

Lopez got to the restaurant and picked an empty table before getting seated. She hated to be kept waiting, so she made it a thing to always be early.

"The sorority sisters would be proud," she muttered to herself.

A neatly dressed waitress walked up to her, "welcome, what would you like to have ma'am?"

"Don't be fooled by the appearance missy, I'm still quite young. Call me Lopez." She said, giving her no room for arguments.

"Oh okay. What would you like, Lopez?" The confused waitress asked.

"How about your name for a start?" Lopez was clearly enjoying herself.

"Okay, I'm Cindy. My tag carries my name though." She said.

"Oh yes, I must have missed it." Lopez chided herself.

"Sorry Lopez, but I have other tables to attend to. Can I take your order now?" Cindy asked.

"Oh yes, I was just making small talk. I'd have a hamburger and some French fries with a bottle of cola." Lopez said sweetly.

"Okay, coming right up." Cindy hurried to get the order.

"There you go," Cindy placed the tray before Lopez and scurried away.

"Thank you," She said and took a big chunk off her burger.

Lopez kept fiddling with her phone and dropping messages for the sisters she was waiting for. She exhaled and continued to eat. Soon enough, the click tone of heels on the floor caught her attention.

"LOUSY BITCH!!!" She cursed under her breath, through gritted teeth.

Two ladies in conspicuous clothing were headed to Lopez's table. She tried to appear excited to see them.

"Over here Charlotte, Elena." Lopez waved to get their attention.

"Hey Lo, I hope we didn't keep you waiting for too long." Elena said while sitting down.

"I haven't been here very long though." Lopez said.

"I see you couldn't wait for the sisters before ordering food." Charlotte spat in disgust.

"Oh really? If you weren't busy kissing up to Celine's ass, we'd not be in this pickle." Lopez challenged.

"Easy ladies, we are here for serious business. You both owe each other an apology. Speed it up before we proceed." Elena said with an air of finality.

"Oh alright! My apologies Charlotte." Lopez said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Lopez." Charlotte responded coldly.

"Good. Now, Lopez did you make the cut? Mother Supreme has been very upset that you haven't brought any new face to the frat lately. What do you have to say in your defence?" Elena spoke.

"I have nothing much to say except, I didn't find one that connected with me." Lopez said.

"Stacey definitely clouded that red head of yours." Charlotte muttered to herself.

"What did you say bitch?" Lopez gritted.

"Absolutely nothing but, we do need some iced coffee if we are going to be doing this." Charlotte snapped her fingers and a waiter came running.

"Welcome to Cheryl's Place, what would you love to have?" The waiter smiled.

"Except you're dumbass stupid, you should come to a table when you see a new face join in. At least, some of us have towed this line of work while volunteering." Charlotte hissed.

"TMI Charlotte!!! (Turning to the waiter) Pardon my friend. We'd love two iced coffee and sandwiches. Thank you." Elena stepped in to save the already pale looking waiter.

"Coming right up." He hurried along to get their snacks.

"Please, continue Lopez." Elena asked politely.

"As I was saying earlier, no one caught my attention soulfully. No one except Stacey but, I would say fate brought me Chloe." Lopez paused and observed the ladies.

"Okay? This is good news. You have my attention." Elena said.

"I met her just outside the Academy and everything just seemed to fall into place. We are roommates." Lopez smiled at the memory of what went down with Chloe.

"That smile, you wicked bitch. Did you mark her?" Charlotte asked.

"More than you can imagine. She is wrapped around my fingers, I can assure you. Tell Mother Supreme, a prodigal daughter is coming home with her retribution." Lopez half smiled.

"Next Saturday, 7pm. Eagle's Enclave. The usual venue." Elena smiled to show her happiness.

"Just in time," Charlotte said, as the waiter set the tray on the table.

"Enjoy your meal." He said before turning to leave.

"Excuse me?" Lopez said.

"Yes ma'am?" The waiter said.

"Can you get Cindy to come here please?" Lopez inquired of him.

"Umm, sure thing." He scurried off.

"New catch?" Elena asked between her meal.

"We'll see about that. Let me see her first." Lopez said.

Soon, Cindy was walking to their table. "You sent for me Lopez?" Cindy asked sweetly.

"I did. Dear, do well to give me the bill after. But now, I really need to use the bathroom. Can you take me there please?" Lopez asked.

Cindy unsuspecting of her plans agreed. "Sure, it won't take long. Follow me."

"Sneaky bitch. I have to admit, I like her style." Charlotte whispered to Elena. Lopez heard her and winked in response to the compliment coming from Charlotte.

"I'd be back ladies." Lopez smiled.

"So, here you go. The bathroom." Cindy curtsied in a dramatic way, something she did when uncomfortable or in a situation that was awkward.

"That I can see my darling." Lopez walked to the door and locked it.

"What are you doing?" Cindy asked in a shaky voice.

"I just want to be friends Cindy." Lopez said.

"Yes, we are friends. Aren't we?" Cindy quipped.

"I want you to explore that part of you that you're yet to embrace. Let me show you as your friend." Lopez moved closer and looked her in the eyes.

As if under a spell, Cindy found herself responding to Lopez. "Yes master, show me."

"Master eh? A submissive, I like that." Lopez cupped her face and kissed her deeply. She smelled of so many food combinations, especially cinnamon rolls. Lopez's personal favourite definition of a hurried breakfast.

Cindy moaned and deepened the kiss working on unbuttoning Lopez's shirt. "Easy girl, let me work on you some more."

"Yes, I love the feeling." Cindy conceded.

Lopez unbuttoned Cindy's white shirt and dug into her bra cup, fondling the soft breasts in the process.

"Arrrgggh, yes." Cindy moaned.

"You like?" Lopez teased, stroking her neckline in the process.

"Yes, absolutely. I do." Cindy shivered.

"Do me." Came Lopez's husky voice in a whisper.

"Uhh? Are you serious?" Cindy's lips quivered.

"I have never been more serious." Lopez said.

Cindy undid the buttons of Lopez's shirt and found her way around her lingerie set. She found the zip by the side of the fabric and slid her fingers underneath to touch the soft breasts of her counterpart.

"Damn right." Lopez said in a groan.

The women worked on pleasuring themselves and fondling with their privates before something clicked in Cindy's brain.

"Oh my goodness 😮. I need to get back out there. I have tables to clear." Cindy paused and started to fix herself up.

"Oh yes, you did well in that self discovery we talked about." Lopez straightened up and got dressed.

"I don't understand what just happened, but I'd need some explanation. How do I see you again?" Cindy asked.

"I will find you, dear Cindy. Don't worry." Lopez smiled and unlocked the door.

"Oh okay, bye." With that, she ran out to tend to her waiting customers.

"Well done girl. Two sisters for the sorority in a day. You have really outdone yourself this time. Mother Supreme will be pleased." Lopez walked back to meet her friends at the table.

"Damn girl, what took you so long?" Elena asked.

"Let me guess, you were definitely marking that poor waitress. I saw her dishevelled hair." Charlotte laughed cynically.

"Another girl for Mother Supreme. Ah yes, you're free to crush." Lopez laughed.

"Oh Cindy, bills please." Charlotte called out.

"Way to make that girlie uncomfortable Charlotte. What is with you?" Elena frowned.

"Here you go." Cindy paused to look at Lopez who was smiling at her.

"Keep the change. Call me as well." Lopez stood to leave with the ladies following beside her.

"Girl, are you evil in your ways. When did you write out your number?" Charlotte mused.

"Haha, I have my ways bitch. I definitely don't kiss and tell." Lopez smirked.

"That I can tell. This still doesn't take you off my hate radar. See you at the next meeting. I can't wait to have you tell the frat your retribution story." Charlotte said.

"See you soon Lo." Elena said.

"Sure, peace ✌️." Lopez bade them goodbye and walked towards the sidewalk to hail a cab back to the Academy. It was too hot to walk back there.