I have been walking through the dark hallways without any source of light. My body is already feeling the toll of preforming a surgery right after busting my way out of a domain.
Thankfully, I can finally see some light at the end of the hallway. I don't go towards the light because, there is no way in hell this bastards haven't figured that I am here. I sure as hell haven't been subtle since my arrival. It baffles me how the fuck I haven't been caught. They either are too engrossed in whatever the fuck they're doing or they don't have any strong fighters. Which is ridiculous because how the fuck else do they took control of a martial sect.
Wait... don't tell me...
Oh shit!!!
I take back Mira through the dark hallways and lay her on her back in the soft surface. Only to have her convulse. Shit! And I just fixed her.
I light my hands and pinch her index finger with a needle while turning her to the side. The small amount of blood that I extract goes in a test tube containing saturated Reverse Penicillin. It's an aggressive type of Reverse Antibiotics that is perfect for a quick test.
Just like I predicted, the blood was contaminated and therefore destroyed by the antibiotics.
This is how they were able to fuck this place up. From the very beginning the sect members had no chance. Mira probably survived thanks to her monstrous training, but that doesn't make sense. Sanzo's mother died a day after contracting the virus...
The symptoms stared after I cured her with curse energy, Sanzo has curse energy. Takeo-san has Divine Restriction so Sanzo could be a product of Takeo-san been a carrier of curse energy.
At least that's what I thought, but what if Isabella had curse energy herself and didn't knew about it.
That would explain why Sanzo is the first child from the Kure clan to have curse energy since the first head.
Normally, the biological children of Kure descendancy. Have a eighty percent chance of been born with Divine Restriction. This has given the clan the strength and footing necessary to influence in some of the government's decisions. No only the Japonese government, but the Russian and American as well.
The only reason why the Kure clan hasn't gotten involved in the sorcery world is because the Japanese government itself is an outsider. There are only a few big shot millionaires as well as some powerful political figures that openly profit from the big market that curse dispelling is. Those capitalist bastards use the excuse that the existence of curses should be kept hidden from the public, since it will only aggravate the situation.
I understand that Japan would go to shit for a long while if that were to happen, but those bastards aren't doing anything to increase the manpower or at least try to invest in research that can help normal people fight higher level curses. The number of sorcerers is sparse, no to mention the ones that can fight first grade curses is almost nonexistent.
As I am cursing monopolies and the bastards that run them. I finally finish concocting a vaccine for that pain-in-the-ass virus and as soon that she finished convulsing I inject it. Mira seems to relax after the antibodies start to work.
I sigh in relief, but then I feel something or more like someone poke my back...
Oh! Shit! I finally got caught...
I panic and froze in the seiza sitting that I was doing to better access the convulsing Mira. I mentally slap myself for freezing like an idiot, but then I realized. By the time that I had wasted mentally panicking like an idiot, I should have at least been stabbed. I was getting ready to turn around and face the person or whatever the hell it was behind my back. But then...
"Nona... Do you have something to eat?"
There was a childish voice coming out from the direction were the thing that poke me was. I turned around slowly with my light up hands in a nontreatening posture and still sitting on seiza only to land my eyes in the most fascinating creature that I had ever seen.
It had scales in its hands and face, the nails were short, but pointy in a very dark green almost black. It's scales were turquoise and many other shades of light greens and blues. The head was covered by a very bright mint long loose hair and short white horns were poking from the top. It was also wearing a white dress, that looks more like an oversize shirt, a long and thick green scaly tail is poking out of the 'dress' and swaying side to side. It kind of looks like a cat's when it is interested in something. I won't lie, lizard? snake? dragon? Whatever it is... it's very small and cute.
I don't think much of the situation and just take a chocolate bar from my skirt pocket and hand it to the creature.
It takes the candy and smells it, moves its head to the side in contemplation and proceeds to bite the candy without peeling the wrapper. I react immediately and stop its head from moving towards the candy bar. The feeling of its skin its forgotten by the menacing animalistic growl that it let out. I panic and take another candy from my pocket.
"It is not ready! You habe to take this out and peel it. Like this! If you eat the wrapping, it will give you a tummy ache!"
I demonstrate the correct way and the creature soon follow. It take a bite of the candy and its sapphire eyes sparkle. It soon devoured its share and stared at me with big round eyes. As weak at puppy dog eyes as I am, I give in and give it all the candy and granola bars that I was carrying. As it was going through my rations I stared to ask questions in Korean.
"My name is Kure Tsubaki, and I am looking for my cousin. Can you tell me your name and what you are sweetie"
It stood up and stared at me with piercing eyes and sniff the air. After sniffing some more it give me a toothy smile full of sharp pointy teeth.
"My name is Mori Jin, I am a girl and a dragon. I am looking for my mom and dad. Nice to meet you pink Nona"