Ch.10 You don't exist (2)

"I have no clue what this is, and neither does anyone else I've asked, are you sure he's even literate?" Lys asked the doctor

"This has been his only form of communication, anytime he tries to speak he coughs violently and that won't do any good for his vocal chords in the long run. I've tried writing back to him but he looks at it like it's a high level math test. I'm thinking it's his name as he points at it then himself but without anyway to speak it might be a while before we can attempt a conversation."

"No trace of him before this and now new symbols, it's like this boy came from a different place entirely" Lys sighed in frustration. Her foot began tapping on the tiled floor as she visibly began thinking.

*clack clack clack clack clack*

"I'll find him a teacher I guess, teach him reading and writing and hope for the best. How much longer do you think he'll need before you can release him?"

"Well physically he's fine, and he doesn't show signs of post traumatic stress, or fear in general actually." The doctor paused in thought for a moment. "I suppose we could release him tomorrow but it would most likely be a few months before he can talk, so he'd need to visit a few times a week for speech therapy. Have you found somewhere for him to stay?"

"Well with no sign of anyone who claims him we'll take him into our facility. Teach him and hopefully find out where he's from, plus we also have to find out how he managed to injure Tricho. A child able to injure someone who stood from an attack from Guard is someone we need to watch anyway." Lys finished with a contemplative tone.

"Ah yes about that-" The doctor began "We haven't been able to determine any ability. We thought that because of that situation he might have awoken early but as far as we can tell there are no active DNA alterations or blood activators in him. For all intents and purposes he should be a normal child, biologically he's 5 so he should have 3 or more years before an awakening so we have no explanation to what happened."

"Nothing surrounding this child makes any damn sense." Lys frowned as she pinched the bridge of her nose. A long sigh left her lungs as she looked back up to the doctor.

"Is he awake at least? I should start getting familiar with him so he doesn't feel strange when we take him tomorrow."

"Yes he should be awake now, but as I said earlier he doesn't seem afraid, but approach cautiously as we still don't know if stress will cause any reactions in him, so far its only been the nurses and me he's seen."

"Will do."

Opening the door to his room, the doctor entered first and waved. The boy waved back and stared in neutrality at the doctor as if waiting for something.

"Someone else is coming in to see you today, I hope you're fine with it." She said in a polite voice, the boy expectedly looked at her for a few seconds before shrugging and the doctor sighed audibly.

"Come on in." She called.


'I really don't know what they expect from me here' I thought as I shrugged. I have no clue what they're saying and I haven't even been able to figure out their words for objects yet. not being able to speak makes it even worse because I can't even try voicing a questioning tone.

The doctor sighed as she was clearly frustrated by our lack of failed communication as well. She said something while facing the doorway and as I looked someone else walked in. A woman who appeared to be in her late twenties walked in, about 5'11 (180.3 cm) with a figure that wasn't slim but wasn't overly muscular. She had silver hair that I couldn't stop staring at as it was something I had never seen before. Her face was rounded but came to a point as her chin was angular, her eyes were blue and her gaze was soft yet simultaneously piercing.

'Definitely not earth, she is someone who would easily be famous for simply existing' I thought. What have I gotten myself into? Technology, superheroes, and beauties, this is far too overwhelming. She came and sat down on a chair to the left of me.

"Sin ot te inesvia. Ev en on ba" The silver haired woman said to me. 'I really wish I knew what the hell people were saying to me' I stared at her in response because I had no clue what else to do. After a short awkward starring match she reached her hand out to me, I looked at her, she had a soft smile on her face, then I looked at her hand it was extended in a way that reminded me of a handshake so I shook it, and that in turn garnered a confused look from her. 'Great even greetings are different'


Back out in the hallway Lys could be seen pacing back and forth in front of the door in front of the boys room.

"Hey, do we have anyone registered that is able to mentally communicate? Mmm no, someone that can link minds maybe? This boy doesn't speak what we do and writes symbols I haven't seen. So maybe someone who can see memories or images? Mhm, yeah, okay. Thank you." Pressing behind her ear a small *click* was heard.

"Damage reports are easier to deal with compared to this child." She sighed. Approaching footsteps caused Lys to face the room door and she was met with a curious gaze of the doctor.

"So any plans for him?" she asked.

"We're looking to see if there's anyone capable of mentally connecting to him, but that will probably take a while, we're also getting a room ready for him. There's not much else we can do until his speech comes back."

"It sounds like you'll have a your hands full" The doctor pointed out. A look of losing acceptance was seen on the face of Lys.

"It sure does."