Those Damn Boys

I'm arranging my books in my locker when I almost forgot about the message. I took my phone out of my pocket and open to my notifications.

Unknown - it's Matt.

Unknown - reply when you're free.

I sighed softly and starting to type.

Elysia - Okay. Saved it.

Matt - great. See you at Science lab?

Elysia - wait. You're in my Science class?

Matt - yeah.

Matt - why?

Elysia - nothing. I mean, you can be with me and Ryan.

Matt - I'm already IS his Table partner.

Elysia - oh. Hahahaha.

Matt - see you at lunch?

Elysia - yeah. I guess.

Matt - okay. See ya!

Elysia - great.

I turn off my phone and place it back in my pocket. After I'm done arranging my locker, I took out my lollipop and my water bottle and start to walk to the vending machine near the lunch room.

I stand in front of the vending machine, choosing the food or snack that's available. While I'm tapping my chin, still choosing the snack, Ryan and Matt came standing beside me.

"Try the oreos. It's good" I can hear Ryan said that without looking at him.

"Nah. Try the Choc Chip Cookies. It's better."

"Okay, okay. Let me choose." I bow down a little, still choosing for a snack. I take out a dollar out of my pocket but before I could insert it in the vending machine, two one dollar bills was held in front of me. I look at the guys and raise an eyebrow.

"Woah. What's this?"

"Keep your money. Use mine." Ryan smiled a little after he said that.

"Nah. Use mine." Matt also said the same thing. I frowned a little out of confusion.

"What? Uh.. nope. I have my own money."

"No." Matt and Ryan said in unison. They looked at each other. Both seems angry.

"Dude what's your problem?" I just watch them starting a fight in front of me.

"Me? It's you. She's new and I'm the Senior Chief."

"So? That doesn't mean I can't treat her. It's just a dollar."

I can see their face turning angrier. Both fist's up, ready to punch each other.

"Okay, stop. I'm just gonna eat my lollipop. Save your bucks, guys. Jeez." I rolled my eyes and walk away. After a few steps, I could hear they're fighting at the back, in front of the vending machine. I stopped and put my lollipop in my mouth. I sighed and walk back to them. I stand quietly there, in front of them, still fighting each other.

"Ryan. Matt. Or whatever your name is. Can you two stop? I mean, you guys are 15." I took out the lollipop out of my mouth and pointed it at them.

They stopped fighting and stare at me. I frowned.

"What?" I looked behind me, there's some students around us three. Perhaps watching the fight earlier. Then I look back at them.

"I thought you guys are friends?" I said.

Matt folded his arms and Ryan shook his head.

"We're just unlucky."

Just right after Ryan and Matt said that, I saw my brother walking towards us.

Andrew's POV

"Seriously, Elysia? First day and you're involved in a fight?" I fold my arms and looked at my little sister.

"Dude. Who the hell are you?" both the guys in front of her said that.

"I'm Andrew. 17. Elysia's brother. You two?"

"Oh. Um.. I'm Matt. 16."

"And I'm Ryan. Also 16."

I nod slowly. My attention's back on my sister.

"So, tell me, why are you involved in this fight? Lucas will hate it if he hears this."

"I was just going to buy a snack, dude. Chill. I think Lucas might've already known since he's behind you." My eyes went wide at her last words. I turn around to see my twin, staring at us both.

"Uh, dude. I think you two better leave."

I heard my sister said that. Probably to the boys.

"Hey, what if you two come to our house for dinner tonight?" listening that to my twin's mouth, Lucas, literally shocked me.

I looked at him.

"Wait, what? I thought you said she can't have boyfriends?"

Elysia's POV

"They're not my boyfriends, you asshole. They're just in my classes."

I fold my arms and I heard the two crackheads in front of me trying to hold in their smirks.

"Same thing."

I roll my eyes at my brother's answer.

"I'd love to have dinner at your house though."

"Yeah. Me too."

I bit my lip and look at them.


"Yaaayy. Mom's gonna be very happy."

Lucas is seriously looking for problems.

"Shut up, you prick."

A/n - I guess I'll see you at dinner?

HSJSJDHSKSKSN. Just kidding. Don't forget to leave a vote! Love you guys