

Soon enough, she was done tidying up her books and I was wondering just how simple she is with a really pretty face at that, the tiny freckles on her cheeks really made her look adorable. It kept tugging at my memory that I have met this girl before but I couldn't find closure with that grey area of my memory that seemed vacant. As far as I can tell, I literally began to have a grip on my life's events from the age of 7 and it seemed I had no life prior to that time. It really bothered me that a dark room was blocking me from reaching out to that memory of remembering who I was, I really wanted to remember. Maybe I'd have to ask Chloe someday to see if there's a connection or maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Hey, Skye. Skye!" She called me.

I was so lost in thought that I lost track of time and I was in a daze, the vigorous shaking I felt on my arm brought me out of my reverie.

I flushed in embarrassment, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know you called me."

"With how lost you were looking, I didn't think you'd snap out of it. Are you okay? You looked really lost."

Ever the concerned one, I smiled inwardly and I could see the subconscious me smoking a pipe and shaking his head in consternation. I had to pick my words carefully before I give off a weird vibe with the one genuine person I was solely beginning to consider as a friend. Other people just fawned around me because of the "quarterback badge" I was carrying, they mostly need me for the football games and almost nothing else.

"Oh yes, I am alright. I was just lost in thought." I cleared my throat shakily to keep my mouth from being too forward. My subconscious character just stared at me and shook his head after refilling the tobacco supply in his almost empty pipe. I just had to come up with a name for the guy who was way too much, "SMOKY." I couldn't stand an abridged version of myself creeping up in my head and annoying me because first of all, he is a figment of my imagination and he seemed daring which I envied funny enough.

I was thankful I didn't end up embarrassing myself by asking Chloe a weird question. I just watched her zip her bag and I raised my head to hear feet shuffling behind me. I turned abruptly and came face to face with Jess and the other two girls whose names I didn't bother to find out.

"We need to talk Skye," Jess yelled.

"I can hear you loud and clear Jess, stop yelling." I tried to keep my cool while stealing glances at Chloe who acted aloof and disinterested in the drama which was unveiling itself.

"You have not been responding to my messages, emails and neither have you been taking my calls. You rarely look twice in my direction. Can you tell me what the problem is?" She flicked her eyes in disgust and looked disdainfully at Chloe while she said that. The venom was clearly radiating off of her and I had to admit she looked feisty and cute in a way like a mystery cat woman.

"Can you at least stop yelling and just listen?" I spoke in a very calm, cool and collected voice while trying hard to avert the attention of everyone from the scene she was making but she flared up. It was like I only succeeded in adding fuel to the fire that was threatening to cause a major fight in the half full class.

"Oh, I see. This bitch has been taking your time. She's not even that pretty." She huffed and continued to spew insults at Chloe.

I felt so bad because I brought about the whole drama and SMOKY wasn't helping matters; he kept grinning 😁 sardonically and I was very upset at Jess for her tantrums, at Chloe for not speaking for herself and, most of all, at SMOKY for messing with me at the least expected time.

Jess always picked the perfect time to cause trouble 😏, the teachers were off to attend a conference in the Hall of Fame Auditorium that served as a venue for symposiums and seminars organized by the Educational Board. Soon enough, I heard the familiar voice of Chloe filter into my thoughts.

"Excuse you lady? I believe you have the wrong girl on your bitch list. I'm trying really hard to keep it cool with you but let this be the last time you mess with me or cuss around me. I don't take such insults very lightly and if you push me, I'd come back at you hard with everything I have got. Understood?!" Chloe snapped at a surprised looking Jess who blinked rapidly to recover from the shock.

"No one has ever talked back at me," She heard herself saying.

"And this wouldn't be the last time I'd talk back at you if you keep being unbearable. No wonder your boyfriend has not said much regarding you. The attitude you give is rather very annoying and unattractive. Grow up Jess." With that Chloe walked out of the class.

Amidst the "yay" and "you go girl" that erupted in the class coupled with the low whistles, I could tell that everyone else was happy someone new was able to stand up to the excesses of Jess and it was a relief that Chloe was going to be okay.

I looked at Jess who was already sulking and I walked up to her, "Look at me Jess, you are a really beautiful person on the outside but the way you treat people as thrash makes you seem like a really mean person who has no regard for the feelings of other people. Just try to be nicer. I have not been taking your calls because I happen to be in class most times or I'm busy helping the new student and a new friend to find her way around the school. There is no need to get harsh with her. When you increase your circle of friends, it helps you manage people more and establish stronger relationships with them. Do you understand that Jess?" I looked at her and felt bad for her. She looked remorseful and apologetic.

"I'm sorry I have been irrational lately and unbearable as an itchy rash," she smiled.

"No dear, you owe Chloe an apology, not me. You have not been so nice to her and it has just been barely a week since she resumed here."

"Urgh, alright I'd find her and say sorry." Jess said with a dismissive air.

"You need to say sorry because you mean it and want to, not necessarily because I asked you to apologize to her. Now that that is settled, I have things to attend to."

"I love you bunny," she planted a sloppy kiss on my lips and I felt nauseous for a split second.

"Easy Jess, I've got to go." I only hoped she didn't pick my apprehensive state and turn it to another fight because I needed to find Chloe ASAP.

'Okay okay, you have never really been a fan of PDA- public display of affection. I'd see you around...Come on girls." She and her minions stalked out of the classroom.

"Phew, good riddance." I thought.

"See you around Jess."

I picked my bag and went in search of Chloe; the first spot that came to my mind to search for her was the lavender garden by the school's parking lot. I'd go there to clear my head if I were in her shoes.

I had a lot to ask her but I was going to take them one at a time, a lot of thoughts raced through my mind as I thought hard about how to tell her how sorry I was. The fact that she was being dragged into the whole drama barely a week since her transfer to Queensland High is something I didn't subscribe to.

I was at the garden and there she was holding a flower and breathing in the scent of the colourful purple plant. She raised her head just in time to see me looking at her.

"Hey Chloe, I'm sorry about the whole drama with Jess earlier."

"I'm good Skye, really. You don't have to keep doing that...saying sorry for doing nothing wrong."

From the tone of her voice, I knew she was upset. "I'm really sorry, Jess is just unbearable."

"Haha, you have been putting up with her and I know you can do that all over again. I just don't like being dragged into a love triangle I'm not even a part of. It attracts a lot of attention I'm not cut out for. I hope you get my point."

"Of course, I understand...so friends once again?"

"A charmer, I can't stay mad at you for very long...Friends." She smiled and rolled her eyes at me wistfully.

I cleared my throat and blurted out, "Are you a twin?"

"Me? Where did that question come from?"

"I have been fighting the urge to ask but it's rather personal. I don't want to bring you into my drama." I really hoped I was convincing enough and not giving anything away.

"Weird question, but I'm an only child. Alright?"

"Alright. I'm starving, off to get lunch. Are you coming?"

"Well, I'd grab a bite. My belly started growling a few minutes ago. Let's get going."

"Okay, mademoiselle. Let's go."

We chatted like old friends on the way to the cafeteria. I still wasn't convinced that Chloe is really an only child. She might have not known if something terrible happened, she must have been really little to remember the vivid details.

"What if maybe, something terrible happened when she was little which made them move from Florida to California to get past the memory. Just what if?" I kept thinking about that tiny detail that could be a variable and have a connection with me somehow. I just couldn't wait to find out more but right now, my stomach did not let me focus as it did cartwheels like a cheerleader. I had to fill up the big guy and replenish the lost energy. Indeed, I was glad to be in the really interesting company of my mystery friend Chloe.