Ch.9 You don't exist

There stands a silhouette, red and filled with dots, but they're more like, lights? No, no they're stars, the silhouette is a void, but in it is a place? A whole universe? It's calling me, I can't understand it but I know its calling. I try to reach out for it, into the void, I clench my hand.



Recorded Date: 6000

Hircus City Hospital

7 days after the incident

"Can I get a doctor!" Rushing to the call are 3 people in skin tight, black, long sleeve shirts. each with a small vest with multiple tools on it. The woman with the small blue vest is followed by one male and one female who are both in yellow vests.

"This is the first sign of movement he's shown is he okay?" The woman doesn't respond to the question and checks his pulse. Not showing any reaction she takes a small light from her vest and examines his eyes.

"All is fine Ms. Lys, he just seems to be having a very intense dream." A sigh of relief came out of Lys's nose.

"However it is a bit unusual, usually when you shine a light into someone's eyes they'll almost immediately wake up, he might be in a coma like state but I'll have to check a few more things before coming to that conclusion." The doctor looked at Lys to make sure it was alright.

"Yeah go ahead, that'd be great actually. But don't people usually wake up pretty fast after a surgery?"

"Normally between four and twelve hours is normal, however this little man here seemed to be perfectly healthy in all aspects, unusually so. His liver and metabolism should have wore the anesthesia off quicker than usual." The doctor examined the boy all over, reassuring his breathing and heartbeat were normal. "Yet after the surgery we had noticed he was extremely dehydrated. The IV has fixed the issue but for him to sleep for 3 days unless he was in extreme physical trauma before hand I don't understand the exact issue." The doctor seemed a bit helpless while saying this.

"Did you have any luck on finding out who he is? Or have his parents been found yet?" The doctor asked with a sense of optimism and changing the subject.

"Unfortunately no, we have no record anywhere of his DNA, finger print, or any school photos or any of the orphanages in the city." Lys said feeling even more defeated than the doctor.

"It's like he just popped into existence." The two were left in a silence just staring at the boy.

"At least he likes you." giggled the doctor. "I can't imagine you letting many people hold on to your hair." Lys grabbed his arm that was holding to her hair, slid her hair out and placed his arm back to his side.

"Well I can't scold and unconscious child who nearly died now can I? A tad inappropriate doctor." Setting the professional tone.

"Yes, sorry, I'll be back after I consult some data." The doctor blushed in embarrassment on her way out.


'I feel like I'm seeing a lot of lights when I wake up recently.' I thought to myself. I looked around slowly to see if there was going to be any pain in my neck, this time, no pain. I pushed myself up again to get a better view of the room I was in and it looked very similar to a hospital. The bed I was in had rails like a hospital bed, but the technology wasn't around. I noticed an IV in my arm, but didn't feel it, and the tube led into the wall beside me. The walls of the room all seemed to be two way mirrors. 'Well this is just great' I thought.

I stretched my arms above my head and yawned, however mid-yawn, the noise that usually follows became painful and sounded rigid. I felt my neck and noticed a bump that wasn't there before, in the same place where the pain was from the psycho earlier. It felt textured, but I wasn't feeling any pain from touching it.

"Sti-" I tried talking but all the noise that came out was hoarse wisps of air. 'Great, now I can't even communicate' With the feeling of helplessness overcoming me, I tried to relax. I wasn't so deflated like I was last time to fall back to sleep, but I had no clue how to get someone's attention either. 'Shouldn't there be a remote or call button by me'

"mmph" a grunt of triumph after finding the remote on the side of the bed. I pressed each button which met with my bed moving in different ways until a blue light lit up around one of the buttons I pressed. 'Perfect!'

I adjusted the bed so I could sit upright with back support and waited for someone to come in. In came rushing three people dressed unusually to say the least.

One clearly notices my confusion and begins speaking, seemingly asking questions. But with no knowledge of the language I'm still left confused. The female nurse looks at me expecting a reply but I just stare, there's not much else I can do anyway. She says more things as she stares at me and the male nurses begin looking at the screens in the wall.

She tapped my leg to get my attention and I look at her again, she says something slowly, drawn out like one would to explain to a child, oh yeah, I am a child aren't I? I try to respond to her but more hoarse air comes out and I start coughing.

'This won't work out well now will it?' I thought. How can I communicate if I can't understand anything or speak? Writing? With the thought in my head I gesture to the doctor by looking like I was writing on my left palm. She thankfully seemed to understand and said something to one of the people in the yellow vest and they grabbed paper and an odd looking pen. 'At least not everything is unfamiliar'

After handing me the items and a clipboard I thought about what I could write that they might understand. But doubting anything would make sense I just wrote my name in English and an arrow pointed up. I held it at my chest so the arrow pointed at me and I gazed with hope at any of the 3 in the room hoping they would understand.

As I thought, they all looked confused seeing what to them must appear as scribbles. 'This is going to be much harder than I thought it would be.'