Ch.23 Information is...(2)

RC: 25.6.6001

Time: 3:00

Hircus City

Association Training Site


"This might be the stupidest thing anyone has ever exchanged their mark in for." Said a man in a black skin tight suit. None of his features could be seen as the suit covered his entire head, he looked like a shadow or a mannequin that was colored black instead of white.. His voice didn't travel outside his suit but through a radio. He stood on top of the large building that was the training site used by the association.

"Focus, operation starts in 30." a voice said back to him.

"No one is ever any fun around here are they?" The man said, this time receiving no response. He stood 5'4 (164 cm) and just by looking at him one could tell he weighed no more than 130lbs (58.9kg). Still, he stood with his hands on his hips and an air of confidence.

He looked down the flat side of the building and eyed a specific window, his posture gave him the expression of focus and then he jumped feet first.

"Now." The same voice said through his ear. He turned his body mid air and faced the building, pressing his middle finger to the base of his thumb he pressed a button and seemingly disappeared. The window he was staring at opened and a man was seen in it. He puffed his cigar twice before flicking the ashes on the seal and shutting the window. Inside was a large well lit room with multiple tables, fridges full of food, and devices. A cafeteria for those on their break and for when whomever might be training can come and fill up on nutrition. There were a few people in the room, mostly men wearing the same white long sleeve shirt, white cargo pants, and black boots. Each person had a slight variation in either vest, harness, or general accessories, but one could tell they were of the same uniform. Especially with each one carrying a sleek gray metal rifle on a strap and barrel magnetized to their hips. About 10 people were in the room, that could be seen.

Walking with efficiency and silence through the crowd of guards was the same man on who was on the roof. '10 guards on break, 2 minutes in, 13 minutes left. Exit cafeteria turn left to north corridor, turn right to head to east, cross main training area, enter east northeast corridor. 2nd Hall on the left, 2nd door on the left.' The man repeated the directions in his head repeatedly expertly avoiding anyone in the hallways, no one noticed him, invisible.

'Cross main training area' He thought. "Approaching main training area, releasing vibration storage." He said again through his radio.

"Affirmative" The voice replied back. The man pressed the his finger to the base of his thumb again, and instead of reappearing his still invisible body began to vibrate. A loud rumbling was heard in the empty hallway he was in, not like an earthquake, more of the sound of a massage chair that wasn't installed into the ground. The noise was loud, and only lasted for 5 seconds at the most, and that was enough for two of the white sleeved men to round the corner with their rifles aimed down the hallway.

They saw nothing, and the hallway had no rooms it led to besides the main training area, but it was code locked with a pin pad that scanned for finger prints while inputting. The guards cleared the hallway before one went to input his code while the other watched his back to ensure nothing would surprise them. As the door opened by pulling it, the guard pulled the door all the way open, cleared both corners, and then stepped into the training area with his rifle up. Unexpectedly the room was empty, as usually there was at least one hero practicing or a guard practicing, but he paid no mind to it and exited the room and shut the door.

He tapped behind his ear twice, "West training area hallway cleared, source of noise unknown, suggest surveillance to watch camera feed between 3:00 and 3:05."

"Suggestion heard, continue regular patrol S8." A voice responded back to the guard.

"S8 confirmed and moving." The guard said back before re-attracting the barrel to his hip and leaving the hallway.

On the other side of the door the man had slipped past the guard opening the door to the training room and crossed the room in just a little over a minute. "In position of northeast corridor hallway." The man reported.

"Guard distraction was effective, underestimated spam response, expect contact in 45." The voice came back almost immediately.

"Okay but seriously, you really don't think trading a mark to the psycho of all people is worth this job? There are so many other things he could have asked for, but pettiness is what he's going for. This is why he'll never be inner box material." The man went back to his non-professinal demeanor, relishing the small break.

"Of course its stupid but I'm not here to judge, I'm getting my mark out of the pool so don't go fucking this up." The voice broke her character as well. "5 until contact"

"Affirmative" the man responded seriously.

5 seconds later a guard opened the door the same way the first guard did. Fully opening the door, checking the corners, then entering the room. Ceasing his opportunity the man slipped past the guard and continued repeating his directions. "Enter northeast corridor, 2nd Hall on left, 2nd door on left."

Following his own words he entered the corridor and noticed a lack of guards compared to the western area of the building. 'Easier for me' he thought. He made it to the hallway and began moving at a far slower pace than he was before. "2nd door on the left, 2nd door on the left." He repeated to himself.

"Target in sight, approach in 15" He said to the radio.

"Affirmative. Loading Lift bioimprint, upload complete in 10, continue approach." The voice said back. This prompted the invisible man to continue to the door, he stood in front of it with his left hand out waiting. "Upload complete, 3 minutes until shift change."

"Heard." The man said while putting his hand on the door and opening it. In a smooth movement, he opened the door wide enough for him to slide in, and entered while revolving around the door and closing it silently. Little light entered the room and little noise came from the door closing.

The room was dark, and the only light came from the small lights on the electronics throughout the room. The lack of light didn't pose a problem however, using his index finger to swipe down his face from his temple to his cheekbone, the man's vision turned green. He took a quick glance around the room to recognize a desk, wardrobe, and bed. Stalking silently up to the bed he saw the face of his target. A holo interface pulled a photo from the news report last year. Comparing the two photos it was clear it was the same child, tanned skin, black wild hair, not curly but not straight. 'It's more grown out compared to the photo but that's to be expected. Can't confirm eye color but sleeping does that. Facial algorithm confirms similarities by 95 percent.'

"Target confirmed with 5 percent error margin, request extract." The man said confidently.

"Requesting extract stand by." The female voice fell into his ear. "Connecting... Connected. Target confirmed with 5 percent error margin extract ready please confirm." She repeated.

"Touch the child and crush the sphere." A deep voice came into the man's ear. The man then proceeded to pop back into vision as a black figure in the room. Pulling a sphere from seemingly nowhere out from his thigh, he place his right hand on the face of the child and crushed the sphere with his left hand. The boy opened his eyes quickly but his eyes weren't adjusted and he couldn't understand nor see what was happening.

"Confirmed" The man quickly said. As he finished his word the two vanished from the room, and the blanket the boy was under dropped to the bed with nothing under it.


RC: 25.6.6001

Time: 3:15

Location Undisclosed

"Mission completed." The man in the black suit said, this time having his voice project out from his mask. The room the two appeared in was bare and the only thing that was in it was a light. The boy said something the man couldn't understand but was visibly stressed.

"Where am I?" He asked in a panic.

"Well kid, I can't tell you that. I don't know what's gonna happen to you either, and I don't care either. I'll tell you one thing though, wherever you go and whatever you do, you'll only need to survive, and the best way to do that is through information." The man bent down to get eye level with the child. His mask was still on so he figured the child would be scared of him.

"Information is power."