Assassin's pledge

Sanzo makes his way towards Tsubaki and stops in front of her towering with his prominent height. He kneels  in his left knee and holds Tsubaki's right hand in his.

"I pledge, in name of my assassin's pride, that I will in the future be faithful to the clan head in front of me, never cause or scheme her and her descendants harm. I will protect and support Kure Stubaki before, during and after her time as clan head. I shall forever be grateful for her benevolence of giving me a chance of life. Thank you Oyakata-sama"

There is a long dead silence after that heartfelt vow. No one in the room dared to make a sound, let alone speak. The silence is a big giveaway, of the severity of Sanzo's actions. The first one to break the silence was a very shocked Tsubaki.

"Sanzo... *deep breath* Sanzo, Sanzo, Sanzo" Tsubaki was doing her best to hold into the frail string of patience that still remains. In hopes to understand what the fuck is wrong with Sanzo's common sense.

"Yes, Tsubaki-chan~" 

The idiot was smiling like he hadn't just doomed her motherfucking life for good. At that response, it was as if the last remaining fragments of compassion and empathy just waved Tsubaki their goodbyes in the horizon.

Without further warning, Tsubaki had Sanzo in a headlock. Both laying on the floor, in their backs. Tsubaki under Sanzo with her hands under his shoulders and around his neck, restricting air from going in, but not completely. Her legs tight around his waist and her feet restricting his legs from kicking her in the face. As soon as they were in the floor Tsubaki stared to speak in a very dark tone.

"You. Fucking. Piece. Of. Work.  Do you realize that you just send all my future plans of early retirement, on a fucking expressway to oblivion!!!" Veins stared to form in Tsubaki's forehead and her hold in Sanzo's neck stared to tighten. Sanzo just started to tap the Tatami floor vigorously.

"Here I was thinking, like an idiot, that I could fuck the Zenin over and then be in my marry way, away form the clutches of responsibility, but noooo~!!! You had to screw me over, Sanzo. You fucking idiot!!!" The last insult came off as more of a whine rather than a threat. Tsubaki hold loosened completely and Sanzo's scrambled away from the now resigned Tsubaki in a starfish position on the floor surrounded by higher ranking members of the clan. All of them were looking back and forth, from a 'dead inside' Tsubaki  to an 'I am alive?' Sanzo. All on all, this was a perfect picture of pure chaos. Kure chaos!

"Wait! Do this mean that you were planning on leaving after you finish destroying the Zenin! Tsubaki-chan,  that's so unfair, I want to teach you all the wonders of gambling" An alarmed Rositta stared to ramble on the many ways that you could bluff and cheat on pocker and Russian roulette. Tsubaki immediately panics and spring back to life to comfort the younger girl. Her twin sister, Rebecca Kure, just watches with a scorn in her face. Piss off at Stubaki, but too Tsundere to voice her dislike on her leaving the family.

"I was no planning on leaving for good, just for some time. I would have liked to be an outside agent instead of the clusterfuck that being clan head is. No offense Takeo-san" Kure Takeo finally decided to speak after the amusing display of his children. He has a handsome smile and directs his attention to his now disowned son.

"You were planning this from the beginning, right Sanzo? You knew that Tsubaki was after the Zenin and that she would leave the clan and direct their retaliation towards her instead of us, right?"  At those words Sanzo's carefree facade crumble and was replaced by one of boredom. "Ahh~ crumbs! And here I thought that I had finally fooled you. You old dragon"

"Wait! What! Is that true Tsubaki?" Kure Tobio, Rositta and Rebecca's adoptive father, questions in disbelief. Tsubaki only looks at the pattern of the Tatami as if it is the most interesting thing going on right now.