

"Yo Skye, you still remember "The Bulls" have to practice for the upcoming game with "The Lego Team" just to be sure you still have us in mind "Captain." Jake snapped as soon as he saw me approaching the teammates on the field.

I didn't want to get upset as the day was still quite young and it seemed promising so, I just let his cockiness slide.

"I'm sorry guys, I've been unavailable but here I am."

"That's your pathetic excuse for an apology? I expected more after leaving us here all by ourselves without the strategies in place for the formation we'd take up as a team." Jake blurted out, and I could tell he was trying to get me to hit him square in the jaw.

I ignored his remark and then made a conscious effort to set the team in motion for training to commence.

"Kurt, you are one of the best players we have in the team and on the field. You are on the defending side. Handel, you are the striker for the first half before substitution takes place. And Jake, you are going to be on all sides; attack, defence and whatever it takes to make the team gain ball possession and win. The others are to ensure nothing goes wrong on the pitch." I kept giving out pep talks and the training went smoothly as Coach Baker strolled into the field and clapped his hands to show some level of encouragement for the team work he was witnessing.

After two hours of rigorous running and tackling, the coach dismissed us.

I refused to get upset with the way Jake snapped because, I knew I was wrong to have kept the team hanging. It is really silly, but someone definitely needed my help and I couldn't sit back and watch her roam helplessly around the school premises like a little lost puppy. It sure would have been a bit of a lame excuse for the team, if I were to explain it to them…I let it be.

I'm grateful I was able to keep my mind off Chloe for a few hours with the game and practice, but something really got me thinking about how interesting a person she is. To think I just met her a few days ago. Something did not sit well with my memory of her, it felt like we were close before now but my brain just wouldn't remember that part.

"It'd come to me, I know how my brain works." I mutter to myself.

The last of the gloves was being shoved into the gym bag when I caught sight of the silhouette of a figure towering over me with dirt stricken boots. I knew who it was before I even got on a levelled face to face contact with him.

"What do you want Jake?" I was hanging on a thread, as my patience was wearing thin with this jerk.

"What do I want?! You incompetent douchebag…I'm the best candidate for the position of the captain, you heard me correctly…ME!!!"

"Oh yeah? I didn't select myself and Coach Baker saw me eligible before reaching a unanimous vote with the team. Look man, I don't have time for this. I have to go. If you'd excuse me." I turned to leave, I knew I had beat him without using my fists.

I broke into a jog to meet up with Chloe at the entrance of the dance hall used for practice. My eyes gleamed with excitement when I saw her, even though she was pretty distracted with a couple of girls in the ballet class chatting affably.

As if on cue, she turned to look in my direction and I averted my eyes in the nick of time so I would definitely not be busted for staring.

"Hey, Skye." She waved like I was holding her favourite candy bar.

"Hello Missy," I started off in her direction.

I could tell she was excited about something and I was happy she was having a great time already.

"You're really enjoying yourself," I find myself grinning at her expense.

"Well, that's putting it mildly. I'm really getting the hang of it. The most interesting part about the school is the ballet class; trust me…unlike some gamers I know." She rolls her eyes after glancing in my direction.

I couldn't wait to ask how her dance class went but I really had to get changed and freshen up in the locker room before joining her in class for Biology lessons.

"I don't think you are going to attend class looking like that, are you?" Her velvety voice broke my reverie.

"Oh dear, no. I'm on my way to get cleaned up. Wanna come along?" I decided to be coy and I hoped I had not overstepped my bounds.

Her facial expression made my face fall and I wished more than anything that I could unsay those words.

"I should not have said that, I'm sorry."

"Haha, nah it's fine. I'm not a grumpy old hag, not to worry. I'd be in class when you get back." She smiled at me.

"Oh okay, catch you later." Phew, that was close. I say to myself as I strolled past the hallway, heading for the locker room. I had a very hurried bath and changed into my clothes, not forgetting to dab my lavender scented spray in rather significant areas of my body that perspire. The bell rang indicating we had five minutes before class. I rushed off, taking giant strides to get to class and I made it just in time. There she was sitting close to the empty seat she reserved for me and I felt like I had found the best friend I never had.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked her in mock courtesy.

"Humour me, grab a seat siré," she purred in a very adorable way.

"Awwwwn, always looking out for me. Thank you sweet." I teased but I really wanted her to know I meant the "thank you," the teacher however beat me to it as he sauntered into class like he just made a scientific discovery.

"Put all books that aren't science related away, especially books that aren't Biology books and turn off all cell phones before settling in for this class. I am Dr. Scott Crawford. Good afternoon students."

"Good afternoon sir," the class chorused.

"We're going to be discussing Neuroanatomy. Anyone care to tell me what that means?" Dr. Scott scanned the room with his piercing eyes behind the glasses he wore.

No one in particular seemed interested in the class or they were rather scared of answering the question for fear of the unknown whenever a student answers Dr. Scott wrongly.

"No one? I thought as much."

"Sir?" I recognized that voice and I was hoping she didn't draw too much attention to herself in the negative light in this class. I didn't doubt her intellectual prowess but I didn't want her day to get sour.

"Who do we have here? And you are?"

"Chloe, Sir. I have an answer to your question."

"Impressive, go ahead. Let's hear you."

"Neuroanatomy is simply referred to as, the anatomy of the nervous system. In anatomy, it is the structure of the nerves of a specific organ or organism." I saw her release her breath.

"That is brilliant. I'm sure I have not seen you in this class before, I'd have taken note of such intelligence." The teacher commended her.

Blushing slightly, she cleared her throat and swallowed slightly, "Thank you Sir, I'm a transfer student and this is my first class in Biology here."

"I knew it. Do have a seat…Let's proceed."

He went on and on about the functions of the nervous system and the importance of each organ, stressing the interdependence of the organs on each other to enable the human body function as a whole. Soon, the bell went off indicating the end of the class.

"Have a good day class." With that, he strolled out of the class carrying his books in his portable book case.

I couldn't wait for her to finish packing up her books before walking up to her seat. "Wow, that was indeed really brilliant. Where did you read that?"

"I was home-schooled for a few months after we moved from Florida before I settled in my previous school, Silverdale High in California and now I'm here."

"Ah ha, I can imagine . You're one beauty with confidence and brains."

"Hehe, thank you very much."

"Don't mention dear." I flashed her my killer smile.