
I muffle Takeo-san and the rest of the party in favor of listening to Sanzo.

"We went to the main wing to aid the servants since no everyone was a fighter. When we made it, no one was hurt. There were no signs of a fight and everyone was working or doing their things. The only ones soaked in blood were us. The servants went to help us get change, too used to see us Kure covered in crimson"

"When I asked the servants to dispose of the bodies in the training room. They were skeptical and asking if I was OK. Turns out the bodies had magically disappeared with no traces and the servants reassured me that no one had heard a fight break out in the training rooms. It was like everything was an illusion and mother and I were the only lucid ones. The servants forced me to sleep and separated me from mother. The next morning when I woke up, my mother had passed away due to several seizures and hypothermia" His expression hadn't changed, but his eyes are glistening with tears threatening to come out"

"I can't say that I am sorry, since I can't empathize. I don't remember what  losing a mom feels, but I can tell that your mom and you were infected with the same virus. She was a normy, probably, so she didn't last nearly as long as you. I am sure that what you were under was not a illusion, but some kind of  domain expansion. A place that a sorcerer creates and controls. Whoever is behind that incident has a powerful sorcerer as an ally. One with a powerful and complex technique that would easily rank him as a special grade, among the strongest" I look at his eyes with absolute resolution.

"If you want to find the culprit. I know a guy that can help us, but he is the type that Takeo-san doesn't like doing business with. Your father tried to find the true and already got hurt by a weak sorcerer. This is a fight that will get us in the jujutsu world. I can't offer you my condolences, I am too emotionally detach. I can only offer you a chance for vengeance in the most unmerciful and brutal way. Just tell me when you're ready"

I  am not sure what his expression is, but I don't have the time to look before I am called to Takeo-san's side.

"Everyone. This young lady here is Tsubaki, the brilliant doctor that save me, and alongside her mentor, my son."

"Today I am celebrating no only the full recovery of my son, but I also thank the heavens for Tsubaki's sixteen years of life. Without her, my legacy will be no more. Thank you for been born Tsubaki!" In cue everyone of the present guests lift up their sake cups and drank them.

The people cheer and applaud. I in the other hand can't even bring my self to think properly. I bow and move to the end of the room were the beverages are and I immediately feel the room spinning.

What the hell, why! Why! Why! Why are this people acknowledging me.

I have been a nobody all my life, a servant, a freak of nature, a girl that is only worth to birth children.

A stepping stone fort the mighty sorcerers.

I hate this!

I am supposed to be indifferent to acts of kindness and respect.

I give up my pride to keep on surviving.



Why is it so humid in here.

My eyes are itching and the tears won't stay inside.

I fucking hate this.

Why do I feel like I am accepted.

I am scared.

I want to run! I.. waNt... tO...

"Tsubaki-chan, don't worry about the crowd. Focus on my voice"

Sanzo takes my hand with his and leads me to the room were Takeo-san and the rest of the main family is. When we are in the room the first one to notice the mess that I am, is Mrs. Yamamoto (Yamamoto Kanao).

She wears a look of worry the moment she saw me and immediately, along with her husband, (Yamamoto Ichigo) came to fix me up and help me calm down. BTW he is the one that along with his wife adopted Shinobu-sempai and raised her into a badass assassin. 

I don't know why, but they always give a sense of security when they are with me. It may be the smell of gunpowder and blood from Ichigo-san or the smell of steel and grease from Kanao-san. It feels oddly comfortable, it feels like home.