

Chloe kept running away from her dorm room and the realization of her moment with Lopez kept tugging at her thoughts. The more she thought about it, the more it fuelled her feet throwing her into a frantic run. She bumped into someone while running with her books scattering over the floor, "Oh I'm sorry, forgive me."

"It's alright. Let me help you." The masculine voice replied.

"Oh Robin, I apologize for being clumsy." She said.

"You know my name, how?" Robin asked.

Chloe stifled a laugh, "I doubt there's anyone who doesn't. The orientation, remember?"

"Oh yes, I had to ask for clarity. Besides, where were you going in such a rush?" Robin asked.

"Oh yes, I was heading to the preparatory dance class and now I'm running really late." Chloe changed the subject.

"Sorry, I'm heading that way too. Let me walk you there." Robin offered.

"Sure, let's go." Chloe said.

They hurried to the venue and joined the students who were rushing into class.

"Settle down, this is my first class with the newbies. I am Mr. Raymond Cooper, your dance instructor." The teacher said.

"How about Miss Taylor?" A boy yelled behind.

"You'd be meeting her in your next year. That's if you pass.' Mr. Raymond responded.

Several oohs resonated in the class and decorum was restored.

"Now that I have your attention, we'd be learning the basics of ballet. There are Five Basic Positions of Ballet. The positions of the feet include first position, second position, third position, fourth position and fifth position. There are also other basic ballet positions of the arms that can be combined with other beginner and advanced steps. Are we following?" He asked, looking around.

"Yes sir." Many students were taking notes as he spoke.

"Good. The three elements of a ballet class are barre, centre, across the floor. We'd get more practical as time goes by. I don't believe you expect us to start dancing without learning the basics of ballet." He kept talking.

Two freshmen were murmuring in class, ignoring the ongoing lecture.

"The both of you, on your feet." Mr. Raymond said.

They stood and glanced around the auditorium.

"What are your names?"

"My name is Alex and I'm Edwin." They responded simultaneously.

"Can you tell us what you were talking about while I was lecturing?"

"Nothing serious." Alex hurriedly spoke before Edwin blew their cover.

"Not bad, pack your books and walk out of my class this instant." Mr. Raymond said and walked back to the podium.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by those unruly behaved individuals, ballet is an amazing art. Any questions so far?" Mr Raymond scanned the auditorium.

A girl with blond curls raised her hand✋.

"Beautiful, before asking a question you have to introduce yourself first. Ask your question." He said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Andrea. Can ballet be self taught?" She sat down afterwards.

"Andrea, Ballet is a beautiful art form to use for self expression or to stay fit. While taking a dance class is the best way to learn ballet, you can do basic ballet moves at home if you can't take classes or if you just want extra practice. But of course you want to get better at it that's why you enrolled here, am I right?" He asked rhetorically.

"You are sir." She said to herself meekly.

"Any further questions?" He scanned the room.

"No sir." The class responded.

"To conclude, there are seven movements of ballet. These are known as the seven movements in dancing. These are plier (to bend), etendre (to stretch), relever (to rise), sauter (to jump), tourner (to turn), glisser (to glide), and elancer (to dart)." He smiled after saying the last word.

The bell chimed to indicate two hours had rolled by.

"I have given you the basics to help in your mastery of ballet. Do well to read them and study everything. The subsequent classes you'd be having are going to be basically filled with rigorous backbreaking dance lessons. Let's call it a day. Have a great day ahead." With that, he sauntered out of the classroom.

"Hey, the class was really interesting." Robin said beside Chloe.

"Were you talking to me? Oh yes, it was." Chloe said.

"You seem distracted, are you doing well?" Robin asked.

"What's next in the schedule?" Chloe said.

"Really? You didn't stay back to hear the announcement I guess?" Robin said.

"What are you talking about? What announcement?" Chloe asked with a puzzled look.

"After the orientation, it was announced that there'd be no other classes after this one to help students settle in. School starts properly tomorrow." Robin smiled.

"Oh cool. Excuse me, I need to make a phone call." Chloe said.

"Sure, it's noisy here. I'd wait for you outside."

Chloe shrugged her shoulders and rushed to fish her phone out of her bag.

Dialling her mum's number, she kept muttering to herself. "Please, pick up mum."

There was no answer. "Urgh, she must be at work." She hissed.

"Everything alright?" Robin made his presence known.

"Please don't get yourself dragged into my mess at the moment. I am fine." Chloe said with finality.

"Are you hungry? We could grab a snack before I let you go." Robin offered.

"One snack. Do you even know your way around?" Chloe asked.

"Sure, the map is the guide. I have studied it like the back of my hands." He laughed.

Chloe couldn't help but smile, "alright, let's go."

With little difficulty, they got to the cafeteria and moved straight to the counter to order for snacks. Picking their trays, they sat close to the window and Robin kept the mood chatty.

"It's lovely to meet you again."

"Yes Robin, I've heard that a million times. Nice to meet you too." Chloe rolled her eyes before biting into her hamburger.

"Umm, I have no idea what to talk about. The funny thing is that I admire your courage and tenacity. You were able to give a rose to the lovely teacher. A bold and sweet gesture." Robin winked.

"This is coming from someone who against all odds asked 'Mr. Tuxedo' a question." They both laughed.

Chloe gasped as she remembered she'd have to go back to her dorm when all this is over. She turned pale instantly.

"Oh my, you look pale. Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry. Do you need anything?" Robin apologized.

"No no, thank you for the snack. I have to go. Please, let me walk alone. Don't argue I beg you." Chloe was set to leave the cafeteria.

"Weird but okay. See you under better circumstances." Robin continued to eat when she dashed out of the cafeteria.

"Phew, what do I do about Lopez? I just got here and I'm getting this." She sighed when she stopped by the notice board.

Her phone started to ring loudly and she was glad it was her mum.

"Hello mum, I have been trying to reach you." Chloe said.

"Sorry baby, I was working. How are you holding up?" Her mum asked.

"Mum, I feel like coming home already. I'm tired and my roommate is not helping matters." Chloe sighed.

"What's the problem dear? Talk to me." Her mother said.

"I think I might be in some emotional fix. I want to come home mum. I need to eat some home made lasagne and try your amazing food. I just need a break mum." Chloe exhaled.

"Baby, talk to me. Is everything alright?" Her mum asked.

"I gotta go mum. I'm going to pull through. I always manage. Say hello to dad for me. I love you." Chloe hung up.

"Chloe, are you sure? Do you need me to come get you? (Silence) She hung up on me, good gracious." She said a prayer for her daughter.

Chloe was outside her dorm room and she had to breathe in several times to calm her racing heart before she opened the door. She was stunned to see Lopez, although she wasn't expecting she'd be out.

"Look who the cat dragged in. I for one was thinking you'd not return to your dorm room. Welcome back sweetie." Lopez cooed.

"I was attending classes." Chloe said, avoiding eye contact.

"Classes, eh? If I didn't know better, I'd say you were avoiding me." Lopez replied.

"Can we just get past this like nothing happened? I hate awkward moments." Chloe said.

"Of course dear. On one condition." Lopez said.

"Name it." Chloe said curtly.

"I have an event I'd love you to attend next week Saturday." Lopez said.

"Okay? I attend this event and we're all cool?" Chloe prodded.

"Sure." Lopez said.

"No problem. I do need to freshen up. No peeking." Chloe walked off to the bathroom.

"Go ahead, my sassy girl ❣️." Lopez cooed.

Chloe walked into the bathroom and did ensure that she locked the door to be certain of her privacy. She kept wondering how she was going to cope with having Lopez as her roommate for the preceding months of the academic year. The thought scared her but she just wasn't going to let the setback get in her way.

She let the water hit her skin and literally wash away her worries before getting dressed at once and walking back to her bed. She didn't utter any word to Lopez as she landed on her mattress and fell asleep upon connecting with the soft mattress.

"Good night my beautiful friend, I can't wait to bring you before Mother Supreme. This is indeed too easy." Lopez smiled wickedly and got set for bed.

Things were beginning to fall into place for her and she just loved the beautiful feeling it brought.