Kure Name

Kure Makoto, Takeo-san's father, gives me a look of pity and walk towards me. Despite been in his 80s this man is dangerous. If the missing eye and the crazy muscles are not self-explanatory, the hidden sword in his walking cane (more like a staf) sure is.

"Tsubaki, I apologize if we overwhelmed you. We all just want to thank you for saving my son and grandson. I hope that you will like to stay here, as a permanent resident" When I hear that my heart stared racing. What the hell does he mean stay here. Are they looking for a medic to stand by?

I  don't need to ponder anymore, Takeo-san finally makes his way towards me with a smile that reminds me of Sanzo. "Tsubaki, how would you like to become my daughter?"

Wait what? "Huh?" His smile becomes bigger and I swear I saw fucking peonies blooming in the back. Now I know where Sanzo got his fuck-boy aura from.

"I know that it is sudden, and our family is lacking in understanding of curse energy. But, thanks to Theodore's information. We know that our family has blood relation with the Zenin. Unfortunately, the fact that my son has obtain an inherited technique, the second strongest to boot. This trows our family in the center of the jujutsu world" Takeo-san keeps his smile in place, but his eyes look tired.

"It's just a matter of time before the Zenin makes their move. They will probably want to take Sanzo as an apprentice or they could just kill us all. I honestly don't know what the future holds, but I know one thing. The Kure clan will fight with tooth and nail to protect each other" His gaze becomes soft as he gives me his undivided attention.

"What do you think the Zenin will do to you if they found out their run away bride is with you. I am just liability at this point. I will cause more harm to your family. Please reconsider your situation Takeo-san" I am really out of my element tonight. Feelings are bullshit wrapped in more bullshit.

"I am not asking you to fight for us Tsubaki. I  am asking you to let yourself be protected. You live on your own and work for a clinic in the slums. You're only sixteen and already have enough skeletons in your closet to put an average assassins to shame. Please, let us take some of the pressure off your back" Takeo-san has a sincere expression. It almost makes me throw up.

I can't handle when people are kind to me. It makes me uneasy and skeptical of their true intentions. I don't want to be delivered a dose of disappointment  later. But... maybe, my shitty luck is finally smiling at me. Fucking bitch, it was about time you stopped been such a pain-in-the-ass.

"I don't know why you bother with me, but if you only want to make my life easier.  I will not oppose" All the members of the Kure family look pleased with my response. Some of them are even smiling. Fuck, their smiles are feral.

"Don't get the wrong idea. Just because I am letting you adopt me, doesn't mean that you get another heir and don't interfere in my work with Theo-sensei. He gets piss if outsiders disrupt his creative process"

I make sure to look firm even though my voice sounds hoarse for the crying. Some of the most vindictive members, like Sakura-san (Takeo-san's younger sister) and her wife Kato Suzue, were laughing behind the sleeve of their kimonos and yukatas. The nerve of this people, they are definitely Toji-san's relatives.

"Is that all? If it is, welcome to the Kure family. From this day onwards you are Kure Stubaki, the eldest child of Kure Takeo" Everyone does one clap to conglomerate this business, and I am officially part of this crazy family.


"Thank you for coming everyone. I know that this was quite short notice, but as you already know, after the passing of my wife, my son had always been sick. There were countless doctors and healers that came and try to cure him, but it was futile. There was a time that all my hope was gone and I was certain that my son wouldn't leave another day. But despite all the odds. My son never let himself go down without a fight. His conviction and stubbornness is what keep him going despite the imminent death that was awaiting him. I couldn't do anything for him and that, as a father, made me feel utterly useless. The pain and impotence of the situation made me search vengeance, but my harsh actions only led me to almost death. Thankfully, there was someone that saved me. I still need to repay that debt, but today is a day of celebration"

"Today I would like to present you a very important person. She is very esteemed and liked among the family. Her blunt personality and her inability to deny a helping hand to the sick, has make her a valuable and cherished asset to the Kure clan"

"Everyone. This young lady here is Tsubaki, the brilliant doctor that save me, and alongside her mentor, my son."

"Today I am celebrating no only the full recovery of my son, but I also thank the heavens for Tsubaki's sixteen years of life. Without her, my legacy will be no more. Thank you for been born Tsubaki!"