Miss Valentino's Kure Interview. DANGEROUS!!!

"Hello! Hello! people of all over the world!"

"I am back again with another segment of juicy info about the Kure clan. Last chapter leave us in suspense. I hope that she is alright. Well, she should be fine, she is a strong and brave girl"

Now, let's get to it!


As you already know, the Kure clan has been around for 1,000 years. It all started when the young master of the Wu clan at the time, marry the runaway daughter of the Zenin. But what exactly is the Wu clan? Well... currently, the infamous Wu clan is in charge of Keeping China's illegal trading and human trafficking to a reasonable minimum. They are considered as mafia by the authorities, but the people see them as vigilantes and therefore respect them. People from the country side have all kind of 'fictitious' stories about them. Like how they wiped out countless mafias and deranged cults. Their influence is so overwhelming that the Chinese government made a deal with them. They let them operate without interfere from the police, but in exchange they have to send a report with a thorough body count, reason for said body count and monetary compensation for collateral damage to public property.

"Now for a little piece if history"

The Wu clan has been around for around 3,000 years. They were like a shadow throughout history, never showing themselves, but always protecting the country and its people.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the people were suffering due to the corruption and invasions from external tribes. The Wu clan was considered weak because its territory was located in a isolated island, on top of that all members were considered scholars instead of martial practitioners. In the eyes of the emperor they were no more than flies buzzing around disrupting the 'peace'. When they stared revolting due to the injustice done to the poor they were overlooked. That was a stupid mistake from the emperor because it was the Wu clan that orchestrated the invasion that would end the Northern Song Dynasty.

Today, this powerful clan continues to protect the peace of China. The Kure clan adopted many of their rules and management, with exception of how to choose the next heir. The Wu clan is runs by patriarchy.

"Ever since the golden age of Jujutsu sorcerers, it just keeps becoming more difficult for them, but the reasons why would be spoilers so please continue reading the main story to find out"


The Divine Rain Sect headquarters are located in a secluded mountain that no sane person would climb. The building is a three story traditional mansion that has a basement two floors deep.

Shinobu was last spotted in the first underground floor. Tsubaki and our mystery girl are currently falling to the second underground floor.

During Shinobu and Stubaki's stay at the Sect they weren't allowed to enter the lower floors. Shinobu stayed in the top floor that has a massive dusty library, meanwhile Stubaki choose the first floor that had the training grounds. The second floor is where the servants and guests sleep, the "monks" sleep in the first floor. The third floor only has the library and a bunch of empty rooms that are used for storage.

"I wonder why they don't clean the top floor. They probably are just too lazy, they should spare some of that praying time to clean up. Nasty vermins!"


Tsubaki's sword was created by Kanao as an early birthday present. She name the sword Omamori and engraved the frace "Omamori no ai" in the blade. She did that in an attempt to bring Tsubaki good luck. The blade was specially made to endure high temperatures, it is Sanzo-Tested.

"The real reason why Kanao made Tsubaki a sword is because she keeps breaking blades(Shinobu's), left and right. Shinobu complained to her mom and she took care of the situation. Omamori is a very flexible and versatile blade, but all Kures would never attempt to make use of it, it is ridiculous easy for the wielder to cut itself. Only Tsubaki is crazy and flexible enough to wield it"


"Oki-doki, we are done for the segment"

"The author didn't receive any questions from you, so she/he decided to do profiles of the characters. You are welcome to ask questions to the character of the next segment"

"Next segment character will be... drum roll please 🥁...