Kimono Pattern

In the next past months the Kure clan has been preparing for something big. There have been assassins  coming from all over the world to congratulate Sanzo in his fifteen birthday (Shinobu-sempai's word), but his birthday was not until early November.

It is early October for fucks sake, and I honestly don't think the Kure clan is big on Halloween traditions.

At first, I thought that they wanted to show off Sanzo's technique to everyone, but turns out they want to keep it a secret from the outside branches. Like the Estraneo family from Italy and the Divine Rain Sect from South Korea. Recently these two branches had stared to behave with no morals.

Takeo-san had to send some of his people to check on both ot the branches before their lust for power make them turn their backs to the constitution they agreed to follow.

But the agents that were dispatch haven't reported for a while. This has created quite the chaos inside the main branch.

I can't help, but feel uneasy in this situation. No to mention, I was asked to look into the Divine Rain Sect with Shinobu-sempai, but they were clean. Almost too clean, they are supposed to be bloodthirsty mercenaries disguised as monks, yet they actually look and act as docile and nice as real monks.

Shinobu-sempai had to stay in Korea to keep an eye on them. Neither of us were buying the nice act, but I was called back by Takeo-san himself. Something about a ceremony, I was honestly too sleep deprived to listen Shinobu-sempai's summary of the orders.

And that's what brings me here. The Kure mansion decorated with high class shit, high class drink and food. I dressed like a fucking doll that can't even breathe in the motherfriking kimono that the servants force me in. My now shoulder length hair is tied in the side by a hairpin with the emblem of the Kure clan, a skylark. The kimono is red with golden details. The embroidery is exquisite and overall elegant.

It feels suffocating and brings back the bad memories of my engagement party. Fuck, just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I heard that the one that I was supposed to marry died fighting a special grade curse. The fuck up thing about that. Is that Naobito is now the next head. To think that I would have to marry that drunkard if I hadn't leave the Zenin. Ugh, what a nightmare.

"The kimono suits you Tsubaki-chan" Sanzo comes to me with his usual carefree smile. He was wearing a yukata with the same pattern as my kimono, but in a predominat maroon. I would have been edged if it weren't for the fact that everyone of the main family was wearing the same pattern with predominantly dark colors. I am the only one in bright red?

Wait a motherfucking minute!

Something is not right.

Why I am the only outsider with this pattern? I have a bad feeling...

"Thank you for coming everyone. I know that this was quite short notice, but as you already know, after the passing of my wife, my son had always been sick. There were countless doctors and healers that came and try to cure him..."

"Sanzo I didn't knew you were sick since your mother's passing" I look up to his face and I immediately regret opening my mouth gone was his usual smile. Sapphire eyes accompanied a neutral expression, if I was a lesser person. I would have missed the hatred in those blue eyes of his. I will baptized this look as "plotting murder with carnage"

"It happened two years ago. My mother was training with me when we were attacked. Father was overseas in Russia. The intruders were already injured with shallow cuts when they attacked us, but it was like they had no will of their own. The way they fought us was completely insane ad with no patter. When we finish them off we were soaked in their blood and" Sanzo takes a quick breath before resuming once again with the tale. His face remained expressionless and that's all I need to know this is something that he hasn't yet overcome. I muffle Takeo-san and the rest of the party in favor of listening to Sanzo.