Closing Remarks (for now)

       Nothing will ever tear me from the arms of God.  I will always and forever cling to Him, and nothing will ever stop me from praising His name.  No matter what befalls me, my faith in God will never disappear, because He is faithful, and He will never forsake me.  I owe it to Him never to forsake Him.  I am not prefect right now, and I still struggle with a lot and I don't know everything, so please don't assume that I am perfect.  Rather, see my imperfection as a hope that you, too, aren't going to be condemned simply because you aren't perfect.  When God says, "come as you are", He means it.  My prayer is that this testimony will be both a reminder to me to always pursue God in all that I do, and that it might even influence one person to start down that road with the Lord.  I'm hoping this will be an encouraging message to those around me as well, that someone might read this and know that no matter what, no matter how hopeless your situation feels, God is always waiting with open arms.  Because He is.  The fact that He saw me in the pit of my sin and still said "I want that one" is proof to me.  Hopefully, it's proof to you, too.  So, if you're fighting with it, stop resisting Him.  It brings Him absolute joy to get to adopt another child, and I'm living proof of it.

        In Jesus's wonderful, loving, redeeming name I pray, Amen.