Ch.18 Awake?

Everyone looked very confused as I said those words.

"Could you repeat the name again?" the director asked.

"The United States, or the United States of America, or USA." I say. 'If I'm completely honest I shouldn't be in trouble right? I doubt they would have heard of it.'

"IEN search globally for 'United States', restrict the search to locations." The director spoke to what looked like the ceiling.

"No results found" a male voice responded. "Would you like me to lift the location restriction?"

"Yes and be sure to search historical records as well."

"Please wait."

I looked around trying to figure out where the voice was coming from but I could not see anyone's mouth moving or anything that might resemble a speaker.

"Who was that?" I asked

"Just something to help." Lys said while putting her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry too much about it for the moment, but how come you never told us about this before?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Well, no one ever asked did they?" I said while looking at Adrian and the doctor.

The director panned from Lys over to the seated people as well.

"No one?" He asked. His question was met with the sight of the doctor finding the floor exceedingly interesting and Adrian stretching his neck to look at the ceiling. "So everyone in this room involved with this boy has somehow managed to neglect the one thing I tell everyone?" I could almost hear the embarrassment radiating from the group who remained silent.

"Doctor, what's your reason?"

"I needed to wait until he could speak, and I wanted to wait until I felt like he was comfortable with me before bringing up possible traumatic experiences." Her reasoning seemed sound, but her blushing gave her away. The director could tell she was just BS-ing her way out but didn't seem to pursue it.

"And you two?" He addressed to Lys and Adrian.

"I taught him the words at least." Adrian said before Lys could start. "At least he understood your question." He said in hopes of trying to justify himself.

"Sounds like the perfect time to ask him then. And you're supposedly the smarter one too, I guess I'll rethink that." The director said coldly. He then turned to Lys giving her the chance to explain herself.

"I have no excuses director, I meant to and got distracted." Lys said with shame in her voice looking the at the director.

"Obviously so did everyone else, how do you manage to get distracted from figuring out where the child's home is? Is this not the whole reason we're watching him in the first place?" The director speaking reminded me of a sports team coach dissapointed in their team. And almost everyone had shame on their faces. The director opened his mouth to say more but was interrupted.

"Director Twain, no results were found." The voice said plainly. The director, instead of continuing his scolding, settled for a glare of frustration. After a few seconds he turned his eyes to me.

"Either you are lying about where you are from, or you are more lost than we all know." His eyes gave off a very faint sense of danger which put the muscles of my bladder to the test. "It's a good thing that we have Truth with us because we will find out very soon which one it is."

"Director don't you think that might be a bit much?" Lys asked with very evident worry.

"I don't. Otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. He may be but a child but I won't take any unknown risk." He sternly replied.

'The more he speaks the more confused I get. First he seemed to be defending me but now he is suspicious of me and slightly hostile. Is he bipolar?' His actions leave my thoughts in shambles.

"Why would I lie?" I ask.

"Why does anyone lie? To gain. And what is there for you to gain? I have no clue, but if there is anything, I will find out." His seemed to be slowly changing from stern to accusatory. "Veritas, have you been paying attention?"

I looked up to see who he asked but I only saw everyone's eyes on me. I looked to the strangers of the table and none of them seemed like they were about to speak or the ones spoken to. I looked up again to see if another voice would come from around the room but I jumped when I heard someone start to speak from behind me.

"Yes Director." A polite voice said. I turned to see a tall lanky man before me. He seemed to be about 6'4" (1.95 Meters) and the first thing to notice about him is his shoulder length shiny blonde straight hair. His eyes were blue and he didn't have an intimidating demeanor. He reminded me of people of the countries of Northern Europe.

"And what are your results?" The director asked.

"He believes himself to be telling the truth director." He said in his same polite tone. My thoughts immediately arrived at one phrase, 'Human Lie Detector' I turned around to look at the directors reaction still expecting a gaze. Instead I was greeted by a smile, one might call it a warm smile, yet after seeing his mood switch so rapidly, I was unsure if it was wise to assume anything with him.

"Good, then that just means we have more things to learn before we can help." His seriousness seemed like it was an illusion with the way he spoke. He looked at me again and this time his gaze didn't feel intrusive. "Cyrious, you aren't a spy or planning any harm against us are you?"

"No." I say. Once more he looks to Veritas who nods.

"Great! Now I must say I do apologize for being rude to you. I simply have to be sure that everyone in the association will be safe."

"I understand." I say.

"He is smart isn't he Adrian?" The director says in the most informal I've seen him so far. "So now would be a good time to talk about him also being awakened." His tone went back to being professional while also proving that his first question was rhetorical.