
She stared and followed him in the eyes as she felt him cold towards her since the moment she woke up. She only received a forehead kiss and a lazy good morning from him. She wanted to ask what happened but she thought he only woke up at the wrong side of the bed. She bit her lips lightly and hugged him from behind while he's preparing breakfast. She got a few quizzes today, so she needs him as her lucky charm. 

"I'll wait for you later after classes." She mumbled and he just nodded his head, carrying the plates full of food to serve it on the table. 

They had breakfast quietly and he drove him to the university. She got out of the car and she was surprised when he followed her out. She doesn't really know what is happening but this made her happy. He wrapped his arm around her waist and carried her bag. She thought he just wanted to see what the university looked like before he started teaching. 

"Here's my classroom for the first class. I have quizzes today and you're my lucky charm." She smiled widely with her arms around his waist. 

"You will perfect the quizzes. You're my smart girl." He said and she nodded before leaving a peck on his lips. 

"My friends are already here. I'll introduce you to them." She smiled widely, waving her hand as her circle of friends approached them. 

"You must be the one who sent her a message last night." She looked at him with raised brows, seeing him with a smirk on his lips. 

She almost forgot that she let him send messages to them last night. Though she has nothing to hide, she is feeling amused that he is jealous. It's not yet a year since they got together officially but a lot of things have already happened and she barely sees him getting jealous over something or someone. She rested her chin on his shoulder and held his hand tight to assure him. 

"He agreed to have the group review in our house. It will be tomorrow, right?" She smiled at them but Sho's eyes were still fixed on her guy classmate who kept on asking her for a date. 

"By the way, my name is Yamamoto Shogo but she usually calls me Sho or hubby." Her eyes widened at his playfulness but she can feel that he is taunting her guy classmate. 

"You know what? You should go back home now. It's almost time and we already need to go inside the classroom. I'll see you later, okay? Don't forget to have lunch." She took her bag from him and carried it on her shoulders. 

"I'll have lunch with you later. I'll stay here for a while and talk to the director. I'll start teaching next week, right? So, I need to familiarize myself." He said in a low but soft voice and she smiled sweetly while nodding. 

"Alright. Send me a message later." They heard her friends fake coughing and she felt her cheeks heating up. He left a kiss on her forehead before leaving. 

"Are you two getting married?" One of her friends asked and she nodded. The guy glared at Sho and walked inside the classroom without speaking. 

It was almost lunch break when she received a message from Sho. He said that they will have lunch with Makoto. He also told her to invite her friends out since it will be at a restaurant near the university. Everything was fine until her guy classmate pulled her to the corner but she quickly pushed him away. Sho is already outside the classroom and waiting for her, so she ran out and hugged him tightly as their professor left earlier than them. 

"What's wrong?" Sho asked while hugging her back but he already knew what happened since he saw it. 

"I love you so much." She mumbled. He smiled softly and nodded. They shared a lot of memories already and he knows that she only set her eyes on him. 

"I love you more. Don't worry. I'll be with you everyday." He assured her by kissing her forehead. 

Going back to Tokyo, Gia is feeling strange ever since Riku decided not to bother her anymore. Right after the dinner they had with her father, she felt that something more happened. She learned from the head maid that her father talked to him but she didn't disclose what they talked about. It's not like she should get worried about him or what. It's just she is not used to this kind of treatment from him. 

"No, Gia. You don't care about him." She whispered and put her phone back inside her bag right after staring at the screen for almost half an hour. 

She can't decide if she will send him a message or will give him a quick call with the reason for asking some things about their new project. She called her secretary and asked her instead to contact Riku about the project. It's been a week since he started avoiding her. For her, it is avoiding it. If he comes up with another reason, it is not her problem anymore. 

"Kaichou, Aoyama-san said he will send his secretary about the project." She raised a brow when she heard this. 

"No. I need him to explain to me why he is ditching me and the project. It's been a week since he started not contacting me about this project and this project is an important project." Her secretary already lost count on how many times she mentioned 'project.' 

"Aoyama-san is out of the country, Kaichou. He will not be able to go back here in Tokyo until the end of the month." She shifted from her seat and furrowed her brows.