I take a look at the tests and instantly deflate. "Theo-sensei, this shit is not working. We have try for two months and no results. No matter what we do his cells cannot withstand the pressure of the curse energy" "THAT'S IT!!! HIS CELLS ARE THE PROBLEM!! TSUBAKI-CHAN YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!"

"Wait what?" The fuck just happened.

"What we need is cells that are strong enough to withstand Reverse Technique. The cells of someone with Divine Restriction!" "Are you fucking kidding me! That's brilliant! Ah, but our idiot patient is -O even his father has different blood type" Fuck were are we going to find someone with that blood type. On top of that it has to be someone with Divine Restriction. Maybe Toji-san, I think I still have his number. I hope he has not trash his phone yet.

"Shinobu has that blood type, I have some of her blood stashed somewhere" I look at Theo-sensei in disbelief.

"Why do you know her blood type. Why do you have her blood. How long have you know her?"

"Don't ask questions you're not prepared to hear an answer for" His expression became cold and I felt my soul leaving my body.

"I apologize sensei, I won't pry anymore" Phew~Safe! I thought I was almost getting dissected, again.

As expected, the cells are a lot more resistant and were able to fuse with my technique. Soon after, we started to do the dialysis to Sanzo and in two months the results were shown. This dude's technique is insane. He can coat his body with fucking lava that he makes by heating and melting rock. IS THIS GUY A LAVABENDER OR SOME SHIT!!!

Why is life so unfair. I want to bend lava like fuckin lava girl as well. Fuck you shitty luck!


I am in the lab with Theo-sensei and a batch of death white blood cells.

We have successfully extracted one liter of blood from Sanzo, and put another clean one in him, but that shit is only a temporary fix to buy us time. We need to find the root of the problem pronto. Or we can start looking for someone to cut our heads when we're force to commit seppoku.

"Theo-sensei this cells are cursed, but they are too delicate and small for me to use Reverse Technique. Maybe if they were bigger. Can we try with the monocytes and t-cells" Honesty, I am getting tired of those little shits dying on me for an ounce of curse energy. How much control do I have to have for them not to die.

"You're right. The answer is not the leukocytes, but the bigger white blood cells. The virus only attacks the leukocytes because they are abundant and weaker than the other white blood cells. We can create an antibody that neutralizes the infected leukocytes. What do you want to name it Tsubaki"

I think for a moment and...

"Let's call it the white suckers, because the cells have to absorb the leukocytes that are infected to do their job"

Theo-sensei gives me a unreadable expression and then puts his hand on my shoulder, pats me three times and...

"We're calling them, the Reverse Antibiotics"

"What about my name!"

"It sucks"

"You're mean sensei"

"I pray that your kids don't end up with shitty names"

"I don't plan to have kids"


"Huh, what do you mean by waiting. Wait Theo-sensei, don't walk away, you! Come back here!"