Ch.11 Knowledge


Recorded Date: 6000

Hircus City

Association Training Site

3 Months after Migration


Entry 1

3/30, 6/10, 6000

I've been here for a few months now, I'm still lost about where I am, but I'm more sure than anything now that it isn't Earth. After almost being made into a mute by a man who could control hair, and then being saved by knock-off superman, I was already questioning it. The things I've learned since have only reinforced it, but some things remain near identical to what I know which confuses and gives some type of comfort as well.

Super powers are normal here, society has seemingly been made around them. Physics has been tossed out the window as gravity is nulled to some and things can be sent flying with no force behind it. I never thought about it before, but telekinesis seems far less scientifically possible than time travel.

They also have Arabic Numerals. I doubt that's what they're called, but nonetheless they're the same numbers, and one plus one still equals 2. I've been out of the hospital for at least 2 months now, and through the power of numbers displayed on a digital clock, discovered that days, months, and years exist, but not in the same measurement that was on Earth. There are 32 hours in a day, and they don't seem to organize the hours based on Past Midday or After Midnight. I haven't been able to tell if they have forms of weeks, and I don't think the days are named. Every month has 30 days exactly, and every year has 10 months. Today is the 3rd day of the 6th month of the 6000th year. I think that's how it'd be said based on the clock but I'll know more once I start classes.

I still haven't learned of the name of the place/city/country that I'm in but I have started understanding a small amount of the language here. I remember hearing you only need 2 weeks fully immersed in a language before you could understand most of it but that either was a lie or I'm slow on the uptake. All I can ask are for food, water, and where the bathroom is, beyond that I feel as if I'm watching a foreign movie with no subtitles all the time.

My throat is still healing so speaking still hurts an uncomfortable amount. From the waning pain and the medicine the doctors have been giving me, I think speaking without pain should happen within the next 10ish days?

The silver haired lady has been checking up on me consistently for the past 2 months that doesn't seem to be a doctor. Her name is Liz, or at least that's how it sounds, I dont know if that's how its spelled yet. She's been my only real source of improving my vocabulary. Through games of awkward charades and my broken language, communication has been becoming far easier. She's been teaching me things but hasn't exactly been the teacher type. In yesterday's game of broken communication I think she was saying something about "new person" and "new things"? I just kind of assumed that means I'm meeting a teacher of some sort? I don't know when she was talking about but I hope it's something to look forward to.

I received this Journal yesterday as well. It's a nice Black Hardback, and Liz handed it to me before she left. I thought it'd be a good use to make sure I don't forget English. Since I doubt I'll ever be able to speak it again. I don't know if there's any way to make it back to Earth, and I don't know if I'd even want to. Life right mow isn't bad, its more interesting than anything, and I've been given a whole new life, I want to make the most of it. Whatever this world brings me, I'll be sure to work towards my own happiness.

Cyrious Fall


Inside of her office, Lys could be seen sitting at a desk typing things onto a floating display directly in front of her. On the corner of the screen a video feed popped up showing a hallway where Guard could be seen walking up to a door. With a quick glance, Lys pressed a key and then kept typing. The door opened on it's own and Guard walked in and sat in a chair in front of her desk.

Knowing that she wasn't the type to immediately drop everything because he dropped in unannounced, Guard patiently waited. He took the time to observe the office he's been in thousands of times. The desk in-between the two was made of cheap and sturdy metal alloy, the same material most of the facility was made of. Large and rectangle with no other defining features besides it being polished and sheen. The whole office itself was a decent size, 15 x 18 feet (4.5 x 5.4 Meters) and the space itself was fairly open. On either side of the desk were bookshelves made of the same polished metal, filled with books of all types kept safe behind sliding glass.

Lys always had been a scholar, and is firm in her beliefs that information is the key success everywhere. It's definitely not a wrong view, but Guard has always been the type to act for safety first and think later. Neither train of thoughts are bad, yet you can't choose just one in every situation. That's part of the reason they get along so well, they know they can fill up the other's shortcomings. Before he could turn around to observe the back of the office, the display above the desk vanished, and Guard turned his full attention to Lys.

"What brings you by Wyatt? You know how I feel about unscheduled visits." Lys said in a neutral tone.

"I know I know. I just passed the kids room, I saw him writing things down in a journal. Has he already learned enough to begin writing? His hand moved like he was writing a report." Wyatt joked.

"Actually, no we just found him a teacher who should be here in the next few days." Lys stated. Wyatt was in visible confusion.

"I know, he seems to speak and write in something no one else does. We thought it was maybe some type of code at first, but it seems like he comes from somewhere that doesn't speak in the way we do." Lys's face was a face of acceptance, even though she knew it made no sense, there was no other conclusion they could come to. "We tried analyzing and searching the things he's written down through all of our systems and there's not one result we can find. The only reason we think it's not something completely out of a child's mind is because he uses punctuation in what he writes. There are patterns but we have no clue what they mean."

"So you're saying he writes using a different alphabet?" Wyatt asked in confusion

"Yes! Exactly! It's like he came from somewhere completely cut off from here. It's almost like-" Her voice trailed off.

"This might be a breakthrough"