Dreadful News

The Kure mansion had always amazed me for how big it is, but know that I live here, all the admiration has turn into annoyance.

I lost count of how many time I have gone lost. There was a time when I was heading to my room, but ended up in the kitchen. Miss Valentino added that incident to the never-ending blackmail list that she is quite proud to have. She made me a map of the layout of the first floor and  told me never to go to the lower floors. That warning came on a very menacing tone.

Surprisingly the layout of the mansion is quite similar to the one of the Zenin state. It might have something to do with the first Kure head been the one that oversaw the constitution and layout. But one thing is for sure, this place is a far cry from the Zenin state.

It has always bugged me, even before I lived here. The servants in the mansion are quite familiar with all the Kure members. Sanzo and Shinobu-sempai are even respectful towards the elder servants. Another thing that I have noticed is that all the servants are quite skilled, be it on combat or intellectually. There are some cases like of Kanao-san. Where she married the second cousin of the head of the clan, when she only was a mechanic/blacksmith of humble origin. No to mention all the adopted children that the main family has. There is at least one child for each marriage or in some cases lone members decide to take a kid in.

At this point, the gene pool of this family is so mixed that seeing a Black or Hispanic brat running around the halls doesn't seem far fetched. That and the fact that this mansion is like a five start resort, is enough to drive someone mad. They have enough land to cover a mountain forest and a natural hot spring on top. The forests on mountains are usually infested with curses. Surprisingly there is no signs of courses lurking in the mountain.  It makes me wonder what the hell is inside that mountain that keeps the courses from going there. Anyways, that adventure will be put aside for now.

I  am making my way to the reception hall were all Kure members have been summon by Takeo-san. The  ambient is tense and there is a dreadful silence in the room. This probably means bad news from Italy or South Korea.

To answer my suspicions, Takeo-san finally makes his way to the center of the hall and address the meeting.

"Everyone, thank you for coming despite your busy schedules. I will stop with formalities and go straight to the point.  We have received news from Shinobu and it seems that the Divine Rain Sect is implicated in my son's and wife's illness. Shinobu found  traces of white-dead in the large underground laboratory that the Sect has keep from us. Not only that there are also traces of something far more macabre, something that none of us might understand. Tsubaki have you heard of curse objects?" Takeo-san's eyes are full of worry and something more, but his poker face prevents me from knowing.

"Yes, there are objects that serve as a seal and storage for curse energy" his face hardens as he continues "Shinobu found several different curse objects and curse tools. The most shocking discovery was that most of the data from the research in the lab was about harnessing the pover of curse objects on humans"

I  perk up at that, why the fuck would a martial art sect be so interested in curse energy. They should not be even aware of it, no to mention, when I was investigating with Shinobu-sempai. The members of the Sect had quite the low IQ if I were to say. Toji-san is far more intelectual adept since he spend around five years studying medicine during his attempt on solidarity during our time in the Zenin state. Someone else is pulling the strings, someone that is smart and cunning.

"Takeo-san, I belive that someone very powerful is pulling the strings here. There is no way the Divine Rain Sect would attempt to accomplish something that even the three big clans of Jujutsu world haven't even dare to approach. Despite been in foreign territory, Seul is a place prominent on curses. There are some freelance sorcerers and there is the influence of the Kamo family. There is no way that a full bloom research on curse objects would go unnoticed, especially by the Kamo" as I finish talking, veryone looks dumbfounded. Did I say too much? I only wanted to help, do the Kure family have prejudice against women like the Zenin? Oh crap! Did I fuck up?