Shinobu's POV.
It has been three days since Tsubaki left.
Lots of things had happened.
I successfully usurped the identity of a lab assistant, who is now currently in a very warm place.
I also had the pleasure to witness one of the most grotesque torture session to one lovely-foul-mouthed-martial-girl.
I almost got caught trying to release Mira from her confines. Only managed to break the chains, no luck with the shackles.
And last but no least.
I tampered with the cameras, now the security program only sees reruns.
Tsubaki had a bad feeling about this whole Buddhist/atheist temple operation.
I hate it when she is right.
Even more when it involves the place I was taught and raised into an assassin. I shouldn't be deceive this easily, it goes beyond my compression, and it is beyond my understanding.
Tsubaki calls it jujutsu.
I can't see curse spirits, I don't even have curse energy.
And I soon come to the revelation that I might despise sorcery.
I don't know if it stared with Oyakata-sama almost dying or understanding why Tsubaki learned to heal others first before doing it for her sake (the Zenin are human scum).
Maybe it was learning the possible cause of Mrs. Isabella's death.
What I do know, is that this place is hell on earth.
The experiments conducted here are cruel, macabre, deranged and worse of all... unnecessary.
Einstein couldn't say it better "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"
The depravity of the research is outstanding.
Cultivating curses in human bodies.
By forcing a curse object inside the throat of the subjects.
The screams for mercy and the sound of bones cracking and twisting in unusual angles.
Lovely, just like the sound my targets make during my menstrual period.
But these subjects are not deserving of such treatment. Some of them aren't even eighteen.
The cursed womb: death paintings are cursed objects created under special circumstances, sealed with a constraint for 150 years. Death paintings could be incarnated with any vessel, unlike Sukuna's fingers...
Hah! Bullshit!
They can be incarnated if the vessel is weaker than the curse. But the sect members are surprisingly resistant to the poison that curses expell.
Tsubaki once shared that said poison could be disposed naturaly from the body. If the human goes through certain degree of poison tolerance.
It sounds like bullshit and I want to believe is bullshit. But the evidence is crystal.
If only this stupid lifeforms had a tad of common sense.
But their lack of common sense and negligence on security is not what makes them so inept.
The scum had the audacity to mess with unknown curse objects. If you could even call unearthly shaped organs curse objects.
No matter if the subject deserves it or not.
It is a researcher's duty to know at least the origins of the materials been tested.
For crying out loud! This is not the stone age!
*deep breath*
In other note, there has been a decrease in personel. There is also the zombified monks, because yes Tsubaki was right, and just like what her hunch predicted.
The whole territory of the Divine Rain Sect is a fucking domain.
An illusionary domain of which even that idiot (Sanzo), would have trouble seeing through.
I don't know what is real and what is lies anymore.
I want Tsubaki, she is the only person crazy enough to make sense of this madness.
As I am calling her with my mind in hopes of to summon her from the netherworld.
A little girl... dragon?... girl-dragon, dragon hybrid?... I give up!
Crawls out of the ventilation system and lands in the break room table. Thank goodness that I am alone.
She smells the air on my direction and smiles with a lot of pointy teeth, which I find fascinating.
"Shinobu Yamamoto Nona, Tsubaki Nona give me a message for you"
I don't believe it... she is alive, I thought she was crushed by the falling of the first floor on the underground 'discipline rooms'
The creature which is still giving me a smile proceeds with the message.
"Shinobu, you are allowed to release 'that'. Don't worry about stealth anymore. You are allowed to kill every motherflower in white. Kill them all, but don't you dare die. Your parents are making enough nukes give a shout-out to Hiroshima and Nagasaki"
Hah! Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous!
"You truly have Sanzo outclassed Tsubaki-chan"
I brace myself for the unworldly chaos that I am about to unleash, and I bask in the glory of unrestrained vengeance.
"Hey darling, tell Tsubaki that sheet is about to get real"
The creature salutes and crawls back to the vent.
Well, looks like I'm about to get busy.