
White-dead is the virus that most likely killed all the adults in the sect.

Or that's what I hypothesize.

There are too many loose variables for me to come up with a theory.

I truly need, to have a long chat with Takeo-san after this mission. I hate been left in the dark.

As I am thinking about what to do, Mira is braiding Mori's hair into two boxer braids. To my astonishment, she even manage to leave the horns inside the braids, so they can pop-up at the middle, and made makeshift ribbons with pieces of her clothes.

Mira is so fucking extra.

And I love it!

Mori looks so cute with braids!

"Tsubaki, how do you heal me?"

Ah, that's right! I haven't explained what sorcery is, and what I can do. Now that I think about it, I don't even know if they can fight sorcerers. Mira is almost recovered, with exception of a newfound possible diabetes, she should be ready to rumble. My reverse technique not only heals, but it also replenishes strength and vitality.

Reverse technique is truly the most versatile application of curse energy. And I have a feeling, that I haven't even tap into half of the possibilities for its use.

This is getting me excited!

"Mori, Mira. You two might need to sit down to hear this. Mori, stop me if you think I am lying"

I start from the beginning, tell them what curse energy is and the shit-show that the three clans have running.

They took it better than what I had expected. Aside from the string of censured curses by Mira when I told them about the prejudice against sorceress.

Been raised in an environment were everyone has to be strong, regardless of gender and age, really influences their views in strength and makes concepts like machismo or chivalry a foreign concept.

"The Jujutsu world is full of bull-feces! Why the frick are they keeping us in the dark, do they think that this won't blow up. Sheet is going to hit the fan eventually, and they will look like dumb-arses!"

Mira is fuming and I  am thankful that we are in a deep underground bunker.

Huh, I wonder how is air coming down here, we are deeper than Shinobu.

No matter, I have to finish this mission asap

"I feel the same, that's why I plan on changing things in the future, but that's no important right now.  We need to find a way to move freely from place-to-place, but stealth is no one of my strengths"

I feel someone pulling my lab coat and I immediately look at Mori. It seems like she wants to tell me something and she feels shy. How cute!!!

"Tsubaki Nona, I use the vents to sneak around when the baddies are on break. I often have to to go around the eyes in the walls, but recently I haven't feel their gaze"

Eyes in the walls... she feel their gaze?

Oh shit! She means security cameras!

And something tells me that Shinobu is responsible for messing with the angles.

Her infiltration was a success. She isn't the best for nothing.

I need to make contact with her. It is crucial that I give her something.

"Mori, think you can find my cousin Shinobu for me. She is short, has brown hair with purple highlights, fair skin and green eyes"

Mori looks confused, and looks at Mira for help.

"Tsubaki, Mori is colorblind. The severe type. She only sees in black and white"

Well fuck, this is bad. But...she called me Pink Nona?

"Mori you called me Pink Nona before. Can you see the color of my hair?"

"Yeah! Is pretty and soft! It smells like mugunghwa"

Ah, now I  get it. Rose of Sharon has a sweet smell and is the official flower of South Korea. The garden and the forest is full of pink Rose of Sharon or mugunghwa, I must smell like mugunghwa. She must think that my hair is pink because of the smell of the flowers right?

"Mori do I really smell like mugunghwa?"

She smells the air while holding her chin. Cute!!!

"Tsubaki Nona's hair and clothes smell like it, but when I get close I smell other smell"

The hell is she talking about?

Mira seems to have no idea as well. Wait! This could work. I hug Mira and Eww~ she stinks.

"Mori can you smell my scent on Mira?"

Mori makes a cute little frown at Mira, but notherless starts to smell her. She stops and with a blank face comes and hugs me, burrowing her face in my belly.

"What's wrong Mori?"

"Auntie Mira stinky, Tsubaki Nona smell good"

I have to hold back the laugh that threatens to come out. Mira give us a disgusting look and proceeds to smell herself. Only to have a coughing fit due to the strong smell.

Now that I think about it, Mori is clean and doesn't have signs of abuse. She might be in the small size, but I don't know her age so I can't tell. She might be a more valuable specimen that what meets the eye.

"Can you smell my scent on her?"

"Yes, is very small, but auntie needs a bath... with tomato juice"

"You little snake! Is no my fault that those lunatics in white almost killed me with the lack of hygiene"

"I am a dragon not a snake!"

Mori ask what hygiene and lunatics meant.

Meanwhile I start to formulate a battle plan.

"Mori, I know how are you going to find Shinobu"