Chaos Chronicles

Chaos Chronicles

Fantasy23 Chapters26.8K Views
Author: Ghostpro
Table of Contents

This is the recorded chronicle of Cyrious Fall.

What happens when you're transmigrated to a different world? You're supposed to save the world right? You're supposed to struggle and grow and sacrifice for the sake of the greater good right? You're only told you need to put your struggles dead last and help out the future. Yet no one talks about the weight of displacement. No one mentions the brutality of saving people, and no one ever talks about how you need to save yourself.

And even if you found a way through all of that, all of it can be taken out of your hands through a greater power. Life is unfair. You will struggle. You have to create your own rewards. You are your only limit.


Book Cover commissioned by: Lachlan/ChromaticAbberations


I'm aware its not a usual synopsis, but I want my story to feel original and unpredictable. A blind journey if you will.

This will very likely be my only book. I want to write this story mainly for myself, but this means it will be extremely slow. It's updates will be slow, maybe one every two weeks. I want people to be able to read and enjoy it too, but it may be a while before it gets to that point. Any and all criticism is accepted, and I hope when this gets longer, I'll have a captivated audience. In the meantime, enjoy!

And yes, the writing is as chaotic as the plot will be

11 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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I was honestly a bit annoyed with myself since I liked the main character so much. He has this nice, cynical outlook but he's still very relatable and I feel that he is far more real than many MCs out there. And I liked how the beginning didn't start off too quickly, the author gave us time to get to know the world and the MC. Oh! And the very starting lines made a lasting impression. All in all, this is a bit on the guilty pleasure side due to the cynical MC and a little bit of philosophy here and there, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The only thing I take issue with is grammar, but I believe the author will get a better grasp on it by writing more. Nothing much, just commas and verbs missing. This is otherwise a good, entertaining story. Good job.

3 years ago

There are a few editing errors I see but other than that I highly recommend this story because there the worldbuilding is amazing. I also really enjoy the main main character and I cant wait for the future chapters of this story since it is so good.

3 years ago

Interesting read... gat my eyes glued... just starting thou. .but I know it's gonna wonderful throughout the chapters.. keep up d good wrk author

3 years ago

I thought this would just be a regular sci-fi story, but I couldn't be more wrong. The synopsis pulled me in straightaway, and I really resonated with what the author was saying. The first few chapters were intense as we were introduced to the main character, and I can't help but become more and more interested in his story. I thought the world design with the gods was very good. The dialogue between the gods, god and MC, and MC with other characters, are all exceptional. I like Cyrious's logical reasoning and his wits; I can't wait to see what becomes of him in this new world. I feel like Cyrious is a very complex and solid character, and his personality is very clearly depicted throughout. If there was something I had to criticize it would be that the pacing of the story is currently a little slow (but it's understandable, because we're still in the world-building stage). Personally I'm not a big fan of info-dumps, but again, I see why they're necessary and I think the author has done it well. All in all, this is an exceptional story and I definitely anticipate greatness for this book! Good job author :)

3 years ago

I've gotta say, this was better than I expecting, the cover threw me off a bit and I was expecting some generic Si-fi isekai or something. But the more I read the more I noticed how unique it is. I love the main character though he's a bit of a pee pee and cynical. Its a unique take on a mc and I love it. I am definitely going to continue reading this and the only thing I have to complain about it the random spaces and missing commas. I added this to my library, keep up the amazing work Author!

3 years ago

Yes, this might be another isekai story, but the premise and the way it's done is so very different than others I have read. First, the MC is such a fluffy ball of cynicism and pessimism that I cannot help but love him to death XD But despite being depressed and on the negative side he still has a strong will to live and that is something I really like seeing in both stories and life. He especially shows this trait when he is transported into the new world. His small feisty self has gained my approval 😍 So far I really enjoyed the characters' dynamic and the worldbuilding. It isn't too infused with useless details, but not too bleak looking either. Just the right amount. The only thing that could sometimes interrupt the flow of the story are slight grammatical errors or typos, but those are usually fixed after a proofread so I won't be making them a point of evaluation. All in all, I really enjoyed the beginning of the story. It's entertaining and it really made me wonder what will happen next. Keep up the good work! 😄🥰

3 years ago

• BEFORE YOU START READ THIS: I'd really love to appreciate the author at first for creating such an insightful view of MCs personality which gives a clear image of his mind too. And what's the positive point that it will be shown to you what exactly MC wants, he thinks, the reasons behind his actions, his destructive behaviours etc. The crafting of MC in ML books is the real deal and most fail to show the world through his eyes and mind, that's what caught my attention in this work. The chapters felt longer at first but soon I got immersed unto it that it didn't bother. Of course, the plotline has kinda transmigration, kinda gaming and apocalyptic scenarios. I can't really say what exactly it is but the fusion is heavily blended and is balanced. I loved how the bond was created with the blood rather than chosing traditional style of a floating book and bla bla. Nonetheless the quality is superb and wonderfully done, had a fun time reading a book smoothly without bothering myself to scratch my head to see what's happening by re-reading. READ IT PLEASE!

3 years ago

SHAMELESS 5 STR REWIEW FROM A MERE PEASANT ps: I liked the novel :p‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎

3 years ago

The author rated his book too low, this definitely isn't a 3* book! So far world building is good, pacing is good, and characters are good. The book has kept me hooked so far, and I'm looking forwards to more chapters :)

3 years ago

This is my honest self review. It's my first book so there will be plenty of hiccups and development questions but I will work on it regardless because it's something I want to do. I think the story will be very original and something not everyone would think of, but it will be very long-lasting as well. But for the first 100 or so chapters it's most likely to be a train wreck. Even then I edit each chapter at least 5 times so the updating will also be slow, but I hope anyone who does read it will enjoy.

4 years ago

Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact leorichard2021*@* (please ignore both * when sending email). A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.

3 years ago