Dragon or Tiger

"The recklessness of youngsters these days. You should never shoulder more that you can carry young lady, you will only bring sadness and guilt to those that care for you, sadness for the weak and guilt for the strong that were powerless. And why in all hell are you thinking on martyrdom this early in life, leave that for us the ones that are over forty. We already lived long for our kind" Before his half brother continued nagging Tsubaki, Takeo-san cut right in.

"I think this is enough Tobio. She had enough nagging for a while, I will continue this discussion in private with both my children. For now, it seem that Tsubaki-chan will become my heir and Sanzo will be her aid. I will approve your request to erase the Zenin, with the condition that you take care of the situation at Seul and you aid the agents in Italy. I expect results by the end of the month. Think of this as a little test to see if you are fit as a leader Tsubaki. That's all for today's meeting, everyone thank you for your time, you may continue with your responsibilities. Tsubaki, Sanzo come with me to my room"

Everyone dispersed and Takeo-san made his way to his room, Tsubaki and Sanzo soon following. No one of the three, decided to break the silence. It wasn't until Sanzo slided the door of the room close, that Takeo-san spoke.

"Sanzo" His face turned cold and calculating. "I can't say that I approve of your actions, they were harsh and underhanded, you are lucky that Tsubaki only give you a friendly headlock. If I was her I would have stabbed you. But I understand that if you hadn't acted, Tsubaki would have gone through an useless martyrdom.

I believe that any kind of apology is useless right now, so I will just settle with sending you as expendable backup to the agents working at Italy. Your vow to Tsubaki can't be taken back. I am afraid, you will be disowned" Sanzo just give his father a mock salute and flop down in one of the pillows around the room. Further annoying the older Kure, to the point of making the Veins in his forehead visible.

Takeo-san's face turns more sympathetic when looking at Tsubaki. "Tsubaki-chan, I am disappointed that you still don't trust us, but I can't blame you. We are just regular folk without curse energy, we must look pathetic compared to the Zenin. I am sorry that we can't be like them..." "please don't be like them! I... like it here and I like the people here. You are all a bunch of weirdos and sociopaths, but you are the most loyal and welcoming family that I could ever hope for. You guys don't need curse energy" the small smile adorning Tsubaki's face turns into a feral smirk.

"It is precisely because none of you have curse energy that we have the upper hand"

At hearing this sentence Sanzo perks up and looks at Tsubaki with a innocent smile. "What are you plotting you cunning snake. I want to be part of it, after all, I am your disposable pawn, remember? Don't leave me out just because I have curse energy" He pokes her leg to get Tsubaki's attention, but that only increases her annoyance towards her brother.

"I shouldn't, but I already have plans for you, Mr. Decoy" Sanzo turns a fascinating shade of white and his smile strains.

After hearing this, Takeo-san let out a chuckle "This is why you don't piss off women. They have the memory of an elephant and never let the opportunity for payback pass. Serves you right brat" Takeo-san had a smug smirk, while Sanzo only groans and looks away, annoyed at his father's provocation. Tsubaki sweat drops and tries to change the topic.

"Takeo-san, regarding Shinobu-sempai's whereabouts. Last we hear of her she was about to infiltrate the underground portion of the Divine Rain Sect. Any luck contacting her?" Takeo-san's face shows worry and a hint of uneasiness.

"Shinobu hasn't reported back, it is staring to worry Kanao and Ichigo. I had to give them extra work before they started making a nuke in case of Shinobu's death. You know how overkill they can be when under stress and sleep deprivation" Takeo-san was sitting in the pillows and massaging his temple. Sanzo pat his back in understanding and solidarity.

Tsubaki let out a sight and seated between them. "We will depart tomorrow morning, Sanzo make sure to get outside help if it looks like shit will hit the fan. I will find Shinobu-sempai and kick her ass for worrying her parents and almost causing another nuclear war. Takeo-san, I will try to reduce casualties to a minimum, but what do I do with the traitors?" Takeo-san put a hand in Tsubaki's head and stared to mess with her hair.

"If there are traitors... you make an example, of why you don't break Kure law"