Wink, Wink!

I'm waiting for my brother's at my locker with my earphones in my ears. I play with my nails while waiting. Then, I could see Sofia and the rest of the cheerleaders walking towards me.

Perhaps they're not here for me?

I look back at my nails and Sofia stopped right in front of me with her arms folded. I looked at her.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow and look at her minions. She chuckled loudly and I can't help but cringed.

"You think I'm just going to stand and watch you steal my boyfriend? Bitch, you've never knew who you're messing with."

Then at the corner of my eye, I noticed Andrew and Lucas walking towards us. Sofia lifts her hand ready to slap me. But when she saw my brothers, she immediately put her hand back down. I frowned a little at the weird situation.

"Sofia? What are you doing here?" Lucas asked her and looked at me.

"I'm teaching this bitch a lesson, baby. This bitch is going to steal you from me. I really want to slap her. Let her know that, what kind of fuck she's done." She looked at me and lift her hand again. I didn't even flinched. Instead, I hold my laugh.

I placed my hand on my mouth. She seemed confused. Then she look at Lucas. My brothers is frowning like they're ready to kill the fuck out of her.

"Well, this bitch that you're talking about is my little sister. You know what? This is over. We've only met a few hours ago and you've begged to be my girlfriend. What a cheap."

When I see the shocked expression on her face, I laughed. Hardly.

"S-Sorry," I continued laughing.

"This is too funny! Now, Lucas. This is the girlfriend that you want to bring over for dinner? She's not even worth it."

Lucas blushed and I let out a little chuckle.

"Baby. S-She's your s-sister? Oh lord pringles.. I'm so sorry! Baby don't leave me. What am I gonna do? Baby, please." she curled her hands on my Lucas's arm.

Ugh. Cheap bitch.

"Dude. Fuck off my brother. You're not worth it."

I pushed her off my brother and Andrew laughed a little. Then I could see Matt and Ryan running towards us.

"What happened? What did I missed?"

"Nothing. Now, let's go home. I can't wait to have a shower and meet my boyfriend."

Both Matt and Ryan looked at me. Andrew and Lucas is holding their laughter. We just ignored the Sofia there until she stomped away.

"I thought you're single."

"Oh, yeah. I ate my boyfriend. Everyday."

They widened their eyes and my brothers laughed hysterically. I slap Andrew's arm.

"Whoa. What's hi- their name?"

I chuckled evilly.

"Their name is... Foods!"

Ryan let out a relieved sigh and so do Matt.

"You literally thought I'm going to eat a human? Gross. Ugh. I'm single guys. Don't worr-.. wait. Why do you care?" I stare at them and they started to blush.

"Just asking." Ryan rub the back of his neck.

"Um.. yeah. W-We're just asking." Matt cleared his throat.

"Hey, Andy. Too obvious?" Lucas looked at Andrew and smirked.

"Yep. Way too obvious."

I frowned a little. Confusion written all over my face

"What's obvious? "

They smirked while Matt and Ryan blushed hardly.

What the fuck is wrong with these guys?!

"Nothing. Oh, dad's here. Have you two told your parents you're going home late?" Lucas asked Matt and Ryan. They both nodded.

I smirked at Lucas and Andrew.

"SHOTGUN!" I ran outside the hallway and head straight to dad's white Jeep. I sat on the co-driver seat.  A few minutes later, Andrew, Lucas, Matt and Ryan came and sit in the car.

"ooh, new friends, hm, Andy?" dad asked Andrew.

"Not mine. Elysia's." Dad looked at me and smirked.

"Too early, sweetie. Nice to meet you boys. What's your name?" Dad start driving and looked at Matt and Ryan from the back mirror.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Silverwood. I'm Ryan. He's Matt. We're both 16."

My dad smiled.

"Aah, no need the Mr. Just call me Mark. So, where do you guys live?"

"Hence Wood." Matt and Ryan said in unison.

"Perfect. We live there too. In a matter of fact, we're already here." as soon as dad said that, he parked our car in the garage and turn the engine off.

I get off the car and looked at the mansion I live in. I looked at Matt and Ryan. They seemed kinda surprised.

"Mark, I don't think you should even drive us home. That's my house." Matt pointed at the mansion beside mine.

"Yeah. That's mine. What a surprise." Ryan pointed at the mansion on the left of my mansion. I raised both eyebrows.

"That's great! We're neighbours! Go call your families. Invite them to eat with us." dad smiled and placed his hands in his pockets.

"So, I guess I'll see you guys later?"

My brothers and my dad already rushed inside our house. Leaving me alone outside.

"Yep. Definitely. Can't wait to meet your family, Elysia."

Matt smiled and Ryan nodded.

I smiled back.

"Okay. Text me when you've arrived. See ya!"

I waved at them and ran inside my house.

As soon as I closed the front door, my little baby sister came and hugged my leg. I chuckled. She's so small!

"Hey cutie pie. Missed me?" I squish her chubby cheeks.

"Elly, don't touch your sister! Go upstairs and shower first!" I can hear mom shout from the kitchen.

"And your friend's coming soon. With their family. You better dress properly, young lady. No black hoodie, okay. " she came out of the kitchen standing beside the stairs with her spatula. I laughed a little at the sight.

"Okay mom. Can I wear my tops?"

She nodded.

"But make sure it's just a little above your belly button. If it's higher, to who you'd want to show your boobies?"

I laughed. She chuckled while swinging her spatula.

"Oh yeah, your microphone have arrived."

I smiled widely while taking my socks off.

Finally. I've been waiting for days!

I saw my little brothers, Danielle and Marcus playing video games on the sofa. I smirked. I held both of my socks and threw it on their face. I laughed and ran upstairs into my room and closed my door shut.
