Bloodless Surgery

Falling into darkness, can sound quite poetic... if it is figuratively.

If it is literally then you only feel fear and the awful feeling of wanting to pee, but you know you can't, because it's inappropriate for the time and place.

As I fall, the girl in my arms tighten her hold on me. I brace myself for a rough landing, but instead of rough floor I land on a soft and bouncy mattress like surface.

"What the fuck is this bouncy shit?"

There was no light and I was getting worried for the girl in my hands. Her hold was getting weaker. I used my curse technique to light my hand. This trick was something Sanzo taught me. By turning a small amount of curse energy on and off very rapidly you create a small neon light. He said that this was something he picked up, by messing with his technique.

"Hey! Girl tell me your name, and blood type"

I need her blood type to know the ratio of curse energy that I have to use. I learned that each blood type has a different ratio, the amount depends in the number of adhesion receptors on red blood cells. The amount of curse energy increases with the amount of receptors. Type -O is the one that I can use less curse energy to heal, unfortunately, they aren't many people with that blood type. I pray to whatever entity is hearing, please God, Buddha, Allah or Moises, let this girl not be AB type.

"Mira-Hui... I am A type"

"Thank you, lord"

As soon as I have her blood type I start to work in her. I knock her out and lay her down. The bouncy surface makes an ok makeshift surgical table. I use my light up hands to look at Mira's internal injuries.

Her pancreas and liver are well beyond repair the best I can do right know is stop the internal bleeding, restore major blood vessels and hope for the best. The other organs are just bruised and can be easily repair by activating the blood flow. The coagulation due to the swelling was stopping the organs from working properly, specially her lungs. Her eye is another thing. It has been removed completely I don't have anything to work with. The only thing I can do is heal the skin after I suture her eye close and disinfect it to prevent infection. Her skin has been bruised, cut and she has her legs broken. It is beyond my understanding, how the fuck did she saved my ass and had the pain tolerance to look menacing.

The only thing that I am sure of, is that she is a fucking a monster. Her family name was Hui, if I remember correctly. The Divine Rain Sect was created by four clans, the Sky Dragons of the Jin clan. The Fire Phoenixes of the Hui clan. The Water Tigers of the Dan clan and last but no least. The Earth Tortoises of the Mu clan. Each of this clans is rumored to have a different secret assassination technique that has keep them at the top of the food chain in Korea. Even the North Korean government is afraid of messing with them, but looking at the state of this girl, it honestly scares me. Just how strong are this fuckers, to be able to bring a member of the Hui family to this state.

I am almost done with the internal damage, next is the broken legs and last the dislocated left shoulder and broken right wrist.

Reverse technique only accelerates the average recovery of the body. It doesn't fix the problem just relieves the pressure at best. One normally has to operate in the person before healing. Luckily my year of intensive training with Theo-sensei has give me the knowledge to be able to use positive energy like tentacles that I can reshape into any surgical equipment, without cutting the person open.

When I use this technique in her broken bones I make sure to put every broken piece of bone in its rightful place, it is like a very hard jigsaw puzzle. This is incredibly important because I have to weld the bone with the heat of positive energy very slow and careful. If I fuck this up, I could leave this girl with a deformed bone and that can cause damage in the arteries and nerves.

It is ridiculously complicated and it requires my total concentration. I have exploded countless cadavers to achieve a sixty percent success rate on the most taxing blood type AB. An ninety percent in A and B Types and ninety-nine percent in O types. I think that she will make it, but she will need at least a six hour rest so her body can accommodate to the repairs made by my technique.

When I finish with her, I take her in my arms and try to make my way through the dark hallways.