
Matt told me everything. His parents was involved in a car accident. My parents knew. My mom made Matt's favourite crepe cake.

I guess it's also my favorite now.

My mom also said that she can bring us to the hospital to take a look at Matt's parents. They haven't wake up yet.

Now here we are. Me, Andrew, Lucas, Ryan and Matt, sitting on the couch in the dark watching horror movies. While everyone else's sleeping soundly on their beds.

"Hey, Andy, when will you pay my 200$? It's been a while, dude. You can't just eat your sister's food stack and get away with it." I huffed at the end of my words.

"I'll pay it when dad gave us our allowance next week." his eyes still intact on the television screen.

I roll my eyes and stood up, walking to the hallway.

"Where are you going?" both Ryan and Matt asked in unison.

Have they planned this thingies?

"Toilet. I have some business to do." then I continue my journey to the bathroom at the end of the hall. My mind flicked at the first thing I did when we arrived here.

4 days earlier..

"ANDREW!!!!" I am freaking pissed right now.

A few minutes passed by and Andrew ran into my new room.

"What? What? What on the force is happening?!" I just keep staring at him with my arms folded.


Y'all don't play with Elysia when it comes to foods. She's hating it when anybody, anybody touched her food even if it's wrapped in foil, plastic or wrapper, she don't care. She'll turn into Satan at any moment.

"I'm sorry! I was hungry! Why did you even spent two hundred dollars on foods?!"

"Food is my fucking life, you asshole." I give him my signature glare; the cold one.

After dinner, I spent my time in my room and searching on Google, 'How to summon Lucifer to kill your asshole brother'.

Then one thing caught my attention. I have always not believing in Satan and all the Seven Deadly Sins even though my parents are quite religious.

It said I need a white chalk, red candles, matches and I have to sit in the dark. I grab a chalk from my mom's teaching room and a red candle from the bathroom.

I ran to the attic and sit there. All the things haven't been brought up here yet. We just arrived this morning. Our stuff haven't even been sent to this country. So, it gave me more space up here.

There's a few windows that reflects the moonlight. It's almost 2am now. I start to draw the circle that have star, I guess, in the middle of it. It's called Pentagram.

It said I'd have to place the candle in the middle of the circle. I sat in the circle too.

Then there's a chanting spell. I almost laughed.

"Why would people believe in this? Let's give it a try," I smirked and read the spell out loud.

"I invoke thee, God within myself

That I may seek my own redemption,

That I may know the secrets within this world,

That I raise myself to be Wise through experience and so I shall be the Bringer of Light.

A source of the Black Flame of Knowledge,

I offer only prayers to my potential and my possible greatness..." she continues to read the rest of the spell.

Then a few second later, the environment around  me gets a little hot. I tie my hair up into a ponytail. My sweat starts to form.

I look around. Nothing. But then a sudden chilly wind hit me.

"You summoned me, dear?"

I stood up and quickly ran downstairs

•~End of Flashback~•

A/n - I know, I know. It's short. But HELL YEAH! My hands are trembling because of excitement. 
