Chapter 2: New Years Eve and New Gundam Type

Three Days Before New Years Garuda-Class Transport carrier landed at Titan Cadet Academy the students that time went out too see it but not Rael he went to see Thatch at Hangar as usual. The workers began unload it most of them were Container fill with supply for New Years celebration and mobile suit spare parts also new type mobile suit.

When the mobile suit were unloaded Everyone recognize it the mobile suit reassemble RX-78-2 Gundam the rumored White Devil that end one year war. along with it there was Woman her age about 20s she has short blue hair her eyes were brown and she has curvy body.

Her beauty attracted a lot of male especially male Cadet some were female who amazed by her beauty and maturity she was welcoming by Principal Harland who actually happy to see her again.

" Sandra it's good to see you again...(tries to cover his tears) are you doing is your trip from Pyongyang make you tired" Principal Harland asked Sandra if her trip makes her tired.

" Don't worry Principal Harland I am fine I getting used to this anyhow let's talk more inside" Sandra order her worker to move the Gundam to Hangar no. 4 while she and Principal Harland have some conversation.

Meanwhile Rael and Thatch were having conversations Rael began explain about his grade in class plus he score the Lowest during end year test thus he became laughing stock for this. Thatch didn't paying attention about but for the sake of Rael he tries his best to listen.

After listening to Rael problem Thatch advise him focus to his favorite subject Tactical Warfare since Rael score high at that subject as for rest he should worked out slowly and study it. Meanwhile Sandra and Harland are discussing about they day back during Operation Stardust and Sandra first time assign to Harland Unit.

" I remember that time you always be the bold one and cause some noise while we tried to slip through enemy base" Harland remember how Bold Sandra was that day when she cause alert in enemy base.

" And thanks to you I saved by you and the others besides if not because of Thatch I might not making out alive" Sandra remember how her teammates save her from it and she mentioned Thatch save her back then.

" Okay Okay... enough remember old time makes me itchy to go back so why did you bring that prototype here?" Harland asked why did she being the Gundam here was she planned something for it. Sandra hand over a file to Harland the file written is HAZEL when he looked into it the files contain the prototype schematic and also the Model name is RX-121-1 Gundam Hazel [Custom] and it New Prototype General-purpose Mobile suit.

This was upgraded Hazel since the first type was already use to fight Resistance at space Konpeitoh Arsenal made an Upgraded version of Hazel and sent it to Earth for test pilot. Titans Entrusted Second Lieutenant Sandra Lambert for bringing to Titans academy for test pilot. She also had list of Candidates for the test pilot and Rael name is on the list Harland will inform this to the Cadet in New year Eve.

Harland also let Sandra having a tour around the academy while he discussing this with all Teachers also he mentioned Thatch was here in Academy. Upon hearing that Thatch was here Sandra was overjoyed and excited to see him again but first she need to finish her tour.

From Principle office Sandra head to VR training room there all Cadet was training how piloting mobile suit and combat training then she walked passing Locker room and toilet. She walked towards library and classroom there she were greet by Cadets most of were male cadets. Larry that time were attracted by her beauty quickly asked for her number but he was rejected completely Larry doesn't give up he tried to use his pickup line but he failed again.

Sandra remind him that she will not fall for some guy who tried to hit her just for sex she very hated it Larry hearing Sandra warning became bit Humiliated by it. Sandra finished her tour after she became annoying with Larry she then quickly went to see Thatch in Hangar.

When she arrives there Thatch already the with Rael both of them were playing games as Rael read War tactics books Rael presence cause a curiosity from Sandra as she thought all Cadets supposed to attend classes but why is he here. When Thatch saw Sandra he quickly hugging her as everyone watching these two buddies reunion Rael was bit clueless he look the time it's almost night so he decided to went back to his hostel. Rael suddenly caught by Sandra beauty that makes him frozen for While Sandra look at Rael and suddenly chuckles Rael frozen infront of her.

" Earth to Rael are you there if you there please reply" Thatch tries to make fun with him the. Rael quickly come to his sense his face suddenly went all red and he dash off towards the hostel building leaving everyone bit confused.

Meanwhile not far from the moon Resistance Salamis-Class Kai and Nelson-Class ship tries to slip from Titans Radar but they did know they already being watched. Two NRX-044(R) Prototype Asshimar TR-3 Space type lead by Dante Valac he Piloting RX-121-2A Gundam Hazel TR-1 Advance Hazel. Dante and his Strigoi squad began stalking Resistance ship from pile of ship debris.

" Strigoi squad this Strigoi leader terrorist began approach point B I repeat the terrorist began approach point B" Dante remind his team about enemy movements from point to point.

" This is Strigoi 2 and 3 copy the Terrorist has approach point B as you plan awaiting order to attack" Dante team waiting for attack as soon enemy approach the position. The Resistance finally approach the Point B but they didn't not aware for the danger coming.

" Noah, Devon it's hunting time the terrorist has went in Strigoi squad Charge!!!" Dante order the attack the Kehaar began transforming from mobile suit to Mobile Armor Dantel Advance Hazel began destroyed the ship defence cannon with it's beam rifle while his teammates provide firing support. The resistance began to response by deploy RGC-83 GM CANNON 2 and RGM-79C GM Type C to repel the attack.

" Hey boss the terrorist began send some of their so-called Mobile suit to fight us hahahaha..." Strigoi 2 provoking resistance using outdated mobile suit.

" Well don't lose your cool Noah they maybe outdated but their pilot I heard some of them were one year war veterans" Dante remind Noah about enemy pilot capability. but Noah just continue firing and Dante began destroying Salamis-Class Kai belong to Resistance to lower their moral. then suddenly one of enemy GM Type C began attacking Dante from behind Dante quickly blocked with shield then he fires his beam rifle towards the enemy mobile suit. but the enemy managed to evade Dante realize this was not normal pilot he tried to bait the pilot away from Battlefield so he can play with him.

Meanwhile Noah and Devon busy killing resistance Noah becoming more excited as he killed more of resistance Mobile suit his bloodlust draw his cruel side he began massacred the resistance Mobile who tried to escaped. Devon in other way always calm but his instinct doesn't stop him from killing the remaining resistance. Dante finally managed to lead the enemy pilot to debris zone there he began to stalked the enemy to cause a fear and despair he use hit and run tactics to keep them distracted.

Then finally he head towards the enemy using Shield booster that contains Propellent tank a single thruster with an output 22,000kg. Dante kick the enemy GM Type C and finished with beam rifle using the Sub-arm from it's waist. After finishing wiped out all resistance Dante issue return to Ship for supplies and rest.

Next day in the Academy hall all Cadets making preparations to celebrate New years Eve the fireworks, Partying, Dance floor competition, and many more like kissing booth and others. the teachers inform the class about incoming event and he asked all Cadet must attend to celebrate together. after that the class's dismissed Rael quick left the class room and head towards Hanger there Thatch and his patrolling gang also made small party for themselves. On the way there he bumped to Sandra who accidentally came out from container.

" I am sorry is my fault are you alright?" Sandra tried to help Rael while he trying to hide his shy face Rael cover his face with his hands and slowly runaway from her. Once again Sandra were bit confused she thought Rael didn't like her Sandra asking about Rael classmates to find out more about him but everyone seems didn't know him very much it would seem Rael doesn't exist in here. Not giving up Sandra check his name at computer and his name were there when she checked Rael record he fail many classes except one Tactical Warfare which mean he was good with battle tactics and art of war.

That night Sandra spend her night with Thatch and his Patrol gang but she thought Rael was here but he's not here Sandra feel bit Anxious about him and she want getting to know him personally she asked Thatch how to start conversation with him. But Thatch just smile at her and his answer was simple.

" The reason is are you prepared for consequences because if start meet him the Rael might not be safe anymore" Upon hearing Thatch answer Sandra was little confused with his answer why did he mean if She started to meet Rael his life might be in danger.

Next morning there was no class Sandra went to see Rael at library Sandra slowly approached him and sit next to him but she didn't know Rael already senses her presence. before she can start conversation Rael already dash out from Library which makes Sandra bit angry.

Sandra still doesn't give up yet she tries to chased him off but Rael already gone off radar Sandra act caught by Rael classmates who actually grow bit jealous towards them. meanwhile Harland just finished his meeting with all teachers about Conducted test piloting the Prototype. Every teacher submit each of best Cadet who score higher points in all subjects upon receiving this Harland has to take at least twenty name among these cadets.

Then during night all Cadets has gather up at main hall to celebrate New years Eve among the teachers also join to enliven it Sandra also in presence at the party. But she was crowded by male Cadet who actually admired her beauty and she didn't care about it her reason here to find Rael.

After few hours looking for him she find out he wasn't there then suddenly Larry came out passing her drink Sandra with tiredness took it and drink it. After few minutes her heads starts to swing Larry tried to offer the help but she rejected it Sandra left the main hall and walked towards Hangar there she passed out for few minutes till she wake up again.

Meanwhile Thatch was busy preparing his own party with his gang but he suddenly felt something like someone in danger but he just thought that was only a headache. Sandra that time just awoke her head feel dizzy she slowly walked out and heading towards Thatch hangout place suddenly she saw a body of person laying on the ground.

Sandra slowly approached the body to check up it dead or not when look to his face it was Rael the kid who evade her many times was laying here almost died with his face damaged. Sandra lift him on her back then she walked towards Thatch hangout place.

Few more Hours before new years the Principal want give a few speech also he had surprised for them too as his begun Sandra and Rael finally arrived at Thatch hangout place. there Thatch was shocked by Rael he quickly went to help follow by his gang Thatch asked Sandra what happened to Rael but She didn't know she found him laying down behind the container.

Sandra lay Rael body at bed while Thatch find a first aid box his friends went looking for bandage and Sandra tried to keep him awake Then the countdown begins.

10,..9...8...7...6...5..4...3...2..1... Happy New year !!!!!!" everyone shout as the main hall echoes. Meanwhile Sandra stay at Rael side while Thatch and his gang drink to celebrate New Year. But they all seem sad, down and frustrated for what happened to Rael.

" Tommorow I will talk to Harland and discussed about this matter" Sandra decided to bring this issue to Harland tommorow morning.

" Sandra have you forgot your mission was given to and don't forget Barry sent you here to Steal that Gundam as for the kid I will handle it" Thatch remind her about the missing was given by Barry. Sandra nod her head and heads back to academy Thatch Began sending Intel about Titans to an faction called A.E.U.G. or Anti-earth-union-group.