

By the time Chloe stepped out of the administrative block, it was almost noon and time for her orientation with other students. She walked briskly to catch up with Lopez who was on the phone talking and being dramatic.

"You're done?" Lopez mouthed.

"Yes, I am." Chloe responded.

"I'd have to call you back." She snapped the phone's pouch shut.

"I'm in no rush; you should have finished with your call." Chloe tried to sound diplomatic.

"We have to get you to the "Bloom Hall" or you'd be penalized for being late on your first day. Now, let's go."

"Yes ma'am."

They raced to the venue and Chloe was stunned at the large number of students in the hall.

"Are they always this much?"

"Hello, this is the most popular Ballet school in the States. So, yes." Lopez teased.

"Let's get seated. I'm sorry for taking your time today." Chloe appeased.

"Not to worry, I need a little bit of orientation too." Lopez replied.

Deep down she knew she needed to keep an eye on Chloe so nothing goes wrong.

There was pin drop silence when a thick looking man walked into the venue in a navy blue tuxedo accompanied by a slim looking lady in a beautiful ballet costume.

"Good afternoon students. I am Principal Marcel Thompson of this prestigious academy. It is my esteemed pleasure to meet you all. As you already know, you are to give your best at whatever you do to achieve the level of success you desire.

On this note, I welcome you all to campus, returning and new students inclusive. Take your classes seriously.

Check your respective mails for a copy of the guiding principles of the academy. Miss Taylor here will show you a few moves for your first class later today.

Learn them, or at least practice them before showing up in the dance studio. I'd leave you all in her capable hands."

There was a round of applause when he concluded his speech.

"Sir, you didn't give room for any questions." A handsome looking boy of not more than seventeen by all estimation raised his hand.

His boldness was followed by several gasps of visible shock. Many wondered how he could muster enough courage to talk on his first day.

"Yes, what is your name?" Principal Marcel asked.

"My name is Robin McCoy." He responded.

"Good. Mr Robin, such attitude will not be permissible on certain occasions but I'd let this slide. Direct your questions to pretty Miss Taylor, she'd tell you what you need to know.

I have administrative work to attend to." With that, the Principal stormed out of the hall.

"Get settled students; I want to show you something." Miss Taylor's melodic voice rang out in the hall.

"Rumour has it that she is in a romantic relationship with Principal Marcel, but who knows? It's just cheap talk." Lopez whispered to Chloe.

"Lopez, let sleeping dogs lie. Like you said, rumour has it. Don't get caught in the middle of what you're unsure of... Now, focus Missy." Chloe rolled her eyes at Lopez before focusing her eyes on Miss Taylor.

"We'd see about that later. I'm glad you're here for a while before graduation. You'd hear it flying around soon." Lopez winked.

"Now that I have your attention, I'd like to show you a few ballet steps. Focus. This one is called the Pirouette." She took a 360° spin and gave a graceful bow to the stunned audience.

"Wow, that is so cool. Do another Ma'am." The boys behind whistled.

Miss Taylor was clearly looking flushed, as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

"Okay, settle down. I present to you the Arabesque." She stood with an admirable gait and smiled.

"Show us a few more steps." The interested back benchers yelled in admiration.

"Okay, a few more wouldn't hurt." Miss Taylor had no choice but to satisfy the curiosity of the interested students.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this one is the pirouette special." She added a cartwheel after the spin.

The crowd went agog with so much admiration and a few teardrops by the newbies present in the Bloom Hall.

Chloe did the unimaginable, she walked up to the podium and handed pretty Miss Taylor a rose 🌹.

"Oh wow, this is pretty. Thank you girl." Miss Taylor said while receiving the gift.

"You're welcome, you dance so beautifully." Chloe blushed.

"Well, thank you. I believe you'd do well here umm, Miss...?"Miss Taylor paused as if she missed her name.

Chloe got the cue, "I'm Chloe."

"Oh yes, Chloe. You'd do amazing things here. I see the gait in your steps." Miss Taylor said.

Chloe ignored all the eyes peering at her and walked back to her seat clearly flustered.

"See who got a gift for the lady of the hour." Lopez whistled lowly in her throat.

"Hey, easy. I had no idea it would come in handy." Chloe retorted.

"Oh really? So, you mean you didn't get the rose for Miss Taylor over there?" Lopez looked towards the podium with her eyes.

"Well honestly, I got it for Robin." Chloe mouthed.

"Hold on a moment, did you say Robin? As in the Robin McCoy who raised his voice at the Principal?" Lopez quizzed.

"Easy girl. Yes, that Robin." Chloe said.

"Forgive my curiosity but, why would you get a stranger a rose if it means nothing?"

"Why are you suddenly so interested in the rose?" Chloe scrunched up her nose.

"Am I too pushy?" Lopez asked instead.

"On the contrary, I am picking off jealousy as the weird vibe.

"What is it with you Lo?" Chloe yelled.

"You're making a scene here. Damn it. Besides, no one calls me Lo except..." She let her voice derail off course.

"Except who?" Chloe tried not to yell.

"Why do you care?" Lopez answered back.

"You make me care. Why are you so attached Lo? You barely know me. You can't call our meeting sheer fate or a coincidence. Tell me, who put you up to trail me?!" Chloe yelled.

"Hush girl, you're causing a scene and obviously making a fool of yourself right now. Quiet down, we'd talk about this in the dorm. Please, I don't do so well with people." Lopez gave a puppy eyed look.

"I need answers now, just clear my doubts." Chloe pressed.

"Fine!!! You'd regret this as soon as I state why." Lopez warned.

"Try me!" Chloe said with bloodshot eyes.

"It's simple, you!" Lopez became so quiet.

"Me?" What do you mean? What the heck do you mean Lopez?" Chloe dragged her and they stormed out of the hall to the parking lot which was filled with the scent of roses.