True for Trust

"Tsubaki how do you know so much about the Jujutsu world? You even know classified information from clans like the Kamo and gojo. Just how much do you know?" This questions come from Ichigo-san along with a curious Kanao-san. That would sound like innocent curiosity, if it weren't for the glint of unrestrained thirst for knowledge in their eyes. Well shit, I might be destined to become a lab rat.

"I... I don't want to sound presumptions, but as you alerdy know I was born into the Zenin clan as a servant. The reason why I know so much..." "Tsubaki-chan, you don't need to tell us if you aren't ready. We understand better than anyone that sometimes we want to keep the past to ourselves. Don't feel pressured, we TRUST your judgment"

They TRUST me? They trust ME!!!

I... want... to.... trust THEM? Ha... haha.

I guess I do. I do! I do! I do want to trust people. I want to help them and protect these people, this family.

"The reason why I know so much is because... I  hate the Zenin clan! They are the worst human scum that there is!" The room becomes cold I can feel myself shiver, but that doesn't stop me from delivering my thoughts on that shitty excuse of a family.

"Every day of my existence I was seen as an object that could be disposed at any given moment. They see anyone without curse energy as an insect and even those with curse energy outside the family are seen as eyesore. The only reason they keep me alive after my technique manifested; was because it was rare and I was a girl. They were planning to use me to produce a strong heir; my fiance was a man twice my age and a misogynist. My parents wouldn't give a darn about me as long as the Zenins were happy and they could keep their heads. That's why I became strong and stared to go out to kill sorcerers with another kid from the Zenin family.  He, just like some of you, was born with a restriction that leaves him with no curse energy, but it gives in exchange physical strength. It is known as Heavenly Restriction and thanks to that he was deemed as the failure of the Zenin. We both hate the Zenin so we became pretty close, we train together, learn together, we killed sorcerers to scout for anything that would hurt the Zenin clan and also to found our scape. Toji is definitely out of the country he asked me to go with him, but I refuse him."

"It wasn't because I didn't trust him. He might be a awful person, but he is a loyal friend. He was like a big brother in that hell hole. He is the only Zenin that I see as a human, and the only man that had ever made me feel protected. Well... that was until now."

That's right, the reason that I trust them is because they are protecting me. It feels so familiar, like the times when in my previous life my mother would worry and take care of me when I was sick or the time when I came out as bi. She was very understanding and annoying at the same time. Saying that she knew all along and was just waiting for me to realize it. BULLSHIT!!! How could she know when even I didn't knew.  What sorcery is that.

"I want to help you protect this family,  and I won't back down from this. Even if you want to protect me, I know I don't belong inside the fortress. I might be a medic, but I am also an assassin. I don't have the strength to patiently wait for all of you to come back all beat up and bloody when I could be saving you. So I would need to apologize in advance, since we previously agreed that I will let myself be protected, but this time I want to be the one to protect you. Give me your permission to slowly, but surely destroy the Zenin clan"

All the members of the clan become once again dumbfounded, some even incredulous. All except one. Sanzo who was doing his best to contain and mask his emotions, brust out laughing like the idiot that he is.

"Hahhahha, hahaha... pff Hahaha... Hah~ I can't believe that you are serious. Don't get me wrong, I am not laughing at you. If it means anything, I think that you are the only one crazy enough to pull this off. Hell, I will even let you use me as your pawn, anything to screw those bastards. It's just that... Father, I couldn't possibly compete with her. Just make it official, make her your successor and save me from the imminent defeat that Tsubaki-chan will give me"