
By the time that I leave Yui-san, it's pass four p.m. I seriously need some sleep, but I still need to check some of the blood tests of Sanzo. Theo-sensei thought that if we enhance antibiotics with Reverse Technique, Sanzo might have a chance to slow down the progress of his illness. He is a very healthy individual, no to mention he has begun to show signs of awakening a curse technique that might counter and eventually eliminate the illness.

After my visit to the Kure mansion. I asked Theo-sensei if he knew what curses and curse energy was. To my surprise, he was waiting for me to ask so he could talk about my curse energy. He asked how could I hide my curse energy so well despite been so young. He only found out after seeing my curse dagger. At first he wasn't sure since sometimes curse tools are found in the hands of mercenaries and assassins. But after he saw me handling the troublesome clients he thought that I was an sorceress with Divine Restriction. He was delighted and intrigued when I revealed my curse technique.

Theo-sensei almost dissected me when I told him about my family's special body. Yui-san says that Theo-sensei and Shinobu-sempai are not compatible, but I say otherwise. They both are fucking scary!

Now, we are in the underground lab/torture room, testing a new batch of Reverse Antibiotics. The name was choose by Theo-sensei and I think is cheesy, but it is better than what I choose. Apparently.

Now, to be clear. What Sanzo has is not a common illness. To be precise he has a curse that it was transferred and operates like a virus. The symptoms are just chills that increase with time. The problem is, that the chills are not constant and when they stop Sanzo's body starts to cramp and spasm. This can be dangerous and extremely painful for a normal person, but our tough idiot only shrugs it off as a bad cramps after his daily workouts.

Even if Sanzo doesn't do any assassinations like Shinobu-sempai, he still is an assassin in training. The amount of pressure that he puts in his body daily is absurd. That, and the fact that our idiot has yet to awakening his technique is what keeping him from making a recovery. It is ironic that Sanzo can see other people's souls, but not his. It was only after Theo-sensei explained that the Kure family was once related to the Zenin, that I understand why our idiot is so tough.

When I asked how he knew so much. He give me a enigmatic smile and said that he was older that what he looked.

Back to the point, this virus is a royal-pain-in-the-ass because it cultivates inside the white blood cells and it Zombifies them to repell curse energy. The curse that I killed during Sanzo's proposal to Yui-san was the manifestation of the curse in Sanzo's blood. If I had not killed the manifestation then our idiot patient would have died. I did make it worse by using Reverse Technique to wake the idiot, but let's no tell him that.

Theo-sensei said that he has never seen a curse so painstakingly fascinating before. I theorized that the curse might be feeding on Sanzo's curse energy and that might be a reason for why he has yet to access his curse energy, but it's able to see souls. No to mention, my Reverse Technique doesn't work in the idiot, if anything it worsen the symptoms. The only way to kill the curse in Sanzo's blood is to attack with another blood virus.

What Theo-sensei and I conclude, is that we want to save the idiot(for research purposes), and to be able to do it, we need to help him build immunity to the virus/curse.

So, if his leukocytes are fuck up. We need to target his t-cells and monocytes. We are also throwing eosinophils and basophils to the mix in case the virus tries to fuck us up or we fuck it up. The eosinophils will help fight parasites in case they get possess by the curse and the basophils will help us fight the parasites as well as identifying allergic reactions and blood clogging due to our medicine.

The process will risky and painful, but we will not disclose that to the patient or worse, his dad. We don't want a katakana up were the sun doesn't shine. So that's why we been slaving on the lab for two months.

Theo-sensei has let me sleep in the Murphy bed in his office for the last month after the phone call of certain landlord (I refuse to call that oger landlady). Let's just say that she might need therapy for the next six months. Serves her right!