Chapter 3: Valentine's in Blood

February, 14 The Cadets began celebrate their Valentine's together and the Principal decided to make Valentine's party tonight most couple are excited about the incoming event but not for Rael since he doesn't have girlfriend. his dream girl Viletta already couple with Larry Carnel and every female cadets are evading him.

Rael decided to hangout with Thatch and his gang at hangar after this but suddenly a girl Named Lara want him to be her date for tonight. without hesitate Rael accept the offer Lara will waited him outside main hall entrance with joy and excited Rael went to visit Thatch that time was busy playing poker with Sandra.

" Alright I win full house Thatch I got the money" Sandra shown her card which mean she got an upper hand.

" Think again Missy Royal straight flush looks like you lose and I got all the money" Thatch shown his card this time he got better score than her which make Sandra bit annoyed with it.

Rael that time arrive was greet by Sandra as she began asking about his condition but Rael just smile which shown he already made full recover from it. Sandra was relieved after that she passed orange juice to him and together they sat at chair while Thatch went out for Patrol rounds.

" Ermm Rael there was something I want to ask are free tonight" Sandra asking if he was free tonight then he remember he made promise to a girl named Lara for tonight date but Rael decided to hear Sandra request.

" Err...No I guess do need my help Sandra" Rael asked if she needs a help

" Actually I want to ask you help me with something but first you must promise not to tell everyone about it" Sandra want Rael help to do something but he must promise not to tell anyone about this and Rael agrees.

" Can you come to Hangar no 4 tonight Because there was something I want to discuss" Sandra request if Rael can see her tonight in Hangar no.4 Rael need think first Lara the girl he doesn't know came to invite him become her date and now Sandra asked to see her at Hangar no.4 so he gonna choose either date with Lara or Meet Sandra. Rael didn't give his answer to her because he need to think about it first.

Meanwhile A.E.U.G. the new faction was newly formed to oppose Titans Originally A.E.U.G. was political movement to reform the corrupted Earth Federation Government, due to Titans violent act towards civilians who against them.

While A.E.U.G. were busy fight Titan in Space at Earth there were also group who fought Titans on earth they known as Karaba thought they not well known like A.E.U.G. in space but they play important role fighting Titans on earth.

Meanwhile at Titans academy Rael walking around the park he still thinking about Sandra offer and Lara invitation both of them asking him at the same day. then suddenly he saw Lara with Larry walking side by side Rael thought Larry was dating Viletta but this time he's with Lara the girl who asked him to become his date. Rael felt something doesn't right then he quickly follow them from behind from park hallway he follow until both of them stop infront Classroom. as both of them enter Rael slowly approach the classroom to see what they doing and he was right Lara and Larry are plotting something.

" You right he's has taken the bait Rael will meet me tonight" Lara inform Larry that Rael has taken the bait.

" Good job I know you can do it and did he suspect anything about your invitation" Larry asking Lara if Rael suspect anything about this.

" No he's not and plus he happily accept my invitation he was easy to fool with" Lara convinced Larry that Larry was easy to manipulate since he was accepted her invitation.

" I know I can count of you Lara after you and Rael went inside lure him to our place then I deal the rest" Larry remind Lara to lure Rael towards him and he will deal the rest. as both of them laughed together Rael was already overheard about their plans quickly left the area. Rael realize he was being fool by everyone around him and all sweet talk and invitation was all lie Rael decided to left academy for good after Valentine's party.

Not far from the Academy three people are monitoring the academy from afar it would Seems they planning to attack the academy tonight their uniforms wasn't neither part of A.E.U.G. or Titans. Sandra that time has sent her last report about Hazel Custom to her superior officer Sandra open her table drawer inside there was Disk with words Chuck written on it. She remembers what Thatch say about her duty and Mission from beginning and during Valentine's party she gonna going to leave the Academy and Join her friends in A.E.U.G.

But Sandra worried about Rael since he becoming subject for bullying she decided to take him with her after this and sent him to a place he can feel like home. That night the Valentine's party has begun all couple went inside to enjoy to celebrate their Valentine's together. Larry and Viletta also there dancing as for Lara she still waiting for Rael to come but she didn't know that Rael already find out the real reason she asked him to be her date.

Meanwhile at Hangar No.4 Sandra was busy preparing for her escape by stole C-88 Medea transport ship then someone coming Sandra quickly hide she grabbed the metal rod to knock out the person. the footsteps sounds become close as she prepare to hit then a familiar voice calling out her name.

When she took a peek it was Rael Sandra were bit relieved she came out from hide to see him Sandra take bottle of beer and soda juice from fridge. both of them sat outside the Hangar as she look upon the stars " I will go there one day " Sandra point her finger towards the stars that one day she will go explore the stars.

While They enjoy their moments together suddenly they were shocked by explosion coming from Academy direction Rae run towards the Academy to find out what happened. at same time Sandra call someone through comm she explain someone knows about this then the male voice order her to escape before Titans sent Mobile suit team.

Rael arrived at academy entrance there the teachers and training are rallying the cadets to safe zone Rael look for Viletta but she nowhere to be found and then three GM II came. one of the teachers call the by waving both of his hands but then the GM II began firing vulcan gun from it's head the shot hit the Waving teachers as his began to explode as his remain were scattered around.

One of the Cadets began screaming and everyone began running from it the GM II began firing towards the Cadets Rael that time managed to escape he hide inside the academy he continues looking for Viletta and his classmates. Thatch and his team arrive at Hangar no.4 he look for Rael and Sandra but they weren't here only bottle of beer and Soda drink left behind Thatch though Sandra and Rael were together.

Thatch piloting his GM Quell and head towards the Academy at same time Rael went to Atrium upon arriving his eyes couldn't not believe what je saw the atrium was like warzone dead bodies were scattered around the place some of them unrecognizable because their heads were burn. Rael call out Viletta names but only his voice echoes the surrounding Rael continue his searching then suddenly he bumped to Lara the girl he met early that time.

" Rael?... What happened where's everyone and why there was lot dead bodies" Lara cries at Rael shoulder while he comfort her Lara explain what happened during the explosion she and Viletta are waiting for Larry to arrive. then one of teachers bringing a large box they thought it was present for everyone but turns out it was Bomb everyone thought it was pranks pull by the teachers. But the teachers face tell he wasn't playing pranks then He shouts I AM THE PATRIOTS then he detonate it.

the impact killed everyone near it only she and Viletta managed to survive Viletta told me to hide while she look for help till that time until she bumped to Rael. After hearing Lara stories Rael and Lara decide to run from here together at same time Sandra making final preparation to take off then she got call from Thatch.

"Sandra you need to leave now Titans has sent Mobile suit team to retaliate the enemy there's not much time left you better go now" Thatch end the call left Sandra no choice to take off but then she saw someone came it was Lara running towards the Medea Sandra open the Hatch to let her in.

But Lara mentioned about Rael who behind her earlier Sandra look around for Rael then she saw Rael running towards her behind him there was two guy chasing him and began firing towards him. Sandra repel it to cover Rael escape but suddenly Rael were shot behind then he slowly fall on the ground Lara witness it that time screaming and Sandra quickly left academy and she took Lara along with her.

As for Rael his fate remain unknown meanwhile at North Carolina Zabal Kulim was contact by Bask Om he ask about the incident and Zabal answer it " The plan succeed it go like you predict Commander" Zabal also inform the attack was plan by resistance group as news told. The students death was part of collectral damage Bask Om also mentioned about the Selected students he requested for Zabal inform him the students was on their way to space.

Sandra and Lara arrive at New York City there she meet Jake Harper and Laura Amell they asked if Sandra succeed stealing the Prototype Sandra shown it to them RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel. Jake and Laura congratulate for her success but for Sandra it was failure Lara approaching Jake and Laura " I want to fight Titans with you all" Lara request was shocking Sandra a bit Jake asked why she want to Join his cause.

Sandra explain to Jake and Laura what happened to her and how she witness her friends died Jake and Laura were shocked as for Sandra she bit worried Lara and she don't want to drag her along. But it was too late Jake and Laura accept Lara as part of A.E.U.G. member but Sandra try to stop it she doesn't want Lara join because she still young but Jake has agree on it there's nothing she can do now after that they all went to Kennedy spaceport the next destination is Space.

The news about the attack has become hot topic Titans blamed A.E.U.G. for the incident that killed 200 life mostly children's the debate lasted 5 hours until the winning side won by A.E.U.G. since there's no proof about their involvement.