

"I see what you did there Chloe. So, you brought me here to show me you picked the rose for Robin here, but it ended up leaving with Miss Taylor who impressed you with her epic dance routine. Yes! Yes!! You all only see her and no one else." Lopez huffed.

"What is going on with you? You have been acting up. The whole needing orientation yourself thing was a lie, eh? Oh, I get it. You want to be around me. Let me guess, you'd cancel your classes too just to be in my space eh?" Chloe yelled.

"You give yourself too much credit and you're not wrong. I want to be around you Chloe, I haven't felt that way in years. Call me crazy but it's the truth. I want you around always." Lopez sniffed.

"Ain't that weird? You barely know me. Why would you want to be around me?" Chloe asked with a puzzled look etched on her face.

"Have you ever really been alone? With no one to talk to? With no one to share your burdens with? With no one to understand exactly how you feel? With no one to rant about your day or how terrified you are? Have you ever just been around people but have this gut feeling that loneliness is your companion?" Lopez sighed with teary eyes.

"Lopez, I'm sorry you feel like that. I totally understand you. I used to have a twin sister. It was recently I got a vivid memory of her or who she was. We lost her by the pool when she was about six years old. We had a family gathering and a neighbour's son she was playing with pushed her. She slipped and hit her head on the pavement by the pool. She bled a lot before help could come. She died in mum's arms." Chloe heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm so sorry Chloe. I didn't mean to remind you of the experience." Lopez said.

"It's fine. I healed from the hurt. I try not to forget her face. She was so pretty, with her shiny red hair." Chloe sniffed.

"I can only imagine. But, that is not the kind of loneliness I'm talking about." Lopez said.

"Oh yeah, what are you driving at?" Chloe retorted.

"I'm talking of the loneliness that comes with missing someone special you can connect with." Lopez said, hopeful that Chloe doesn't have to make her spell it out.

"Wait, like someone you love?" Chloe asked wide-eyed.

"Exactly, I thought you were intentionally keeping yourself in the dark." Lopez seemed to relax.

"So, let me get this straight. You're in love with me? How can that be?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, I'm not one to always say this but, I love you Chloe." Lopez smiled.

"This is weird, I can't get used to it. Are you Les?" Chloe asked a question she obviously knew the answer to.

"In as much as I find it insulting to be asked about my sexuality. Yes, I am Les. I'm ready to break my own rules for your sake Chloe. I think about the example of the angel I seek to cure my loneliness and all I see is someone special, you just fit in." Lopez said.

"I can't be half the person you're looking for. I am not the one. I'm far from an angel, I am not her." Chloe yelled, hot tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I made you cry. I'd try everything to make you see you, for the beauty you are. Just let me." Lopez walks up to Chloe and cups her face in her hands.

"I can't be her. You're looking the wrong way." Chloe let the tears drop.

"Hush my love, let me catch your tears before they fall." Lopez tucks her hair behind her ears.

"But Lo..." Chloe looked at Lopez and lost her voice.

"There you go with my ship name, Lo. We're a pair...Ch and Lo...ChLo."

"Lopez, I'm not sure." Chloe's lips began to quiver when Lopez touched her lips.

"To the dorm then? It's too public here for that special moment we're about to have." Lopez suggested.

"Yes." Like magic, Chloe finds herself nodding.

"I know a shortcut, let's go." Lopez takes the path and in a few minutes they're outside the dorm room.

Chloe fumbles with the key and they both walk in. Lopez locks the door behind them.

"Here we are. I'm giving you the opportunity to explore other parts of yourself which you've concealed." Lopez said.

She stands in front of Chloe and kisses her passionately. A soft moan escapes Chloe's lips when Lopez cups her breast.

The kiss intensifies and Chloe finds herself working under Lopez's silk shirt.

"See, I told you to explore yourself. Take me home girl." Lopez said with her hoarse voice.

"Indeed, this is a different feeling. I love it. I have been looking for purpose and a way out of loneliness. This is my first way out of it."

Chloe unhooked the lacy bra of her counterpart and squeezed the firm breasts concealed underneath.

"Hold on," Lopez took her phone out to play a song by Labrinth, See Beneath Your Beautiful.

"See beneath your beautiful. Damn, I love it." Chloe smiled wickedly.

They both got busy, each pleasuring each other and deepening the kiss further. Lopez took Chloe's hard areolas in her mouth simultaneously making the nipples harder and the more appealing to look at.

"I want you Danny." Chloe moaned.

"Danny? Who the heck is that?" Lopez stopped everything abruptly, leaving Chloe a mess.

"What's wrong?" Chloe managed to say.

"You called Danny! Who is that?" Lopez fumed.

"I'm sorry, that's my ex. Don't stop." Chloe begged.

"I'd teach you one lesson today regarding the ex syndrome. Never mention them, you left because they didn't deserve you to start with." With that, Lopez walked up to Chloe and dug her fingers inside her wetness before licking her fingers clean and kissing her passionately on her lips; she took to teasing her and biting her nipples in the process.

"Get dressed. You have a class in twenty minutes. You should shower too." Lopez walked into the bathroom.

Chloe was too stunned to speak, the water was running in the bathroom and she knew she had to leave Lopez's sight immediately.

"What on earth just happened?" I don't remember coming back here. OMG!!! I'm almost naked." Chloe scurried to get her clothes on before dashing out of the room.

Lopez finished cleaning up and walked out of the bathroom, "You should lock up afterwards Chloe...." She looked puzzled to find the room empty.

"Haha, the realization has hit my poor Chloe. They always act up at first, she'd come around. The sorority sisters should be proud of her newest member, Chloe." With that finished, Lopez took her spell book and set out for her luncheon with the sorority sisters.

"What a day today has been." Lopez locked the door behind her and stalked off.