Dinner Time!

"ELYSIA!! YOUR SOCK SMELLS LIKE A FAT LADY'S BUM!!!" I laughed loudly and took my bag off my shoulder and threw it on my bed. I saw a delivery box on my study table. I smiled. I look at the window and sit on my chair. 

I stood in front of my door and smirked.

"HAVE YOU EVER SMELLED A LADY'S BUM BEFORE, ASSHOLE?!" I shouted back at them with the huge urge to laugh. But of course, I just hold it in.

I hold the huge box and shake it a little.

"Oh dear, oh dear. I can't wait to rip this open!"

I took a scissor and cut the tape on it. Halfway through it, I could feel a burning sensation on my thumb.

"Fuck!" I let the scissor on the box and looked at my thumb. Blood is dripping from the cut. I wipe it with a towel nearby and suck it.

"Nuh-uh. Not helping."

I thought maybe the cold wind would help. So, I take my hoodie off because that's my favourite hoodie, leaving my white short crop top intact on my body and rushed to the window. I open the curtains and pushed the window to open it. I stand in front of the triangle shaped opened window, blowing at my bleeding thumb.

Then after the blood dried a little, I take a deep breath of the cold night air and wrapped my thumb with a waterproof bandage.

I forgot to close my window, but I remembered I turned the blinds on. I took my shorts off and placed a towel on my shoulder and walked into the bathroom that's already in my room. After a little warm and relaxing bath and a little play with rubber ducks that I stole from Kendall, my baby sister, I wore a white loose laced crop top and a white sweat pants. I took the towel off my hair and look at my face in the mirror.

I wear my lip balm but now, it's watermelon scented. I smacked my lips, tasted the lip balm on my lips a little.

"mm.. tastes good. I really should consider wearing this watermelon one more often." without drying my hair, I walk out of the bathroom and take the scissor from my table and open my box. This time, carefully.

I set the microphone up and stared at it.

"I should've picked black.. Why even did I let mom chose? It's freaking pink! " I bit my lip and open my blinds, pulling it up and let the cold breeze flow on my face with my eyes closed.

"Perhaps if I stay here long enough, it'll dry my hair." So I did. I stayed there.

Suddenly, a paper was thrown on my face. I open my eyes quickly, seeing Matt on the other side.

"Shit, dude. I almost forgot you're my neighbour now."

He smiled and I noticed the light blush on his cheeks.

"Hey! Come quick! I have something to show you!"

He made a peace sign and I closed my window. I ran downstairs when I heard the bell rang.

"I'll get it!" I shout when I'm almost at the last staircase. I almost slipped but luckily, today I wore my lucky bunny socks. I walk to the door and open it.

I smiled at the little girl that's holding a roasted potato try, I suppose. I gave her a space,

"Hey, come in!"

My mom came out of the kitchen in her white formal dress. I gave her a shocked expression.

"I didn't know you've planned to wear white, mom. Should've told me."

Mom chuckled and I peek at the door, seeing Matt and his family coming in. Just as I was about to close the door, I saw Ryan and his family walking towards our house. I open the door again. I whispered to myself,

"Darn it. Why the hell is this door heavy? I should ask dad to place one in the gym."

I closed the door when Ryan's family have walked in.

I ran to the kitchen because my stomach growled asking for foods. Matt and Ryan and their siblings sat on the couch with my brothers and my baby sister, joining them watching The Exorcist.

I could hear mom from the kitchen though.

I took my Lay's chips and sit at the counter. Then Andrew and Lucas walked in. I looked at them.

"Hey, I thought that's mine, Elly."

Lucas said as his hand slips into my bag of chips. I roll my eyes.

"Nope. They're not."

"By the way, pretty socks." Andrew laughed and stuff some chips in his mouth. I peek inside the bag seeing there's only a little left. I stood up, ready to leave the kitchen.

"Whatever. You're just jealous because I'm cute."

I'm walking to the Living room when I heard my mom.

"Well, I'm Roselia. This is my husband Mark. That's Marcus and Daniel. Both 10 years old. This little pie is Kendall. She's 3 years old. Then there's Elysia,"

I walked in on them while eating my chips.

"She's.. 16. Elly sweetie, I told you no chips before dinner and that sweatpants, matched your top. Congrats."

"I'm just hungry, mom. You know my tummy's not gonna feed itself. One more thing, that's why it's called comfy pants, mommy."

I snorts quietly and my mom just laughs at my comment.

Andrew and Lucas both walked in and stand beside me. I could hear Matt laughed a little at my words earlier. I pout slightly and walked to the guys and sit beside my baby sister on the sofa. Damn. She's watching a horror movie like a pro.

Matt's mom laughed softly.

"That's why they're called teenagers, Rose. I mean, look at my and Claud's sons. They're grown but still watched Spongebob squarepants."

I almost spit my chips because of that. I look at Matt and Ryan. Their face is burning red.

"MOM" Matt said that and looked at his mom.

He looked at me.

"Seriously? Spongebob?" I smirk.

"Just sometimes.."

"Uh.. yep. Sometimes." Ryan continued Matt's sentence.

"Nope. Ryan watched it everyday." the little boy who I assume is Ryan's little brother said that.


"Mhm. Mattie also watched it everyday. He said, Spongebob without an ice cream is never better. Then he'd pinch my cheeks if I change the channels."

I smiled widely.

Their brothers are cute!

"Not true!!" Matt and Ryan said in unison.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I watched them everyday too." I look at the TV and I stuff some chips inside my mouth.
