remember the last time I actually sleep in my apartment. I have so many change of clothes in the clinic I don't even know why I am still paying rent!" Yui-san pats my back and takes a big glup of her coffee. He puts her can down and starts with the other one.

"I am actually glad that you decided to help the guy. He might be an unbearable idiot, but he is not a bad person. I first I really wanted to kick him in the balls for messing with the nursing home. But after you explained what happened, I don't think I can bring myself to hate him. I actually pity him. The poor guy has a virus that can't be detected by normal medicine and it's slowly killing him. He doesn't even seems sick, but he is in constant pain. I can't believe he has the strength to live a normal life with how much pain he is constantly in. If I were him, I would have ended it all a long time ago. If anything he has an impressive will to live" "Also, you may not believe me since you are very humble despite your nasty attitude"

"Hey, take that back!"

"I think you are actually a genius Tsu. No everyone gets to your level at your age. No to mention Dr. Theo take you under his wing because he knows that you will soon surpass him. I don't blame Sanzo and his father for putting their hopes on you. Seeing someone so brilliant, work and save those how are done for truly gives hope to anyone" Yui-san gives me a reassuring smile, but it doesn't help me much.

The reason why I came here is not just to vent, but to check up on Yui-san. At first I found her familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on why. It was only when she cut her hair in solidarity of Shinobu-sempai's masterpiece(me), that I was able to notice the similarities to certain green eye ravenette.

Yui-san could definitely be Megumi's mom and Toji-san's future wife. The only thing that doesn't add up is the fact that her last name isn't fushiguro. Maybe she is using a fake name, there must be a reason why she works in the shitty part of the town. This place is were all the death weight of the middle class reside. Old people here are bitter as fuck, and who wouldn't be. If I was trow in this shitty nursing home that would have closed if not for the sweat and blood that Yui-san has put in brightening the place. Either way I need to keep her safe. After all, I already involved her in my world.

The moment that she became friends with Sanzo's and I. She became a target to all enemies of the Kure clan, and she knows that, yet she still keep us close. I don't know if she is brave or plain reckless, but if she is to marry Toji-san and give him a kid. She will need to be both, and I sure as hell refuse to let anyone hurt her. Even if that person is Toji-san himself.

"Yui-san stop praising me so much, I might start to believe you" Yui-san makes an unbearable face and pinches my cheeks.

"Don't belittle yourself so much, you are still a kid. Live it up. You only have this chance to play and not be held responsible" "Yeah right! Tell that to my landlord, that hag doesn't let me breathe in peace. Last time I was one day late with the rent. She threatened me by calling my parents"

"Wait, you don't have any parents. Who did she called?" A mean smirk appears in my face "Our resident mad doctor. Dr. THEODORE VANSWORTH"

"AWWWW! and you say that he doesn't care. He became your guardian. What's next, are you going to call him daddy" I immediately turn pale. "Don't ever say that again! If word gets to Shinobu-sempai, I'm fucking dead. She is head-over-heels for Theo-sensei" Yui-san only gives me an unimpressed look and waves me off.

"She is too young to be head-over-heels for a guy. No to mention Dr. Theo is like ten years older than her?" "Actually twelve, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that she is fucking scary and even if you don't mean anything explicit please be careful with your words. Words can kill" When I said the last sentence I couldn't help, but remenber a blonde with cursed speech. I smile and continue to indulge in mundane conversations.